
In summer, it is very important to choose the right doors and windows


With the onset of summer, the sun gradually becomes hot and intense, and the ultraviolet radiation also increases. In such seasons, sun protection has become an important part of people's daily lives. However, you know what? In addition to external protective measures such as applying sunscreen, wearing hats, holding umbrellas, etc., choosing the right doors and windows can also be of great help to our sun protection efforts. This article will discuss the importance of choosing doors and windows from the perspective of summer sun protection, and provide some practical purchase suggestions

First, the importance of sun protection for doors and windows

1. Blocks ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are one of the most harmful factors in solar radiation to human skin. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can accelerate skin aging, causing wrinkles, dark spots and other problems. A good door or window can effectively block ultraviolet rays and reduce their damage to the skin.

2. Reduce the indoor temperature

Direct sunlight in summer can cause the indoor temperature to rise rapidly, affecting the comfort of living. Choosing the right door and window material, structure and color can effectively reduce the indoor temperature and reduce the use of air conditioning, so as to achieve the purpose of energy conservation and environmental protection.

3. Improve security

Some high-quality door and window products also have anti-theft, fireproof, sound insulation and other functions, which can improve the safety performance of the home. Enjoy a comfortable life while keeping your family safe.

In summer, it is very important to choose the right doors and windows

Second, how to choose the right doors and windows to achieve summer sun protection

1. Material Selection

Different materials of doors and windows have different sun protection effects. For example, although aluminum alloy doors and windows are strong and durable, they have poor thermal insulation performance; The broken bridge aluminum doors and windows use thermal insulation and bridge breaking technology to effectively block outdoor heat transfer. In addition, solid wood doors and windows, plastic steel doors and windows also have good thermal insulation performance. Therefore, when choosing doors and windows, you should choose the right material according to your needs and budget

2. Glass selection

Glass is an important part of doors and windows, and its performance directly affects the sun protection effect of doors and windows. At present, the common types of glass in the market are single-layer glass, double-layer insulating glass, three-layer insulating glass, etc. Among them, the insulating glass is filled with inert gas, which has good thermal insulation performance; The three-layer insulating glass further enhances the thermal insulation. When purchasing, you can choose the right type of glass according to your actual needs

3. Color selection

The color of doors and windows will also have an impact on the effectiveness of sun protection. Light-colored windows and doors reflect more sunlight and reduce heat absorption; Dark-colored windows and doors are more likely to absorb heat, resulting in higher indoor temperatures. Therefore, when purchasing doors and windows, it is recommended to choose light-colored products.

4. Curtain matching

In addition to the choice of doors and windows themselves, matching the right curtains can also bring additional help to summer sun protection. For example, choosing curtains with good shading properties can effectively block direct sunlight; The gauze curtain can ensure ventilation while playing a certain shading effect. When choosing curtains, you can choose the right style and material according to your actual needs.

In summer, it is very important to choose the right doors and windows

3. How to maintain doors and windows to maintain good sun protection

1. Clean regularly

Doors and windows are prone to accumulate dust and dirt during use, affecting their sun protection effect. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly clean the dust and dirt on the surfaces and crevices of doors and windows to keep them clean and bright.

2. Check the sealing performance

The sealing performance of doors and windows directly affects their thermal insulation effect. During use, the sealing strips of doors and windows should be regularly checked to see if they are intact, damaged or aged. If any problems are found, new sealing strips should be replaced in time to ensure the sealing performance of doors and windows.

3. Avoid being hit by heavy objects

The impact of heavy objects can easily cause deformation or damage to doors and windows, affecting their use effect and sun protection performance. Therefore, heavy objects should be avoided from hitting the surface of doors and windows or frame parts during use, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.

In summer, it is very important to choose the right doors and windows

Fourth, summary

Choosing the right windows and doors is a very important part of the summer sun protection process. By choosing the right material, glass type, color and curtain matching, etc., you can effectively improve the sun protection effect of doors and windows, reduce indoor temperature, and improve living comfort. At the same time, in the process of use, it is also necessary to pay attention to regular cleaning, check the sealing performance, avoid heavy objects and other measures to ensure the good use of doors and windows.

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