
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

author:Nanjing's Charming Campus

On the afternoon of June 27

The first day of summer rain

Nanjing No. 9 Junior High School

Aurora Theater at Aurora Campus of No. 9 Middle School

kicked off a show called

"Youth does not end, chase dreams and set sail again".

The curtain of the graduation ceremony of the class of 2024

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Wonderful sneak peek


It's not just a farewell ceremony

It is a feast of youth and dreams

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

"School leaders, all junior high school teachers, students and parent representatives

Witness this unique moment of growth together'

Click on the video to walk into the scene



Light and shadow flow

Memories weave the web of dreams

The ceremony slowly kicked off with the gentle playback of the graduation review video of "The Story of the Ninth Beginning". The pictures are like a chain of beads of time, connecting the laughter and tears, sweat and dreams of the past three years.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

After the solemn flag-raising ceremony, the principal of the school, Zhu Qian, delivered an affectionate speech. She hopes that in the days to come, the graduates will still bear in mind the "upward" school motto of the Ninth Junior High School, continue to paint the background color of youth with struggle, and strive to grow into good young people in the new era of "liberal arts and fitness, youth and sunshine"!

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!


A heart of gratitude

The most beautiful poem of youth

Student representatives stand in front of the stage

The voice was green but firm

Pour out endless gratitude to the teachers

I would like to express my deep reluctance to my classmates

A heartfelt word

Warm as spring rain

Nourishing the hearts of everyone present

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Statements by parent representatives

It's like a warm current that warms people's hearts

She thanked the school

The hard work of nurturing the children

for the future of the children

Full of infinite expectations and blessings

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Parent representatives

Also inscription gifted to the school

The hard work of the teachers in the school

Full affirmation was given

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!


The certificate is lightly held

It is the end and a new beginning

Exciting times have finally arrived! When the school leaders handed over the heavy graduation certificate to the class leaders, at that moment, it was not only a certification of academics, but also a witness of growth!

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Subsequently, the class leader handed over the graduation certificate to the class teacher and distributed it to each student.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Certificates in hand

The dream is in the heart

The sails of youth are waiting to set sail

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!


On stage

The hymn of youth flies

In a series of well-prepared performances, students used chorus, melodrama, poetry recitation, dance and other performance forms to interpret the vitality and talent of youth, show the beauty of campus life in the ninth junior high school, and reveal the students' reluctance to live in junior high school.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

The teachers also took to the stage and sang English songs, setting off another wave of climax on the scene.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

"Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an, the Dream of the Tablet Pavilion Stays Long" series of inspirational programs - this exclusive idea planned by the school teachers for the students of the class of 2024, with the graduation of the students also ended perfectly on the spot, and received thunderous applause and cheers from the teachers and students in the audience. It is not only an affectionate look back on campus life, but also a warm vision of the infinite possibilities of the future.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!


The teacher's grace is like a mountain

The deep friendship in the song

In the part of paying tribute to the teacher's kindness, the chorus of the class teachers "Sunshine is always after the wind and rain" warmed the whole theater, which was the deepest encouragement and expectation for the graduates.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Subsequently, the letters and parting gifts from the class leaders, as well as the group photos of all teachers and students, fixed the eternal warmth of this moment, and let gratitude and love take root in everyone's hearts.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!


Tomorrow will be better

Sing the melody of hope

The graduation ceremony came to an end as the school leaders and grade heads sang "Tomorrow Will Be Better" in unison. This is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future, and every note carries the care and encouragement of the leaders of the Ninth Junior High School to the students.

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!
The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

June Li sang loudly

Dreams set sail here

It's a show

About graduation, gratitude, youth, and reluctance

Narrative poems with struggle

It tells everyone in the gentlest way:

In the journey of life

As long as there is a dream in your heart, there is a road under your feet

I look forward to the ninth junior high school students with this strength

Keep going

Soar in the skies of the future

Create your own brilliant chapter

The class teacher and school leaders sang affectionately, and the graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Xuanwu District was warm and heartfelt!

Editor: Chen Zhen

Choreographer: Chen Zhen

Cinematographer: Wu Zhao and Wang Wenjun

© Nanjing's Charming Campus

The graphics and videos on this platform are all independently shot and produced by the "Charming Campus" column group. Without authorization, it shall not be reproduced, and the source must be indicated for reprinting. If other pictures and music used on the platform belong to the relevant rights holders, please contact us at any time to negotiate the authorization or deletion.