
Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Lin updated his face and killed, netizens called "not enough to see"

Just yesterday's social media, a photo of Lin Gengxin's side face was like a clear stream, which instantly swept the hearts of the majority of netizens. This actor, who is known for his humor and humor, showed his unique charm in front of the camera. The smooth hairstyle, with a deep side face, seems to have stopped time at this moment, leaving only this handsome guy who grows backwards.

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, saying that they had been deeply attracted by this beautiful side face, and called it "full of lethality". Some netizens jokingly said: "Lin Gengxin's glance made me feel the taste of first love." Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that the new brother is going to open the appearance domination mode, how can we fans live!" And more netizens sighed: "The fresh new brother is just not enough to watch, I hope to see more of his new works." ”

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

The peerless appearance aroused heated discussions, and netizens commented and laughed

With the rapid spread of the photo, Lin Gengxin's peerless appearance has also become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens posted their P picture works in the comment area, integrating Lin Gengxin's side face with various classic characters, which caused bursts of laughter. Some netizens ridiculed: "This side face is comparable to the beautiful men of ancient times!" ”

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

Of course, there are also netizens who have different opinions on this photo. Some netizens said: "Although the new brother is very handsome, I still prefer his usual appearance and feel more kind." Some netizens bluntly said: "This photo must have been P, how can the new brother have such a perfect side face!" However, these comments did not affect everyone's love and support for Lin Gengxin.

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

Fans are looking forward to new works, and Lin updates can be expected in the future

With the popularity of this profile photo, fans are also full of expectations for Lin Gengxin's new work. They left messages in the comment area, expressing their hope that the new brother can continue to maintain this state and bring more excellent works to everyone. At the same time, some netizens said: "Brother Xin's acting skills have always been great, and I look forward to him challenging more different types of roles in future works." ”

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

For Lin Gengxin himself, this profile photo is undoubtedly an affirmation of his appearance and charm. But as an actor, what he hopes more is to be able to conquer the hearts of the audience with his acting skills and works. I believe that in the coming days, Lin Gengxin will continue to work hard and bring more wonderful performances to everyone.

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

The efforts behind the peerless appearance, netizens called for attention to the works

In this wave of side-facing killing, some netizens also called on everyone to chase stars rationally and pay more attention to Lin Gengxin's works. They believe that although appearance is important, the value of an actor is more reflected in his acting skills and works. Only by truly paying attention to and supporting his works can he go further and higher.

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

At the same time, some netizens also said: "Brother Xin has always been a very hard-working actor, and he has won everyone's love and support with his sweat and talent." We should pay more attention to his works and dedication, rather than just staying on his appearance. This view has also been shared and supported by many people.

Lin Gengxin's side face killing is coming! Netizen: This appearance, I will "knock" first for respect!

Conclusion: Appearance and strength coexist, and the future of Lin renewal can be expected

In general, this photo of Lin Gengxin's side face undoubtedly brought a lot of surprise and emotion to everyone. He has conquered the hearts of countless netizens with his appearance and charm, and also let us see his strength and potential as an actor. I believe that in the future, Lin Gengxin will continue to work hard and make continuous progress to bring us more excellent works and wonderful performances. And we should also pay more attention to his works and dedication, rationally chase stars, and witness his growth and progress together!

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