
Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

author:Xiaobai explained

"The Story of Rose" is a recent hit TV series that has won the love of a wide audience with its gripping plot and superb acting skills. Set in a modern city, the play tells a story about love, family, and the workplace. Among them, the role of Fang Xiewen played by Lin Gengxin has aroused widespread controversy and discussion among netizens because of his extreme desire for control in the play.

Fang Xiewen is a successful entrepreneur with a glamorous appearance and a successful career, but he has an unknown side emotionally. He is extremely possessive and controlling of his girlfriend, and often interferes in his girlfriend's life in the name of love. This desire to control is not only reflected in daily life, but even in the girlfriend's social circle, work choices, etc., which makes the girlfriend feel suffocated and constrained.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

Lin Gengxin, as a high-profile actor, not only won the love of the audience with his superb acting skills and unique charm on the screen, but also established a special connection with netizens with his straightforward and honest personality on social media. In the TV series "The Story of Rose", his role as Fang Xiewen sparked widespread controversy, and Lin Gengxin's interaction on social media pushed this controversy to a new climax.

During the broadcast of "The Story of Rose", Lin's social media account became a gathering place for netizens to express their opinions and emotions. Many netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction and criticism of Fang Xiewen's controlling behavior, believing that this behavior is an infringement on personal freedom and unacceptable. In the face of these voices, Lin Gengxin did not choose to avoid or be silent, but chose to respond positively.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

In a live broadcast, Lin Gengxin bluntly expressed his opinion. He said that although Fang Xiewen's behavior is indeed problematic, it is also part of the character and is required by the plot. He emphasized that as an actor, his task is to present the character as realistically as possible, rather than judging the character as right or wrong. At the same time, he also expressed his understanding and respect for the criticism of netizens, believing that everyone has the right to express their opinions.

However, Lin's response did not quell the controversy, but instead sparked more discussion and controversy. Some netizens believe that Lin Gengxin's response is to defend the character's behavior and condone the controlling behavior. In this regard, Lin Gengxin did not back down, but continued to interact with netizens on social media, replying to those excessive criticisms and accusations.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

Lin Gengxin's attitude of not being afraid of controversy and daring to express his views shows his personality and courage. He not only created a deeply rooted character on the screen, but also showed a true and honest self in real life. This kind of personality and courage has earned him more respect and love among netizens.

At the same time, Lin's interaction has sparked discussions about actors and characters, art and morality. Some netizens believe that actors should have their own moral judgments and bottom lines when creating characters, and cannot sacrifice morality for the sake of art. While others believe that art is pluralistic, and the task of an actor is to present the character, not to judge the character.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

Lin's interaction is not only a response to the controversy of the characters in "The Story of Roses", but also a manifestation of individual freedom of expression and speech in modern society. In this era of information explosion and pluralistic opinions, everyone can express their opinions on the Internet, and Lin Gengxin, as a public figure, his response and interaction undoubtedly provide a new perspective and thinking for this expression.

Overall, Lin's interactions on social media not only showcase his personality and courage, but also spark in-depth discussions about art, morality, and freedom of expression. This kind of interaction has allowed netizens to see a more real and three-dimensional Lin update, and it has also made the controversy of "The Story of Rose" a richer and more diverse topic.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

Lin Gengxin, as a well-known actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, has a place in the public eye with his excellent acting skills and distinctive personality. However, like all public figures, he also faced doubts and attacks from black fans. Looking back at Lin's track record as a fan of the sun, we can see his unique approach and steadfast attitude in dealing with negative voices online.

In the past few years, Lin Gengxin has repeatedly confronted black fans on social media. His late-night reply to black fans not only shows the importance he attaches to online speech, but also reflects his courage to face problems without fear of controversy. In these disputes, Lin Gengxin responded in a variety of ways, sometimes humorous, sometimes straightforward, but always witty and sharp.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

For example, late one night, Lin Gengxin found a negative comment against him on Weibo. The review accused him of mediocre acting and even questioned his character. In the face of such an attack, Lin Gengxin did not choose to remain silent, but responded quickly in the middle of the night. He replied with humorous language: "Mediocre acting? That's probably because I'm too focused on sleeping, after all, beauty sleep is also important for actors. Such a response not only shows his sense of humor, but also skillfully defuses the attacks of black fans.

