
Condolences to the old party members, the red spirit will be inherited forever

author:Revitalize the countryside

On the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day, in order to better play the role of the bastion of the grassroots party organizations. On June 30th, the Tongxin Public Welfare Party Branch of Lipu County and Lei Feng teenagers came to Qiaojiang Dushi Village to express their condolences to the old party members, pay high respect to them, listen to them tell red stories, and feel the kindness of the party.

Condolences to the old party members, the red spirit will be inherited forever

In the condolence activities, the Lei Feng teenagers of the Tongxin Public Welfare in Lipu County used their own pocket money to buy fruit daily necessities, etc., Yan Qingxia, the director of the Tongxin Public Welfare, asked them about their living conditions and physical health, and at the same time, in the process of communication, the old party members told the Lei Feng teenagers their own personal experience of the red stories, which inspired the determination and belief of the Lei Feng teenagers to inherit the red spirit. Although the old party members are now retired, they are still doing things of selfless dedication... Let us deeply feel the greatness and far-reaching influence of the red spirit.

Condolences to the old party members, the red spirit will be inherited forever

They recalled the arduous years of struggle and described how, under the leadership of the party, they overcame many difficulties and struggled for the realization of revolutionary ideals. These stories have made our young party members deeply understand that the red spirit is the great spirit formed by the Chinese people in the protracted revolutionary struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and is the precious spiritual wealth of our party.

Condolences to the old party members, the red spirit will be inherited forever

Through this activity, the red spirit has been inherited and promoted, and the belief of Lei Feng teenagers to work hard to realize the Chinese dream has been stimulated. The activity of condolences to old party members is not only an expression of care and respect, but also a practice of red education, so that the young generation will not forget their original intentions, keep their mission in mind, and always follow the party.

Photo: He Yetao, Chen Lijun

Review: Yan Qingxia

Editor in charge: Liu Congli

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