
1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, on a cold winter day in Harbin, Zhang Yi, who was born in 1978, may never have thought that he would one day become a high-profile film and television star. The young Zhang Yi, formerly known as Zhang Yi, dreamed of becoming an announcer in his early years.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly, which eventually propels him to the stage of the drama. In 1997, with his love for acting, Zhang Yi joined the Comrades-in-Arms Drama Troupe of the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region.

Here he spent almost a decade in the military. This experience not only exercised his will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career. In the barracks, Zhang Yi learned discipline and perseverance, qualities that played an important role in his future acting career.

In 2006, the opportunity finally came. In the hit drama "Soldier Assault", Zhang Yi played the role of Shi Jin. The role seems to have been tailor-made for Zhang Yi, who has incorporated his military experience into the performance to create an unforgettable image.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

Shi Jin's simplicity and perseverance are the true portrayal of Zhang Yi's own characteristics. This role made the audience remember this face with rich expressions and firm eyes, and also marked the official start of Zhang Yi's acting career.

Since then, Zhang Yi has started a long journey in the entertainment industry with the tenacity and perseverance trained in his military career. Every role, every performance, is his challenge and breakthrough to himself.

In "My Regiment Leader, My Regiment", he once again showed a deep understanding of military themes; In "The True Story of Hot Mom", he showed a completely different image of an urban man.

Second, Zhang Yi's eyes always flashed with enthusiasm for performance, as if to say: I finally found my own stage. From an unknown newcomer to a high-profile powerful actor, Zhang Yi has used his efforts and talent to gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry step by step.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

His story is the wonderful transformation from the military camp to the screen, which explains what a real powerful actor is. As time passed, Zhang Yi's acting skills became more and more exquisite, and the scope of his performances continued to expand.

In "My Leader, My Group", Meng played by Zhang Yi was annoying, allowing the audience to see his ability to interpret complex roles. His eyes are sometimes confused, sometimes firm, and perfectly show the inner contradictions of the character.

In "The True Story of Hot Mom", Zhang Yi showed a completely different side, and the image of a tender urban man surprised the audience. This diversity of roles shows Zhang Yi's plasticity and strength as an actor.

In 2014, Zhang Yi ushered in an important milestone in his acting career. In the abduction-themed movie "Dear", his outstanding performance won him the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 30th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

Third, this award is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also a tribute to his persistence and hard work over the years. When the trophy was held in his hand, Zhang Yi's eyes flashed with tears, but there was a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth, as if telling the hardships and joys of this journey.

Subsequently, Zhang Yi's performance in works such as "The Old Man of Mountains and Rivers" and "The Murder Chaser" impressed the audience and industry insiders. His every look and every movement is full of understanding and interpretation of the character.

Especially in "The Murder Chaser", Zhang Yi's performance is delicate and nuanced, which makes people feel his profound skills as an actor. This work won him the 8th China Film Directors Association Actor of the Year Award, further proving his status in the film industry.

In 2018, the popularity of "Operation Red Sea" pushed Zhang Yi to a new peak in his career. The tough guy image he created in the film is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, resolute and decisive without losing the light of humanity.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

Fourth, the audience sees not only the character itself, but also the charm of Zhang Yi as an actor. The success of this work has made Zhang Yi's name have a deeper imprint in the hearts of the audience.

In 2019, "One Second" starring Zhang Yi was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival, showing his depth and breadth in performing arts. From military themes to urban emotions, from action movies to literary movies, Zhang Yi has proved that he is a comprehensive and excellent actor with his own strength.

Every work, every role, is a milestone in Zhang Yi's acting career. With his own efforts and talents, he has reached the pinnacle of acting step by step and has become a well-deserved powerful actor in the hearts of the audience.

Zhang Yi's success lies not only in his acting skills, but also in his study of roles and his love for acting.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

With the broadcast of the hit drama "Hurricane", Zhang Yi's popularity has reached an unprecedented height. This drama not only allowed Zhang Yi to show his superb acting skills again, but also pushed him to a broader stage.

However, with success comes a series of doubts and criticisms, as if the price of fame is to accept more. While other actors posted their final remarks on social media, Zhang Yi remained silent.

Fifth, on his social media, the posts related to the series were deleted. These seemingly ordinary actions have sparked speculation from the outside world: Could it be that Zhang Yi has a conflict with the crew? People are beginning to question whether this once low-key and powerful actor has been carried away by success.

What's more, it is rumored that Zhang Yi is not the first choice for the male number one in "Hurricane", but because other actors quit to take the position. These gossips are like a sharp sword, pointing directly to Zhang Yi's professional ethics and conduct in the world.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

There were many discussions on the Internet, which made Zhang Yi the focus of public opinion for a while. Another controversial incident was about a rooftop scene in the play. There are reports that Zhang Yi wore a lot of money in the costume in this scene, but he did not comment on it.

This silence was again interpreted as arrogance or discord with the crew. Zhang Yi's heart may be shouting: I just want to focus on performance, why should I face these criticisms? But in the world of the entertainment industry, which is under the spotlight, every move may be infinitely amplified and interpreted.

In this case, even silence can be misinterpreted as arrogance or evasion. "Hurricane" brought Zhang Yi greater success, but also pushed him to the forefront. This may be the price that must be faced after becoming famous, and it is also a common "sadness" in the entertainment industry.