In another incident, Lin Gengxin faced the malicious smear of black fans and chose a more direct way to reply. When a black fan spread false information about him on social media, Lin Gengxin did not choose to ignore it, but replied directly in the comment area: "Please come up with evidence, otherwise please shut up." This direct and powerful response not only shocked black fans, but also allowed other netizens to see his resolute attitude towards false remarks.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

The reason why Lin Gengxin's way of replying is unique is not only his language style, but also his attitude towards black fans. He never shy away from questions, nor will he change his principles and positions because of the attacks of black fans. In the face of black fans' doubts, he is always able to remain calm and rational, responding to attacks with facts and logic, rather than fighting back emotionally.

In addition, in the process of blackening fans, Lin Gengxin also showed his care and gratitude to fans. He knows that his success is inseparable from the support of fans, so while scolding fans, he does not forget to thank fans for their company and encouragement. This kind of respect and gratitude to fans has allowed him to win the hearts of more fans while scolding fans.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

In general, Lin Gengxin's past record of black fans not only reflects his personality and courage, but also shows his wisdom and demeanor. In today's free speech on the Internet, Lin Gengxin uses his own way to provide an example of how public figures can deal with negative voices on the Internet. His story tells us that in the face of the attack of black fans, we can choose to stand up bravely and respond with reason and wisdom, rather than choosing silence or escape.

In the production process of the TV series "The Story of Rose", the director's casting decision is undoubtedly a very crucial part. The director chose Lin Gengxin to play the role of Fang Xiewen, not only because of Lin Gengxin's acting skills and popularity, but also because of his personal charm and ability to scare fans on social media, these factors work together to skillfully avoid the possible negative impact of the role.

Everyone scolded and scolded, and they left in a hurry, and they wanted to die laughing in Lin Gengxin's comment area

First of all, Lin's charisma was one of the important reasons why he was chosen. As a veteran actor, Lin Gengxin has shown his profound acting skills and unique personal style in many film and television works. His charm is not only reflected in his appearance, but also in his acting skills and deep understanding of the role. In "The Story of Rose", Fang Xiewen is a complex character that requires the actor to have enough depth and layering to interpret. With his acting skills and understanding of the role, Lin Gengxin successfully created a three-dimensional and real character image.

Secondly, Lin Gengxin's ability to scare black fans on social media also added a lot of points to his performance in "The Story of Rose". In real life, Lin Gengxin has won the love of many fans with his straightforward and candid personality. His interactions on social media show his courage to defy controversy and confront issues head-on. This ability has played an important role in shaping the role of Fang Xiewen. In the play, Fang Xiewen needs to show a firm and confident side in the face of doubts and attacks from the outside world. Lin Gengxin's ability to scare black fans makes him more handy in this aspect.

In addition, the director also fully considered his popularity and influence when choosing Lin Gengxin. As a well-known actor, Lin Gengxin has a huge fan base and a high degree of media attention. His participation has undoubtedly brought more attention and expectation to "The Story of Rose". After the broadcast of the series, Lin Gengxin's performance was also recognized and praised by the audience, which further enhanced the reputation and influence of the series.

In the process of choosing Lin Gengxin to play Fang Xiewen, the director also cleverly used Lin Gengxin's personal experience and characteristics to deeply integrate with the character. In the play, Fang Xiewen is a character with a strong desire to control, and Lin Gengxin's ability to scare black fans in real life just shows his firmness and confidence in the face of pressure and challenges. This natural transition from actor to character allows the audience to feel the authenticity and believability of the character while enjoying the plot.

In general, the director showed his unique vision and ingenious strategy in the process of choosing Lin Gengxin to play Fang Xiewen. By using Lin Gengxin's personal charm, ability to scare black fans, and popularity influence, the director successfully avoided the possible negative impact of the role, and at the same time added more highlights and highlights to "The Story of Rose". This kind of casting wisdom and strategy is worth learning and learning from in the production and promotion of film and television works.

Although in the TV series "The Story of Rose", the role of Fang Xiewen played by Lin Gengxin caused controversy because of his desire to control, the reaction of netizens showed an interesting phenomenon. They seem to prefer to interact with Lin Gengxin himself rather than attacking the character directly. This phenomenon reflects Lin Gengxin's popularity among netizens, as well as the influence of his personal charisma.

