
Why did Cao Cao and Sun Ce have a lot of talent support as soon as they started their businesses, but Liu Bei couldn't recruit them?

author:Zhihu Nibu


Cao Cao has the clans of the Cao family and the Xiahou family, and he has the gold coins of his father Cao Song to explode (although he was exploded by Zhang Min, but Cao Cao exploded the gold coins from Xuzhou as compensation), and the Yingchuan clan also supported Cao Cao as a family, and they also recommended each other (who still remembers the early death of Xi Zhicai, he was recommended by Xun Yu, and then Xi Zhicai recommended Guo Jia). In addition, although Cao Cao's family background is not as good as Yuan Shao, his grandfather Cao Teng also has the title of Fei Tinghou, and his father Cao Songguan is the Tai Lieutenant, which is also the part of the master.

Sun Ce has his father's old department (Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zhu Zhi, etc.), and his godfather Yuan Shu can explode gold coins (there is also a jade seal to change troops in the romance). In addition, Sun Jian's official to Yilang, Changsha Taishou, the title of Marquis of Wucheng, this is a formal appointment of the Eastern Han Dynasty court, Sun Ce, as Sun Jian's eldest son, can inherit part of Sun Jian's resources and prestige.

When Liu Bei started, except for Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, two angel investors, he only recruited a little Xiangyong to follow. Classmate and fellow villager Liu Deran couldn't pull it in, classmate Gongsun Zhan was his future boss, as for the teacher Lu Zhi, there were not 1,000 registered disciples, but 800, and they didn't necessarily know Liu Bei when they saw him. However, Liu Bei's recruitment of Xiangyong may not be without talents, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Shiren (controversial) were all promoted in battle, which shows that there were also talents among the people at that time. In addition, although Liu Bei is a relative of the Han family, it is actually useless, Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty, has more than 100 sons, and at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei's grandfather Liu Xiong can only be mixed with a county order. If Liu Bei hadn't mixed it up, the title of Han clan would not be worth a penny.

Why did Cao Cao and Sun Ce have a lot of talent support as soon as they started their businesses, but Liu Bei couldn't recruit them?

In addition to his low background and poor family, Liu Bei's power was too small when he started, which also made him unable to recruit talents.

Cao Cao was already one of the eight captains of the West Garden before he started, and he was directly led by the general He Jin; Even if Sun Ce is almost there, he also has his father Sun Jian's Yu Wei and Sun Ce also became a Huaiyi captain, and his relatives Sun Ben, Wu Jing, and Sun Xiang are also in high positions under Yuan Shu. Of course, Sun Ce's inability to integrate these resources is also in vain.

In the early days of Liu Bei's career, he met a lot of civil and military generals, but Liu Bei's power was small, and some talents were even higher than him, so he couldn't recruit them, and he was almost the same as a younger brother. For example: Tian Kai (Qingzhou Assassin appointed by Gongsun Zhan), Tai Shici (semi-independent warlord under Kong Rong), Chen Qun (first under Liu Bei and then under Cao Cao), Chen Qi and Chen Deng father and son (Xuzhou sat on the ground, it was impossible to follow Liu Bei everywhere), Zhao Zhao (Liu Bei's friend of life and death, first took refuge in Yuan Shao, and then returned to Cao Cao), Tian Yu (worked under Liu Bei for a while, and later defected to Gongsun Zhan, and then in Cao Cao's camp). In addition, if Liu Bei can get rid of Lu Bu, Lu Bu's eight strong generals, Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun will all have a chance to recruit.

Lu Bu will definitely not be Liu Bei's younger brother, Lu Bu's highest position is General Pingdong, the title is Marquis Wen, and Cao Cao's position can barely be suppressed.

Why did Cao Cao and Sun Ce have a lot of talent support as soon as they started their businesses, but Liu Bei couldn't recruit them?

And, Mi Zhu Mi Fang's brothers and Sun Qian were recruited by Liu Bei when he was in Xuzhou, and Chen Qi and Chen Deng's father and son, if Liu Bei could always occupy Xuzhou, they would also be willing to subordinate Liu Bei. After all, sitting on the ground, leaving Xuzhou is nothing, and the Mi Zhu Mifang brothers can leave with money.

Chen Deng's ability was underestimated, and he participated in the encirclement and suppression of Lü Bu and defeated Sun Quan who went north (Sun Quan belonged to Sun Ce's subordinates at this time, and it can also be said that Chen Deng defeated Sun Ce's army).

Why did Cao Cao and Sun Ce have a lot of talent support as soon as they started their businesses, but Liu Bei couldn't recruit them?

In summary, it is not that Liu Bei can't recruit talents, the main reasons are: first, he has a low background and cannot get the support of his peers (low status of businessmen). Second, when he started, his power was too small, and many talents could even be Liu Bei's superiors (Tian Kai, Tai Shici). Third, there is no stable base area, especially the loss of Xuzhou has a great impact (Chen Qi, Chen Deng, father and son, Chen Qun). Fourth, surrounded by Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu, it is difficult to develop, and talents have flowed away (Zhaozhao, Tian Yu).

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