Sixth, how to maintain a balance between success and skepticism has become a new challenge for Zhang Yi. In the context of the continuous controversy, a group of photos exploded on the Internet, triggering a new round of heated discussions.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

In these photos, Zhang Yi leads a team of nearly 20 people on the road, looking calm and calm. The scene in the photo immediately raised questions from the public: does an actor really need so many people to serve? Is Zhang Yi too ostentatious? In the photo, Zhang Yi stretched out his finger, as if directing something.

There was a hint of confidence in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a momentum of controlling the overall situation. However, this image, which was supposed to show professionalism, was misinterpreted as the arrogance of big-name stars.

Netizens ridiculed one after another, calling this a "star group show", and some even questioned whether Zhang Yi had begun to enjoy the "big name" treatment. In fact, it's likely that this team was just a regular service provided by the crew on set.

In modern film and television production, an actor does need multiple staff members to assist in completing various tasks, from makeup, costumes to scene layout, each link needs the participation of professionals.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

Seventh, this is a necessary condition to ensure the quality and efficiency of shooting, not personal enjoyment. However, in an entertainment-oriented social climate, people are more willing to believe sensational stories.

Zhang Yi may have sighed secretly in his heart: I am just working hard, why is it misunderstood like this? This may be the price that must be faced after becoming famous. This incident once again highlights some misunderstandings and prejudices in the entertainment industry.

Too often, the public only sees the superficial and ignores the hard work behind the scenes. The success of an actor not only depends on individual talent, but also requires the cooperation of the whole team.

However, this kind of professional division of labor and cooperation may be misunderstood as the privilege of celebrities in the eyes of outsiders. Zhang Yi has always been an active and cooperative actor in the crew.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

He participated in script revision, character building, etc., and contributed far more to the crew than just performing in front of the stage. However, these efforts are often overlooked and replaced by an over-reading of superficial phenomena.

The criticism of "1 person filming and 19 people serving" is not only a misunderstanding of Zhang Yi personally, but also reflects the public's lack of understanding of the film and television production process. This misunderstanding may be one of the biggest "sorrows" in the entertainment industry.

In the hustle and bustle of doubt, few people noticed Zhang Yi's hard work behind the scenes. In fact, Zhang Yi has always been one of the most dedicated actors in the crew. He not only actively participates in script revision and character building, but also often takes the initiative to have in-depth discussions with directors and screenwriters to strive to interpret the characters more perfectly.

Eighth, Zhang Yi's preparation process for the role is a comprehensive and meticulous work. He doesn't just study the script, he delves into the inner world of the character, exploring the character's character, background, and motivations.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

In "King Kong River", the character played by Zhang Yi needs to show a strong and brave side. In order to better understand the character, Zhang Yi would read the script repeatedly, discuss in depth with the director and screenwriter, and even try different ways of acting on set.

Zhang Yi's acting preparation is not limited to the psychological level, he will also conduct strict physical training. In the filming of "Soldier Assault", in order to better show the image of a soldier, Zhang Yi conducted a lot of physical training.

He continued to run, do push-ups, and even participate in military training every day. When he put on a military uniform and stood in front of the camera, the heartfelt military temperament was convincing. This kind of focus and dedication is a true portrayal of Zhang Yi as an excellent actor.

Nine, he once said: "I not only act, but also do a lot of things at the same time, which must be handled by technology." This sentence shows his understanding and persistence in the profession of actor. In Zhang Yi's view, actors should not only stand in front of the camera to perform, but also devote themselves to the role.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

However, these behind-the-scenes efforts are often overlooked and replaced by an over-reading of superficial phenomena. The public sees glamorous stars, but rarely understands how much sweat and effort an actor needs to put in for a role.

Zhang Yi's professionalism is not only reflected in his study of the role, but also in his cooperation with the crew. He has always maintained his love and focus on acting, and interpreted the role of an actor with strength and professionalism.

This kind of obscure dedication is the attitude that a real powerful actor should have. In the face of all kinds of doubts and criticisms, Zhang Yi has always maintained his love and focus on performance.

His acting philosophy is reflected in the interpretation of each role, and also in his attitude towards the profession of actor. Zhang Yi once said: "I not only act, but also do a lot of things at the same time, which must be handled by technology."

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

This sentence shows his deep understanding and persistence in the profession of actor. In Zhang Yi's view, actors should not only stand in front of the camera to perform, but also devote themselves to the role.

Ten, each of his roles is well thought out and well prepared. Even in the midst of controversy, he never stopped pursuing the performing arts. Zhang Yi's eyes always flashed with enthusiasm for performance, as if to say: I want the audience to see the most real characters.

From "Soldier Assault" to "Hurricane", from supporting roles to protagonists, Zhang Yi interprets the role of an actor with strength and professionalism, and writes his own legend with talent and persistence.

Although facing the criticism of "1 person filming and 19 people serving", this just reflects some misunderstandings and prejudices in the entertainment industry. Zhang Yi chooses to speak with strength and prove himself with his works.

1 person filming and many people serving, Zhang Yi's "discussion" is the biggest "sorrow" in the entertainment industry

Today's Zhang Yi has become a banner in the Chinese film and television industry. Each of his works is highly anticipated, and every role is impressive. From an obscure supporting actor to a current A-list star, Zhang Yi's acting career is a story of talent, hard work and perseverance.

Even in the face of turmoil, he never stopped moving forward, and always maintained his love and pursuit of performance. Zhang Yi's story tells us that no matter when and where, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you must move forward bravely and use strength and persistence to write your own legendary life.

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