First of all, Lin Gengxin's popularity among netizens is due to his good image and reputation accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years. As an actor, he has won the recognition of audiences with several works, and his acting skills and dedication to the role have been widely praised. In addition, Lin's performance in public has also won him a lot of fans. His humility, sincerity, and sense of humor have allowed him to establish a positive image in front of the public.

Secondly, Lin's activity and interaction on social media is also a big reason for his popularity. He often shares his life with his fans on social media, responds to their messages and questions, and this kind of intimate and down-to-earth interaction has created a special connection between him and his fans. During the broadcast of "The Story of Rose", Lin Gengxin also actively interacted with netizens on social media, sharing behind-the-scenes stories of filming, discussing the setting of the characters and the development of the plot.

Moreover, Lin Gengxin's attitude in the face of controversy has also won the respect of netizens. After the broadcast of "The Story of Rose", in the face of the controversy caused by the role, Lin Gengxin did not choose to avoid it, but bravely stood up and responded to the criticism of netizens in a humorous and intelligent way. His attitude not only shows his confidence and demeanor, but also allows netizens to see his professionalism and professionalism as an actor.

In addition, Lin's popularity among netizens is also reflected in his ability to distinguish characters from personal image. Although Fang Xiewen's role is controversial, netizens did not have a negative opinion of Lin Gengxin himself because of this. Instead, they prefer to see Lin's acting skills and efforts from the character's performance, rather than simply equating the character's actions with the actor himself. This rational and objective attitude is also an important embodiment of Lin Gengxin's popularity among netizens.

Overall, despite the controversy surrounding Lin Gengxin's role as Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Roses", the reaction of netizens showed that they were more inclined to interact with Lin Gengxin himself rather than attack the character. This phenomenon not only reflects Lin Gengxin's high popularity among netizens, but also reflects his personal charm and influence. Through positive interaction with netizens and a positive attitude in the face of controversy, Lin Gengxin successfully won the respect and love of netizens, which is undoubtedly a great success for him as an actor.

When writing articles, especially those involving public figures and controversial topics, increasing interactivity is an effective strategy to increase reader engagement. By inviting readers to share their opinions in the comments section, the article not only sparks a broader discussion, but also builds a bridge between the author and the reader.

First of all, interactive invitations can take many forms. A common practice is to ask questions directly at the end of the article to encourage readers to express their opinions on the topics discussed in the article. For example, in an essay that discusses the controversy over Lin's character in The Story of Rose, the reader could be invited along the following lines: "How well do you think Lin Gengxin handled the character controversy?" Did he succeed in separating the character from the personal image? Please share your views in the comments section. ”

Second, an interactive invitation can point more specifically to certain details or arguments in the article. By asking more specific questions, readers can be guided to think deeper and have a more in-depth discussion in the comments section. For example: "In your opinion, is Lin Update's charisma enough to offset the possible negative effects of the character?" Did his performance in the show change your opinion of him? ”

In addition, interactive invitations can also stimulate the reader's thinking by asking open-ended questions. Open-ended questions do not set a specific answer, but rather encourage readers to think and respond from different perspectives. For example: "How do you think public figures should balance their personal image with their role performance when faced with role controversy?" How should they interact with the public in the age of social media? ”

Interactive invitations can also increase engagement by introducing a poll or questionnaire. This method allows readers to express their opinions with a simple click, while also providing a convenient way for authors to gather readers' opinions. For example, a simple poll could be attached at the end of the article: "Do you think Lin Gengxin performed more than you expected in A Tale of Rose?" A. Yes B. No C. Unclear. ”

To further increase interactivity, articles can also introduce "hashtags" or "discussion topics" that encourage readers to share their opinions on social media and use specific hashtags to identify their posts. This not only increases the visibility of the article, but also sparks discussion on a wider platform. For example: "Join the #RoseStory Discussion# and share your thoughts on Lin's updated character so that we can see more diverse voices on social media." ”

Finally, interactive invitations can also be fulfilled by providing feedback channels. Authors can invite readers to provide feedback via email, social media DMs, or other means to better understand readers' thoughts and needs. This direct form of communication builds trust between the writer and the reader and provides valuable feedback for future writing.

Through all of these methods, interactive invitations to articles can effectively increase reader engagement and stimulate broader discussions, while also providing an opportunity for authors to understand readers' perspectives and needs. This strategy is especially important when writing articles about public figures and controversial topics, as it helps the writer build bridges with readers to discuss and understand complex social phenomena.

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