
Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

author:Qingcheng Rong Media is the capital of peace
Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

Ms. Jia is a tower crane commander at the construction site of Vientian City in Yuquan District, and one night a few days ago, Ms. Jia suddenly called the police, saying that she had been beaten and her finger was broken.

Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

I do the signal worker in order to lift the material (you are a signal worker, right), right, hang up, the reinforcing steel worker took the card valve away, the reinforcing bar worker may have to get off work, and then the following is in the hook, he asked me why not shout, I said that people are falling on the hook, you let me shout, and then he was with me, and he quarreled with me, and he wanted to beat me, I said that you hit, and people directly started to fight.

Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

It is understood that the situation occurred at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and after the incident, Ms. Jia went to the hospital to deal with her fingers as soon as possible, and Ms. Jia reported to the police at about 9 o'clock in the evening.

Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

Xiaozhao Front Street Police Station Shi Pengfei

We also asked from the other party about the specific situation at that time, and later through the narration of both parties, in the process of the incident, there were also several workers at the scene, and the police called these workers to the scene, and questioned the workers one by one on the spot to restore the incident.

Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

Because there is no monitoring at the location of the crime, the police can only understand the truth of the matter through the visit, and the person in charge of the construction site on both sides also called to the scene, the workers who witnessed it said that the two sides had a quarrel due to work reasons, and then tore it, and in the process of pulling, Ms. Jia, the policeman, may accidentally hit the other party due to her long nails, resulting in a fingernail skimming off and a broken finger, and then the police called the two parties together for persuasion.

Workers have conflicts in construction, and the police coordinate to resolve disputes

Xiaozhao Front Street Police Station Shi Pengfei

Later, under the mediation of the civilian police and the project leader, both sides realized their mistakes, and (eventually) the two sides reached an understanding.

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