
Raimondora held a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts to demand more restrictions on China, and Japan feared retaliation from China



After China's repeated opposition and warnings, the United States not only did not relax its suppression of China in the semiconductor field, but intensified its efforts.

The observer network quoted the U.S. Department of Commerce as saying that recently, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo held a trilateral meeting with the South Korean Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to discuss the supply chain cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea.

Raimondora held a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts to demand more restrictions on China, and Japan feared retaliation from China

(Raimondo meets with Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn De-geun, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and Takeru Saito, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Washington, D.C.)

The joint statement stressed that it is necessary to continue to use the trilateral mechanism of the United States, Japan and South Korea to promote the development of key and emerging technologies, strengthen the "economic security and resilience" of the three countries, and promise to cooperate on strategic issues such as artificial intelligence security, export controls, clean energy and semiconductor supply chains, and build a more resilient supply chain, and the three parties will jointly seek to "deepen the coordination of export controls on advanced technologies", and expressed concern about the so-called "non-market measures" existing in the international community, Japanese media pointed out that the "non-market measures" mentioned in the statement In fact, it was aimed at China, and at the enlarged meeting later, the participants began to hype up the "overcapacity" of China's traditional chips.

There is no doubt that the United States is driving and leading this meeting, and in recent times, the Biden administration has been making continuous moves against China, in addition to announcing 100% tariffs on Chinese products, including electric vehicles, and in the field of semiconductors.

Raimondora held a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts to demand more restrictions on China, and Japan feared retaliation from China

Last year, the United States pressured Japan and the Netherlands to introduce export control measures against China's semiconductor manufacturing equipment, of which Japan announced in July last year that 23 categories in the field of cutting-edge semiconductors would be added to export controls. In addition to banning the export of high-end chips to China, it also called on allies to stop providing repair and inspection services for chip manufacturing equipment exported to China.

This time, Raimondo pulled Japan and South Korea to a meeting, which was nothing more than to further pressure them, but they did not fully agree, and Japan feared that the expansion of regulations would limit the development of Japan's semiconductor industry, and at the same time, it could be countered by China. For example, China may impose export controls on critical minerals, but Japan has no countermeasures.

Raimondora held a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts to demand more restrictions on China, and Japan feared retaliation from China

Japan's concerns are justified, because before the United States led the meeting, the United States, Japan, and South Korea held a summit of leaders, which was the first time in more than four years that the three countries held a summit, and some consensus was finally reached, so that the trilateral cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea showed signs of warming up and continuing to advance. At this juncture, in order to cooperate with the United States, it will further offend China, which is really harmful and unhelpful to Japan.

On the other hand, the end of cooperation with the United States is that the United States continues to be bloodletted, causing the yen exchange rate to fall all the way. According to the latest news, the yen fell below the 161-1 mark against the dollar, the lowest since December 1986. After US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Japan not to intervene in the exchange rate recklessly, the US Treasury Department also put Japan on a "watch list" for currency manipulation.

Raimondora held a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts to demand more restrictions on China, and Japan feared retaliation from China

(U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns Japan)

The United States has proven time and again with practical actions that as long as it can suppress and contain China, it will take into account the core interests of its allies at all, and even wish to take the opportunity to harvest another wave of its allies, and the depreciation of the yen is a great opportunity for the United States to attract Japanese investment.

In the long run, the suppression of the United States and its allies cannot fundamentally suppress the rise of China's semiconductor industry, and we are absolutely impossible to accept this unilateral suppression in violation of WTO rules, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng publicly said last year that if the United States continues to restrict China's chip industry, it will definitely respond. If the United States wants to fight a technological war with China, it will only end up suffering backlash, and if America's allies do not recognize the situation, they will also pay the price for their decisions.

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