
Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era

author:Thoughtful client

"Take root in the ideological and political classroom and educate successors in the new era." In recent years, the ideological and political classroom has been the main position for the school to implement discipline education, and the use of red cultural resources to educate people is one of the major topics of the "Great Ideological and Political Course". In Yangpu, primary and secondary school students are stepping out of the campus, and red resources are also "flowing" into the classroom.

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. On the eve of the founding of the party, in order to strengthen the ideological and political leadership of veterans, bravely undertake the mission of the times, and carry forward and inherit the spirit of patriotism, on June 25, the unveiling ceremony of the ideological and political education base for veterans (Zhongyuan Road Primary School) in Yinhang Street was held in Zhongyuan Road Primary School, Yangpu District, Shanghai.

At the ceremony, the Yinhang Street Veterans Service Station and Zhongyuan Road Primary School completed the signing of ideological and political mutual assistance, marking that the two sides will jointly start a new journey of ideological and political education for veterans. Subsequently, the Yinhang Street Ideological and Political Education Base for Veterans (Zhongyuan Road Primary School) was inaugurated and established, becoming an important bridge connecting veterans and school teachers and students.

Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era

After the unveiling, the ideological and political education base will link the high-quality resources of both sides, focus on the theme of "red spirit, Rongyao inheritance", jointly build a red curriculum system, and carry out a series of innovative and effective ideological and political education activities in multiple forms such as red story lectures and walking studies. The base will also work closely with the teacher team of Zhongyuan Road Primary School to develop more characteristic ideological and political courses, carry out interactive experience activities, implement the "veterans grow up" plan, build a campus cultural brand, and combine the valuable experience of veterans with the school's education and teaching to jointly build a vivid and three-dimensional ideological and political classroom.

Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era
Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era
Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era
Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era

"Retired servicemen have dedicated themselves to national defense and army building, and have made great sacrifices and sacrifices to defend national security, and they themselves are the precious wealth of the party and the country. In the following series of activities, our veterans will tell the stories of their personal experiences, so that students can know that today's happy life is not easy to come by, and cherish their living and learning environment even more. Li Jun, a representative of the Yinhang Street Veterans Service Station, said.

In terms of schools, Gu Ming, director of moral education at Zhongyuan Road Primary School, was also pleased with the unveiling of the ideological and political education base. He believes that "the establishment of the base will give students a face-to-face and side-by-side interactive communication platform with retired soldiers, so that they can more intuitively feel the contributions made by the vast number of retired soldiers to the country, as well as their thoughts and experiences, which in themselves are a valuable wealth of ideological and political education, which will be of great help to the growth and development of students." ”

Unveiled! Build a new highland of ideological and political education, inherit the red spirit and educate new people in the era

In fact, the Yinhang Street Veterans Service Station has always been leading the exploration of new paths and methods for the ideological and political education of veterans. In the current social context of multicultural and value coexistence, it is of far-reaching and significant significance to bring the ideological and political education of veterans into schools. This is not only the rediscovery and utilization of the value of retired soldiers, but also an important supplement and improvement to the school's ideological and political education system, and is of great significance for cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor.

In the future, the Yinhang Street Veterans Service Station will continue to actively carry out cooperation, focus on planting the red spirit in the campus, inherit the red blood, continue the red gene, and strive to cultivate generations of good young people in the new era with firm ideals, beliefs and patriotic feelings.

Source: Yangpu, Shanghai

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