
The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

author:A doctor in Xiangyang
The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of June 28, the comprehensive area of the First People's Hospital of Xiangyang City organized a reading and sharing activity with the theme of "Spreading the Red Spirit and Undertaking the Original Mission".

The activity revolves around "Reminiscence: The Red Years in Textbooks; Recitation: Red spirit, casting spiritual beliefs; Sharing: Responsibility and Responsibility; Visit: Feel the spirit of the 'three lines'" and other 4 chapters. Lin Juanjuan, deputy director of the nursing department, said that through the recitation of red classics, the nursing staff's patriotic enthusiasm for the party was stimulated, ideals and beliefs were strengthened, and the construction of spiritual civilization in the hospital was promoted. At the same time, we advocate everyone to read more, think often, summarize diligently, improve themselves, establish the concept of serving the people and patients, and promote the development of nursing.

The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

In the first chapter, "Reminiscing the Red Years: Red Ring Competition", the portraits of historical figures and classic scenes in the textbook are used as the display content, and everyone tells the characters and stories by looking at the pictures.

The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

In the second chapter, "Recitation: Red Spirit, Casting Spiritual Beliefs", senior nursing representatives recited red stories in primary school textbooks, such as "Revolutionary Hero Qiu Shaoyun" and "Golden Fishhook", etc., and representatives of junior nursing staff recited the great spirit of the new era, such as "Beidou Spirit of the New Era" and "Hongyan Spirit". The readers were full of enthusiasm, and the audience listened with bated breath, deeply feeling the great dedication of the revolutionary ancestors and the hard-won happiness of life.

In the third chapter, "Sharing: Responsibility and Responsibility", senior teachers talked about how to integrate the red spirit into their daily work and provide high-quality nursing services for patients based on their own nursing practices. The junior nursing staff actively shared their insights on the great spirit of the new era, and expressed that they would practice the great spirit of the new era with actions and become the backbone of the medical front.

The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

In the fourth chapter, "Visit: Understanding the 'Three-Line Spirit'", all the nursing staff visited the "Imprint 603 Memory Exhibition Hall" and comprehended the "Three-Line Spirit" - the belief of "the country is important, the family is light, and the youth is dedicated and dedication".

The red spirit is like a beacon that illuminates the road of the original mission

Wang Ling, the head nurse of the comprehensive area department, made a summary comment. She said that this activity has created a strong atmosphere of reading and learning, and everyone can absorb spiritual nutrients through reading and learning, create a more substantial, warm and vital nursing culture, and establish a nursing brand with attitude, depth and personality. She said that she should take this event as an opportunity to develop good reading and learning habits, learn knowledge and draw strength from reading, and add strong spiritual motivation to the new journey.

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