
The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

author:Be a happy teacher

I had just returned from Nepal, and I had not yet experienced the jet lag, and the temple bells and the crisp laughter of children still echoed in my head.

Many people in my circle of friends asked me how I felt?

Truth be told, Nepal is indeed a magical place, and it is more like a mirror than a mirror that reflects our innermost desire for peace and happiness.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

Before I went to Nepal, my impression of Nepal was still stuck in the label of "one of the poorest countries in the world".

But when I actually set foot on this land, I realized that poverty is only one side of Nepal, and it has more and richer colors waiting for you to discover.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

Let's start with Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, a place full of magical realism.

As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was greeted by dry air and slightly chaotic streets.

Taxis bump through potholes, horns and shouts fill your ears with the sounds of honks and hawks, as if you have traveled back in time to decades ago.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

The tour guide smiled and told me that this is the characteristic of Kathmandu, full of energy and life.

Our hotel is in the Tamil Quarter, a backpacker's paradise and one of the liveliest places in Kathmandu.

The narrow streets are lined with shops selling clothes, souvenirs, and spices...... It's all there.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

I especially like the shops that sell local clothing, such as brightly coloured saris, beautifully crafted thangkas, and unique Nepali hats...... Each piece is so exotic that you can't help but want to take it home.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

When I was hungry, I found a snack bar on the street and ordered Nepal's most famous "momo".

This is a kind of food similar to dumplings, with thin skin and large filling, you can choose various fillings such as chicken, beef, vegetables, etc., dipped in the store's homemade chili sauce, one bite down, fresh and spicy, super enjoyable!

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

After eating and drinking, we arrived at Kathmandu's most famous attraction, Durbar Square.

Once home to the Royal Palace of Nepal, it is still home to many ancient temples and palaces, beautifully carved and imposing, as if telling the glorious history of Nepal.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

The square was bustling with people, from ascetics sitting on the floor, to worshippers praying, to tourists like me taking pictures with their cameras.

Interestingly, there are also many pigeons, which are not afraid of people at all, and will even fly on your hands and shoulders to beg for food, adding a bit of life and vitality to the ancient square.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

What struck me was that in Kathmandu, the rich and the slums are only separated by one street, but they are like two worlds.

On one side are high-rise buildings and luxury cars; On one side are low-rise shantytowns with piles of garbage.

This strong contrast made me, a newcomer, feel a little uncomfortable.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

But it soon became clear to me that Nepalese people didn't seem to care about these material disparities.

In the slums, I saw children playing happily around the garbage heaps, women busy in the humble kitchens, and old people sitting in the sun and chatting at the doorstep with satisfied smiles on their faces.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

Leaving the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu, we arrived in picturesque Pokhara.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, quiet and peaceful, and is known as the "Switzerland of the East".

Phewa Lake is the soul of Pokhara, the lake water is crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds and snow-capped mountains in the distance, which is as beautiful as a painting.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

In Pokhara, you can live a slow life to the fullest.

In the morning, wake up to the sound of birdsong, open the window, and you can see the magnificent snow-capped mountains; In the afternoon, take a stroll along Phewa Lake, or rent a small boat and float leisurely on the lake; In the evening, find a lakeside restaurant and sample the local cuisine as the sun sets over Lake Pheva......

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

If you're feeling adventurous, you can also head to Chitwan National Park for a jungle adventure.

Ride in a jeep through the dense jungle, and if you're lucky, you can see wild rhinos, crocodiles, peacocks and other animals.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

During my travels, I also found that Nepalese people are very sincere and don't try to please you, but if you need help, they will do their best.

Once, I got lost on the road, a local guy, seeing that I was in a hurry, took the initiative to help me show me the way in not very proficient English, and sent me to the destination, along the way, he enthusiastically introduced me to the local customs, and before leaving, gave me a small handmade gift.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

This kind of pure kindness between people really touched me.

In Nepal, you can feel a long-lost warmth and sincerity, like going back to the time when you were a child, there was no deceit, only pure happiness.

The country closest to heaven, if the world is too bitter, then come to Nepal to see

When I left Nepal, I took with me a lot of souvenirs and a lot of insights.

Nepal, the country closest to heaven, made me understand that happiness is actually very simple, and contentment is heaven on earth.

If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, why not come to Nepal and feel the rare peace and happiness?

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