
Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your eyes

author:The summer capital is Xining
Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your eyes

Summer eye care

Start with UV protection

Summer is coming

Facing high UV weather

Sun protection is essential

But when it comes to summer sun protection

A lot of people only focus on the skin

And ignore the eyes

In fact

The eyes are an extremely delicate part of the human body

It's easier than skin

Damaged by ultraviolet rays


Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes

Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your eyes

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the sun and is a type of light that is invisible to the naked eye, and is divided into three types: UVA, UVB, and UVC, with UVA and UVB being able to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and cause effects on our skin and eyes. In summer, UV intensity peaks throughout the year as daylight hours increase and the ozone layer shifts, so it's important to protect your eyes from UV damage.

1. Increased risk of cataracts

Long-term exposure to strong ultraviolet rays can denature the proteins in the lens of the eye, leading to clouding and cataracts. It is a common blinding eye disease that severely affects vision.

2. Causes pterygium

Ultraviolet rays can stimulate abnormal tissue growth on the surface of the eye, resulting in pterygium, a pink, triangular growth of tissue that forms on the surface of the eyeball that can affect the appearance and, in severe cases, obscure vision.

3. Damage to the retina

UVB radiation can directly damage retinal cells, and long-term accumulation can increase the risk of macular degeneration, a disease that causes loss or even loss of central vision.

4. Dry eyes

Ultraviolet rays can also exacerbate eye surface dryness, reduce tear secretion, and trigger or worsen dry eye symptoms, such as dry and burning eyes.


How to effectively protect it

Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your eyes

1. Wear sunglasses

It is important to choose sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB radiation. Note that the shade of color does not directly represent UV protection, the key is to check if there is a "UV400" or "100% UV Protection" logo.

2. Wear a wide-brimmed hat

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can provide more shade to the face and eyes to some extent, reducing the amount of UV rays that hit the eyes directly.

3. Use a parasol

In places with strong reflections, such as beaches and swimming pools, the use of parasols can effectively reduce the UV reflectivity in the environment.

The summer sun is good

But it's just as important to take care of our eyes

through the above measures

We can effectively lower

Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes

Enjoy a healthy and bright summer time

Prevention is always better than cure

Let's start now

Give the most gentle care to the eyes

Source: Popular Science Guizhou

Producer: Liu Xinghai Editor: Kou Rong Editor: Feng Lichen, Ma Siwen

Summer is here, so don't forget to protect your eyes

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