
"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

author:Xiao Hao told interesting stories


The madness and contradictions of the eldest princess

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the role of the eldest princess played by Li Meng successfully attracted the attention of the audience with her unique crazy and contradictory character. The character is not only emotionally complex and changeable, but also full of unpredictability in behavior. Li Meng vividly showed the inner world of the eldest princess through delicate performances, so that the audience could feel every emotional fluctuation of the character.

"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

Netizens are also talking about this, and some people say: "Every time the eldest princess's eyes change, it seems to tell us an unfinished story." This kind of deeply rooted performance has undoubtedly won more attention and recognition for Li Meng.


Love Brain and True Self

When talking about the similarities between the eldest princess and herself, Li Meng said frankly that the eldest princess is not a love brain, but she is. This self-analysis not only shows her deep understanding of the character, but also reveals her true emotions personally. In real life, Li Meng's love brain trait makes her more direct and sincere when dealing with interpersonal relationships.

"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

Netizens are also hotly discussing this, and some people joked: "Sister Meng's love brain, did it also make her an 'emotional consultant' in the crew?" This kind of light-hearted and humorous discussion makes Li Meng's image more accessible and down-to-earth.


The sweetness of the crew's life and the king of volumes

Li Meng also shared her daily relationship with the cast and crew in the interview, she humorously mentioned that she was "often sloppy", and praised their interaction as "a little forced love", describing this relationship as "quite sweet".

"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

In addition, she also broke the news that Liang Yongqi is the king of the crew, and this kind of relaxed and humorous description gives the audience a more vivid understanding of the daily life of the crew. Netizens reacted enthusiastically to this, and some people laughed: "Liang Yongqi, the king of volumes, does he 'roll' to a new height in the crew every day?" This kind of humorous interaction not only increases the interest of the crew, but also makes the audience full of curiosity about the life of the crew.


Growth in the face of negative reviews

As a public figure, Li Meng will inevitably face negative comments online. In the interview, she talked about her thoughts on these reviews, saying that sometimes she feels quite ignorant, but it is also part of growing up. She believes that through continuous learning and improvement, she can better face external evaluations and turn them into motivation for personal growth.

"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this, and some commented: "Sister Meng's self-reflection, does it also make her more stable on the road of acting?" This kind of positive discussion not only shows Li Meng's growth, but also encourages more young actors to face challenges.


Controversial summary

Li Meng's performance and her performance in front of the public have undoubtedly won her many fans, but at the same time, they have also attracted a lot of controversy. Her acting skills are widely recognized, but the controversy about her personal behavior has never stopped. This double evaluation makes Li Meng's image more complex and diverse. Netizens are also arguing about this, some people support her acting skills, thinking that she is a potential actor; There are also people who criticize her behavior, arguing that she needs more self-improvement. This controversial discussion not only reflects the public's complex expectations of celebrities, but also demonstrates the diversity of voices in the age of social media.

"Li Meng responds to negative comments: From ignorance to actress, a growth diary of a love brain"

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