
The cheating man's self-report: I show that I love the mistress very much, but I actually look down on the mistress at all!

author:Jiaxin emotion

The cheating man's self-report: I show that I love the mistress very much, but I actually look down on the mistress at all!

Once a man wants to break up with a mistress, he will become very ruthless.

It seems that he took the initiative to pursue the mistress before, and vowed to divorce the mistress and give the mistress a happy man,

It's all another man, different from this man who wants to make the mistress pay.

The cheating man's self-report: I show that I love the mistress very much, but I actually look down on the mistress at all!

Before, a cheating man came to Jiaxin and asked how to recover the money given to the mistress.

This cheating man belongs to the type of person who takes the initiative to pursue the mistress and take the initiative to cheat.

He ran his own company, started from scratch with his original partner in his early years, and his economic conditions were very good.

The relationship between the cheating man and the original partner is not bad, and there are two children abroad.

It's not the first time a man has cheated, saying that he has been acting on the scene before,

They all went to the wine bureau, and when others were looking for women, he followed suit.

Even if he confides in Jiaxin, he is constantly defending himself, instead of telling the truth.

But for this mistress, the cheating man may be to recover the money, or to tell the truth.

Xiao San and the cheating man also knew each other in the drinking bureau, and the cheating man knew Xiao San's money at the beginning.

But the cheating man is unwilling to spend more money on the mistress, so he talks about his relationship with the mistress.

After attracting the junior with money, he began to be kind to the junior and tried all kinds of tricks to win the favor of the junior.

In an emotional relationship, it is really easy for a woman to suffer, whether it is the original partner or the mistress.

Very few women will not be at all tempted by a man's various flattery.

Especially Xiaosan, she is indeed trying to make money, but if a cheating man loves her,

If two people can have love, Xiao San will naturally be more willing.

And every junior has a fluke mentality, that is, he feels that he can find love through extramarital affairs.

Although I was with a cheating man because of money and sex, I finally entered the marriage because of love.

Jiaxin has also been in contact with a lot of juniors, first for money, and then fell into love.

If you have to divorce a cheating man and marry her, even if the cheating man gives enough money, you still want to marry the cheating man.

If the junior is greedy, it is easy to be abandoned by cheating men.

This mistress is a typical example, the cheating man created a feeling for the mistress, and he loves the mistress very much.

Xiao San regarded the affair with the cheating man as a love talk, and he also paid for the marriage of the cheating man.

After a long time, he asked for further, and the cheating man divorced and married her, but the cheating man was unwilling.

The cheating man's self-report: I show that I love the mistress very much, but I actually look down on the mistress at all!

The vast majority of men don't cheat for divorce,

The extramarital affair threatens their marriage, and if they can coax the mistress, they will coax.

deceived the junior into divorcing sooner or later, in fact, he never planned to divorce at all.

If Xiao San doesn't believe it, he will have to make a fuss about getting the cheating man divorced, and even start to make a big fuss.

The original wife knows, and the parents and children in the family may also know.

The cheating man is under tremendous pressure, not only to condemn, but also to divorce the wife.

For the sake of himself, in order to keep the marriage, a man may consider abandoning the mistress.

But just abandoning the mistress may not be enough for a cheating man.

They will also resent the mistress for forcing the divorce, and they don't persuade them to make things bigger, so they want to take revenge on the mistress.

is like this cheating man, he wants to unite with his original partner and recover the money he gave to the mistress together.

In fact, he didn't give much to Xiao San, because he didn't want to pay too many practical benefits, so he would fall in love with Xiao San.

The cheating man is not short of money for the mistress, but he just wants to recover it.

Therefore, the cheating man can have a little sincerity towards the mistress, and he may not have any points.

He looked down on Xiao San in his heart, and this cheating man had already declared it.

From the beginning, he knew that Xiao San was for money, and he and Xiao San were just playing.

All kinds of good things for the juniors, in addition to saving money, are also for better enjoyment.

I didn't expect Xiao San to be so easily deceived, and the man also said that Xiao San must be inexperienced as a third party.

Otherwise, why did you try to make money at the beginning, but then you actually believed in love.

In fact, the biggest advantage of many cheating men is not that they are rich.

The biggest advantage of facing a third party and your wife is that you can perform a gesture of loving you.

They can coax you in all kinds of ways and greet you with all kinds of cold and warm greetings.

Take the time and effort to make you happy, just to make you feel that he loves you very much.

In fact, when a cheating man does this, there is no turmoil in his heart.

They watched the woman fall in love for him, unable to extricate herself, protect herself on the shore, and laugh at the woman in love.

Xiao San is naturally not innocent, but the biggest problem must be in the cheating man.

The cheating man's self-report: I show that I love the mistress very much, but I actually look down on the mistress at all!

This kind of cheating man, even if he wants to deal with the mistress, the wives should not let it go easily.

After a man cheats, most of them will find ways to rationalize their behavior.

Even preaching that everyone is this virtue requires that instead of correcting your own behavior, you are asked to be understanding and tolerant.

Wives should see the face of the cheating man clearly, and don't really think that the man cheats for a reason.

What's the reason, it's just that it's not cleaned up!

If you encounter similar emotional confusion and need to answer questions, you can follow Jiaxin and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Jiaxin, a marriage defender who focuses on the separation of third parties.