
Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

author:Ask the doctor quickly

Some people believe that the crescent moon in the fingernail is a "barometer" that can reflect the health of the human body.

In daily life, most people believe that the more and bigger crescents in their nails, the better the health of the body.

Isn't the absence of a crescent in the nail a sign that the body is unhealthy?

In fact, the crescent moon in the nail is a natural growth phenomenon of the human body, because the main component of the nail is keratin, and after the substance in the body and keratin are synthesized, it will form keratin, which is often called "crescent".

So, what's the deal with not having a crescent inside your nails?

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

What's the deal with not having a crescent on your nails?

1. Decreased thyroid function

If the thyroid function in the body has degenerated, the metabolic efficiency of the body will be affected, and the endocrine system in the body will also be disrupted, which will lead to the growth rate of nails slowing down.

The number and area of crescents on the fingers will become less and less, and some people may even have the appearance of crescents.

When the thyroid function in the body is in a relatively high state, the thyroid hormone will have a significant upward trend. The metabolism in the body will gradually return to normal, and the crescent moon in the nails will also increase.

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

2. Normal physiological phenomena

As we age, the stratum corneum cells on the nails also mature, and the keratin cells decrease as a result, which can lead to the pre-existing month and possibly even disappear completely.

Because of this, most older people will have a lot fewer crescents in their fingers than younger people.

Therefore, the absence of a crescent in the nail is a normal physiological phenomenon. If the number of crescents in the nails is getting smaller and smaller, or even gone, you don't need to worry too much at this time, and don't think that there are other diseases in the body.

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

3. Malnutrition

If you are a picky eater in your daily life, it may lead to malnutrition in your body, your body's metabolism will be reduced, and your nails will grow slower and slower.

If the growth rate of the nail is in this state for a long time, the crescent moon in the nail will gradually become smaller or disappear slowly.

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

How is the crescent moon on a fingernail formed?

The formation of crescents in the nail is closely related to nail metabolism, because the growth trend of the nail is from the inside to the outside, and the new nail is mostly white and gradually transparent as the nail grows.

Because there is also a partial difference in the speed of the nail during the growth process, the middle part of the nail will grow faster than the growth rate of the two sides, so the white crescent moon shape is formed during the growth process of the nail.

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

2. The crescent moon in the fingernail is not directly related to health

Although the crescent moon in the fingernail is not directly related to physical health, the growth of the crescent moon is related to the body's metabolism.

As we age, the rate of metabolism in the body gradually slows down, and the growth rate of nails becomes slower and slower.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the number of nails and crescents of many elderly people will be less and less, but this does not mean that there is a problem with the health of the body.

Is the crescent moon on the nail a "barometer" of health? Lack of crescent moon is caused by 3 reasons

From a holistic point of view, if you want to judge the health of the body by the size of the crescent, the result is very inaccurate.

Sometimes the absence of a crescent moon on a fingernail may just be a normal physiological phenomenon and has little to do with the disease. But it should not be taken lightly, the state of the crescent moon is directly related to the body's metabolism.

If the metabolism in the body slows down, the crescent moon may get smaller and smaller, and it may even cause the crescent moon on the fingernails to suddenly disappear.