
The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

author:Eight Birthdays

"Babies who are born naturally are smart, we don't have cesarean sections!"

"Women who don't experience the pain of giving birth, don't be too hypocritical!"

"It's been a girl for a long time!"

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

In the TV series "The Story of Rose", the pain of Rose giving birth to a child is unbearable, which makes people's brows furrowed.

Especially the mothers who have had the experience of natural childbirth, they are even more sympathetic, but in the face of the unbearable pain during the natural delivery of roses, Rose's husband and mother-in-law refused to be painless for roses several times.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Just because painless is an anesthetic product, what if it has a bad effect on my grandson?!

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

According to the timeline in the TV series, in the environment at that time, pregnant women did not have the right to sign for themselves, but the reality is far more painful than the TV series.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

In 2017, a pregnant woman in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, chose to jump from the upper floor of the hospital in despair because her family did not give her signature.

It was this tragic case that gave all pregnant women the right to sign independently.....

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital


In November 2016, Ma Rongfu found out the good news of her pregnancy, which is undoubtedly a joy for the young couple who have just been married for a few years.

Throughout the pregnancy, the husband Yan Zhuangzhuang was very good to the horse, although the two did not know whether the child in the womb was male or female, but this did not prevent them from loving and expecting the child.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

is the so-called October pregnancy, once childbirth, soon this day will come, it should be a good day to celebrate the birth of the child, who would have thought that it was the darkest moment of Ma Rongrong's life.

At about 3 p.m. on August 30, 2017, Ma Rongrong's family came to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province to prepare for delivery.

Because of "41+1 weeks of menstruation", after a series of examinations that afternoon, the doctor told me that I could prepare for birth in these two days.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Because of the smooth delivery, Ma Rongfu chose to be hospitalized that afternoon, waiting for the uterine opening of ten fingers, and it was difficult to endure overnight, and finally it was time to give birth.

At 10 o'clock in the morning of the 31st, Ma Rongmao, accompanied by medical staff, entered the waiting room.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

I thought that this time she went in, the next time she came out, it would be two people, so her husband and mother-in-law also waited nervously outside the door, after all, this is the first child, and it is normal to be anxious.

But Ma Rong went in for almost a day, and I didn't see the child, just when my mother-in-law was anxious, Ma Rong came out with a big belly, it was more than 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the face of such a situation, her husband and mother-in-law also hurried to catch up.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

It turned out that Ma Rong came out because he wanted to have a caesarean section, just because he was in too much pain!

But in the face of Ma Rong's request, the mother-in-law refused and persuaded Ma Rongfu to give birth smoothly with words.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

During this period, Ma Rongyu knelt twice, just to be able to make her mother-in-law accept her proposal for a smooth delivery, but she knelt twice and failed to get sympathy.

In desperation, Ma Rongrong could only return to the waiting room, until an hour later, Ma Rongrong came out of the waiting room again and told her mother-in-law and husband that she couldn't bear it anymore.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Because the movement was so great, the midwife and a trainee doctor came out to dissuade them, but the husband and mother-in-law were indifferent and only tried to persuade them.

But this persuasion was exchanged for Ma Fu's dead heart, but it was not a dead heart for Shun Zhuan, but a dead heart for her husband and mother-in-law, and a dead heart for the value of her life.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Just as Ma Furry entered the waiting room again, tragedy struck.

Without any attention from the medical staff, Ma Furry disappeared!

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital


After the midwife found out about this situation, she thought that the mother had gone out to find her husband and mother-in-law again, so she habitually went to the corridor to ask Ma Rong's family if they had seen Ma Rong.

Unexpectedly, Yan Zhuangzhuang was playing a game at that time, and said that he didn't see his wife come out, and seeing that his wife was gone, Yan Zhuangzhuang and his mother also began to look for him urgently.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

But I searched all the floors nearby, and I didn't see the figure of the horse.

At that time, a doctor suddenly thought that Ma Furry would not be in other delivery rooms.

In order to ensure sterility in the operating room and delivery room of the hospital, the door opening and closing are foot sensor devices, so both doctors and patients can enter and exit.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

There happened to be an empty delivery room that day, so the female doctor hurried to the room, but when she saw Ma Fufu, she was already standing on the windowsill and ready to jump.

Even when the doctor called Ma Fufu the name, she jumped off without even looking back.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

In a follow-up interview, the doctor only felt that his legs were weak and his brain was blank, and he quickly called the emergency department.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

But it was too late, although the hospital also rescued the mother as soon as possible, but in the end it ended up with a corpse and two lives.

I can't imagine how desperate Ma Furry must have been at that time, so he would choose to give up his life and his child's life.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

As soon as this tragedy came out, it instantly aroused huge public opinion, but Ma Fufu's family put all the responsibility on the hospital!


Ma Fufu's husband said that the reason why his wife caused such a tragedy was actually because the hospital did not want them to have a caesarean section.

In Yan Zhuangzhuang's grievance copy, from 6 pm on the 31st, they have been cooperating with the hospital, even though he and the doctor asked to prepare a cesarean section, but the doctor said, "I can have a smooth birth immediately, and there is no need for a caesarean section"!

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

It is precisely because of this that his wife died of illness and died in Huangquan, and Yan Zhuangzhuang also said in the article that when his wife was found, she was "not wearing clothes".

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

This remark instantly pushed the First People's Hospital of Yulin City to the top of public opinion, after all, as a hospital, if such a thing cannot be completely solved, or even silent, it is equivalent to acquiescing to this fact.

Subsequently, the hospital also released the video of Ma Rongfu entering and leaving the waiting room several times, and Ma Rongfu can be seen in the video "kneeling" twice to ask her husband.

It's just that the video has no sound, so I don't know the conversation between them.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Yan Zhuangzhuang said that his wife only chose to slump on the ground because of physical exhaustion and pain, and there was no reason to kneel and ask.

For the request for caesarean section in Yan Zhuangzhuang's article, the hospital also took out the nursing record sheet, as well as a series of lists signed by the family members before giving birth!

The hospital said that before giving birth, the hospital clearly informed the family of Ma Rongfu that because the fetus has a large head, it is best to choose caesarean section.

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

But such an offer was rejected by Ma Fu's mother-in-law, just because the old saying "a child born naturally is smarter"!

On the informed consent form for hospitalization, there is also a text written by Yan Zhuangzhuang, "The situation is known, and the vaginal delivery is requested, and the accident is forgiven".

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

And on the nursing record, the time and event are also clearly written, and Ma Rong's family has refused to have a cesarean section several times!

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

Ma Fu's death set a precedent for the human rights of pregnant women, and any pregnant woman has the right to sign for herself after that!

It's just a change in rights, why should it be built on a tragic case? #长文创作激励计划 ##头条创作挑战赛#

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital


Beijing Youth Daily - "The hospital said that the pregnant woman wanted to have a caesarean section and jumped off the building after being rejected by her family many times, and the family: she took the initiative to propose a caesarean section twice" - 2017/9/5

The real-life version of the story of the rose, kneeling twice can't get one sympathy, and the pregnant woman jumps off the hospital

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