
Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

author:Brother Yong is mighty


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Speaking of the pair of babies in Niuershan, Dong Bao and Liu Wei, their lives are really full of urgency and expectation.

Even today, despite the rain last night, the two little ones decided to go out and buy pork.

This year's rainfall is close to the summer total, and the rain the day before yesterday was a real trickster, disrupting all their shopping plans.

But our Dong Bao, he is a person with a plan, and he specially ordered a large number of fresh pork and pork ribs, no, life has to be prepared.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

In remote mountainous areas, daily life is not as convenient as in the city, and every shopping has to be carefully planned, just like a war, and it has to be carefully planned.

Dong Bao and Liu Wei's needs are specific and urgent, especially Liu Wei, she has to take care of a special diet, and this time she bought pork not only to satisfy her hunger.

Dong Bao, he immediately ordered 18 catties of lean meat, 16 catties of pork ribs, and the precious 4 catties of pork bones, which was their meat reserve for several months.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

Liu Wei, her daily diet is mainly eggs, and the occasional meat is simply an embellishment of life for her.

On the way to the town, our Dong Bao, he not only stocked up on food for his family, but also helped friends in the community by the way.

Look at him, using his own pickup truck to help a neighbor transport color steel tiles, this is really a warm-hearted and good person.

Dong Bao is well respected in the community, and everyone likes his local affection and helpful attitude.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

By the time they reached the town, the market was crowded and there were not many goods on the butcher's stalls.

Fortunately, Dong Bao was smart and booked in advance, and after a phone call, the vendors reopened the door and personally cut the meat for them, and the service was considerate.

For them, this shopping is not only a part of their daily life, but also an adaptation and adjustment to the lifestyle of Dong Bao and Liu Wei.

In the simple life of Niuershan, they make life more fulfilling and rich in this way.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

This purchase was a complete success, they bought a total of 38 catties of pork, including the precious four catties of pork bones.

Although Dong Bao was a little dissatisfied with the number of large bones and felt that it was not enough for the family, the vendor also had his reasons, and he was afraid that they would not be able to buy it and waste it.

At this time, Liu Wei took the initiative to pay, and it seems that the decision-making power of the family's economic affairs may not be all in the hands of Dongbao.

The pork I bought this time, especially the ribs that feed the grain, is only 16 yuan a catty, which is really affordable.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

After the shopping was completed, Dongbao drove back with a full load.

Along the way, he did not forget to continue to help others, and helped his neighbors buy color steel tiles and send them home.

This is a great example of his helpful personality.

After returning home? Dong Bao's mother is busy.

She carefully handles the pork, the ribs, and so on.

Remove unnecessary tendons and fat, and cut lean meat into small pieces that are suitable for a meal...... In this way, the pork will be enough for their family to consume for about a month.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

When it was time for dinner, Dong Bao also cooked pork ribs and stewed dried vegetables for everyone to eat.

The smell is really mouth-watering.

Dong Bao, he started to eat it before his mother served it, which shows how much he is looking forward to and loves this meal.

Dried vegetables are also delicious, but Dong Bao prefers pork to the latter.

At the dinner table, the small friction caused by not being able to buy meat has also disappeared with the sharing of food...... It's really home and everything is happy.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

Although there are occasional dissatisfaction and minor frictions in the family, the life of the Dongbao family still revolves around mutual help and deep family feelings.

These daily vignettes, although short-lived, also add a lot of fun and color to their simple life in the mountains.

Dong Bao squeezed his mother in and out of words, Liu Wei was helpless, what happened between mother and son?

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