
7294 people! Yongning County's 2024 high school entrance examination starts today

author:Yongning County Rong Media Center
7294 people! Yongning County's 2024 high school entrance examination starts today

There is a kind of struggle, which is the oath of youth; There is a kind of growth called the baptism of the high school entrance examination. On June 28, the 2024 junior high school academic proficiency test in Yongning County officially kicked off, and 7,294 candidates in the county rushed to the examination room with great ambitions and wrote their youth answer sheets in the next 3 days.

7294 people! Yongning County's 2024 high school entrance examination starts today

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the reporter saw at the entrance of each test center that the candidates entered the examination room in an orderly manner after passing the security check, and the examination personnel strictly checked the test supplies carried by the candidates to ensure the fairness and justice of the examination. Parents outside the examination room were also excited, silently wishing the candidates and hoping to achieve excellent results.

7294 people! Yongning County's 2024 high school entrance examination starts today

It is understood that 7,294 candidates in Yongning County participated in the high school entrance examination this year, and in accordance with the principle of centralized and unified examination, the test center was set up in Yongning Middle School and Yongning County No. 2 Middle School. Among them, there are 3,664 ninth-grade candidates and 3,630 eighth-grade candidates; There are 123 regular examination rooms for the ninth grade (65 in Yongning Middle School and 58 in Yongning County No. 2 Middle School); There are 121 regular examination rooms in the eighth grade (65 in Yongning Middle School and 56 in Yongning County No. 2 Middle School), and 2 spare examination rooms are set up in each of the two test centers, with more than 380 examination personnel to ensure the smooth progress of the examination. The exam lasts for 3 days and will end on June 30.

This year, in accordance with the standard of "benchmarking with the college entrance examination and keeping up with the college entrance examination", Yongning County has formulated and improved the "Yongning County High School Entrance Examination Work Plan" and "Yongning County High School Entrance Examination Emergency Response and Public Opinion Handling Plan" and other emergency incident handling plans, and issued warm reminders such as "Please check the precautions for the Yongning examination area of the 2024 high school entrance examination" in advance to remind candidates and parents to prepare for the exam. During the examination, the staff of the County Education and Sports Bureau, the County Public Security Bureau, the County Health Bureau and other departments performed their duties and cooperated with each other, actively doing a good job in the service guarantee work around the test center, the maintenance of road traffic order around the test center, and medical security, and went all out to create a safe, fair and warm test environment for candidates.

Reporter: Na Pengying Responsible Editor: Fan Lina Reviewer: Liang Ningning Final Reviewer: Hou Zhibin Ma Manru

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