
A person's greatest wisdom: the pursuit of change

author:Insight reading


"I Ching: The Second Resignation" says:

"If you are poor, you will change, and if you change, you will be able to do it for a long time.

It is blessed by God, and there is no disadvantage. ”

As the so-called Noji Tailai, the development of any thing has a law, and there is a logic in the invisible.

When things reach the top, they slowly decline, that is, they can only continue to develop through constant change.

The same should be true for life, and we must have the wisdom to pursue change and flexibility.

In this way, no matter what you do, you will have a spectrum, a plan, and a plan.

In the end, no matter how things develop, you can rely on yourself to make the right response, and ultimately let yourself get better harvests.

As the old saying goes:

"Honor and favor are waiting for humiliation, and happiness follows behind poverty."

When a person has the wisdom to be flexible, he can be ready for it anytime and anywhere in reality.

Then, you can rely on yourself to pursue and grow at the same time, and truly rely on the ability and wisdom you have polished yourself to live this life.

People's endurance and adaptability are very strong, so don't set certain limits for yourself, but expand your thinking, open your cognition, and support your horizons.

In this way, keep being flexible, keep changing, and keep growing yourself.

A person's greatest wisdom: the pursuit of change

Pursue moderation, not perfection

You can only experience it once, so you have to live it well.

People who know how to treat life well, people who know life very well, and people who understand life very well actually like to live every moment of the moment more and more.

No matter how bad or good your life is at the moment, you will allow yourself to treat it with a normal heart as much as possible.

Because life is an experience, there is no need to be so serious, and don't always feel that you can control it casually.

What really makes you control is actually that you are controlled.

Therefore, those who live calmly and relaxedly can continue to grow in the current life while pursuing a moderate state of life.

Life is in the world, life is like this, the more you understand the rules, the more you can dig out the beauty in it.

Then, it is equivalent to putting yourself on the right path, constantly running in, and constantly improving.

These are all experiences, and they can all be an experience in the end.

These experiences, because they come from reality and the most real experience, can make their lives more fulfilling and flexible.

Lü Buwei said in "Lü's Spring and Autumn Bozhi":

"All must be lacking, and the extreme must be opposed."

A person must have the curiosity to pursue change, the desire to explore.

At the same time, we must also know the truth that the extremes of things must be opposed.

In this way, in the process of pursuing life experience in moderation, you can also enjoy the present moment in time.

After all, life is like this, as long as you continue to rely on self-growth and self-effort, you will eventually be able to live a good life.

A person's greatest wisdom: the pursuit of change

Pursue change and learn to be flexible

Everything is changing, and if a person is always the same, then life is actually torture for you.

People who like to pursue change are not actually impetuous, nor are they shallow.

On the contrary, only those who refuse to change, avoid change, and dare not change, the future is becoming more and more bleak.

Those who are really powerful will never stop pursuing change, which is equivalent to giving themselves experience.

Whether life is good or not, in the final analysis, does not depend on a person's imagination.

More often than not, it comes from a person's pursuit, continuous experience, and continuous adaptation to various changes.

Therefore, if you change your thinking and improve your cognition, even if you have a hard time, you are tired, and you are very confused.

But as long as you are willing to make changes and dare to pursue change, instead of pampering yourself and looking ahead.

Then, as the days go by, you can get better again and again.

Therefore, don't feel that you don't have the ability and the conditions to do something well.

As long as you want to, then just go straight to action and go straight to pursue it.

Even if there will be a lot of challenges and pressures, as long as you do it, there is nothing you can't do.

The poet Lu You wrote:

"There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village."

In any case, life is going on day by day, and time is flying by every second.

Therefore, experience as much as possible, keep growing, even if it is a hard day, you must learn to get through it, carry it, and endure it.

Slowly, you will find that your life is slowly getting better, quietly, and becoming better.

Because life will always get better through your positive changes, through your actions and accumulation.

Learn to pursue change, but also be brave enough to accept change.

To put it bluntly, allow yourself to slowly allow everything to happen, even if these things are not what you want them to do.

But you also have to be brave and prepare for it.

In the end, the more pain and suffering you experience, the more you have to continue to grow and improve yourself.

In the midst of change, like in a whirlpool, you have to have your own solution, your own way of salvation.

In this way, it is to rely on yourself and give yourself enough security and happiness.

A person's greatest wisdom: the pursuit of change

Gain the wisdom to be flexible

Awesome people are always making progress and always accepting the changes of the moment.

A life without change is not called life, and a life without change is not called life.

It can be said that from the moment we fell to the ground, the world is changing every minute.

Even, some changes are fast and lightning fast.

Therefore, you must have the wisdom to be flexible.

This kind of flexible wisdom is when you start to become more and more confused and stressed.

At this time, you can still clearly realize that you are actually worrying and thinking nonsense.

Because no matter what kind of problems and pressures, difficulties and impermanences, they will eventually pass.

At least for you, all of this will pass.

Therefore, know how to be flexible, and master the wisdom of flexibility, so that you will not fall into internal friction and feel that every day is so painful.

The Book of Changes says:

"The inchworm bends in order to seek faith; The sting of the dragon and snake to survive also. ”

The little insects we see in life are actually flexible.

For example, these bugs are able to bend their bodies, stretch them constantly, and then propel them forward.

It follows that one should also have this flexible, relaxed power.

To maintain a moderation, to maintain an action, but also to know the relevant logic and laws to excavate.

In this way, when people accumulate strength, they are constantly transforming themselves and transforming themselves.

Finally, face the problem, deal with the problem, sum up the experience, get the lesson, and have wisdom.

In this way, you are equivalent to mastering a flexible ability and wisdom, and then applying it to real life and bringing yourself to a better future world.