
In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

author:Corner plum 666

Disclaimer: For ease of reading, this article is written in the first person, and the plot is fictional. Original article, refuse to carry plagiarism!

Narrated / Zhang Qingdong Written / Plum blossoms in the corner

My name is Zhang Qingdong, and in '92, I was 25 years old, which was a bit old in the countryside at that time, because most of the young men in the countryside were already married.

Since I was 20 years old, I have been on a blind date a few times, but none of the girls have taken a fancy to me because my family is too poor: there are four brothers and sisters, I am the eldest, and there are three younger brothers and sisters in school, who wants to marry their daughter into my family?

I am 1.8 meters tall and handsome, and when I was in junior high school, there was a girl who liked me. However, after entering the society, after the girl's parents knew the conditions of our family, they rejected me outright, and the conditions they put forward were very simple: as long as you can build three big brick houses, I will marry my daughter to you.

When I heard this, I gasped: this condition is nothing for some rural families, because one family in our village has already built a two-story house.

However, this condition is simply a dream for our family: because I have neither culture nor technology, I follow my parents to dig in the field to provide for my three younger siblings to go to school, and the whole family has just gotten rid of the era of insufficient food and clothing.

Our family's old tiled house was built when my grandfather was alive, and since my parents got married, their lives have been very difficult, and it is not easy to raise four children by stumbling, where is the money to build a new house?

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

In 93, I was 26 years old, one day, my second aunt came to my house, after she entered the door, she waved at me with a smile and called me into the house: "Qingdong, my second aunt is here to be a matchmaker for you today, my neighbor has a cousin, her cousin has a daughter, lives in the city, three years older than you, this girl looks not to mention how beautiful she is, just like a movie star, do you want to meet?" ”

When I heard my second aunt say this, I was a little confused: how can a girl who looks like a movie star take a fancy to me? Average-looking girls don't look down on me! Because I've been on a blind date several times, and each time it ended in failure.

"Qingdong, this is your luck, this girl is three years older than you, in fact, she was married when she was 23 years old, but she had a discordant relationship with her current husband, and she was divorced, her previous husband was in the city, I just thought about pulling the strings, what if your marriage is done? Don't look at her divorced, but she doesn't have any children now. Listening to the tone of the second aunt's voice, it was as if I had picked up a treasure.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

After hearing these words, I suddenly realized: I thought that pie would fall from the sky, but I didn't expect that this girl was already divorced, and divorced women were rare in the countryside in those years! However, after thinking of my family situation, my head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and I agreed to my second aunt without hesitation.

That day, when the second aunt was leaving, she opened a bag she was carrying, took out a tie from the bag, and said to me: "This is your cousin's tie, I specially brought it to you today, you wear it on the day of the blind date, and strive to leave a good impression on that beautiful girl, who has seen the world." ”

Three days later, I put on my tie, put on my white shirt, and my head was full of mousse, and I looked in front of the mirror, feeling that I was already safe, and then hurried towards the top of the town. (We have a bicycle at home, and my younger brother rides it to high school in the county, and I don't want to go out and borrow it, so what if I lose it in the town?) Because I still have to take a ride to the city. )

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

I always remember what my second aunt told me: let me take a ride to the city, and as soon as I got off at the city's east station, a young girl wearing a red dress and holding a newspaper was waiting for me at the east station.

That day, I just got out of the car, and sure enough, I saw a girl in a red dress and a newspaper waiting for me, she was very beautiful, and my second aunt didn't lie to me at all.

Seeing such a beautiful blind date, I was a little at a loss.

The girl looked me up and down for a moment, and then asked, "Are you Zhang Qingdong?" ”

I hurriedly agreed, and then began to walk the street with this girl.

"Do you work on the construction team? How much money can I earn in a month? "The blind date asked me.

After hearing these words, I was stunned for a moment, and I thought to myself: When did I work in the construction team? Uncle Zhang from our village followed others to build a house, and if the number of people was not enough, he would ask me to move bricks to make up the number, and give me eight yuan a day. Otherwise, the second aunt said that I was a vagrant, which is a bit unpleasant!

"I make ten dollars a day." In order to save face on my face, I deliberately said two more yuan.

"Hey, I thought you earned a lot of money a day, but it turned out that you earned ten yuan a day, and only 300 yuan a month, which is too little! Do you know how much this dress costs on me? And my pair of sandals, my ex-husband earns 400 yuan a month, I don't like it, he can't afford to support me at all. That's why I divorced him. I didn't expect this Cuiling (second aunt) to underestimate me too much, and even introduced you to me, which disappointed me too much. After the blind date said these words, she glanced at me and walked away.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

Listening to the sound of the high heels leaving, I didn't chase it, I knew that the two of us couldn't be a family. Because although I follow the small work of building a house, I don't earn eight yuan every day, and sometimes I only work for less than 10 days a month, and the requirements of the blind date are too high, and I can't meet it at all.

Thinking of this blind date, it was less than ten minutes from the beginning to the end, that day, I felt very discouraged, bored and walked along the road to my home, even if there was a passing car, I didn't want to take the car: mainly to save some car money, plus I was not in a good mood, I felt that even a divorced woman could not look down on me, and I would be single for the rest of my life.

After arriving in the town, it was almost noon, my stomach was hungry, I felt a few yuan of pocket money in my pocket, and took out one yuan casually: today I also went to the restaurant to eat a bowl of shredded meat noodles, and in the future I want to open a little, it is time to eat, it is time to drink, anyway, I am single, and I don't plan to get married.

So, I walked into the restaurant owned by Uncle Li and prepared to buy a bowl of shredded pork noodles to eat.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

Uncle Li opened a restaurant in our town, and I didn't go to eat often, mainly because sometimes I went out to move bricks with the builder of the house, and if the host's family didn't care about the meal, I would follow a few plasterers to eat in the town.

Two years ago, when I went to dinner with a few plasterers, I saw a little ruffian in his twenties looking for something in Uncle Li's restaurant, and the other customers were watching, and no one came forward to help Uncle Li.

Uncle Li and his wife's angry tears were about to come out, but they were also helpless, because they only had one daughter and no son at all.

That day, after the little ruffian finished eating, he said that Uncle Li's cooking was not delicious, and he didn't want to pay a penny.

Aunt Li kept saying, "Young man, if the food I cook is not delicious, why are you finished?" Even the soup at the bottom of the bowl has been drunk, and it is not easy for us to do business, you should give us food money! ”

The young man pouted, he didn't listen to Aunt Li's explanation at all, he turned around and wanted to walk away. (Actually, at that time, the customers who ate knew that this young man just wanted to eat white food, he didn't want to give money at all, if Uncle Li let him go this time, he might come to eat every day in the future, and he wouldn't give money.) )

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

"I just don't want to give you money today, what's wrong?" The young man made a gesture with Uncle Li, turned around and left.

Although I am a poor person, I am upright by nature, and I am most disgusted with bullying honest people.

That day, I happened to be sitting at the door for dinner, and when I saw this young man preparing to leave, I stood up directly, grabbed the young man by the collar, and told the young man: I am a relative of the hotel boss, and if you don't give money today, you won't be able to get out of this hotel smoothly.

Heng was afraid, that day, this young man saw my menacing appearance, he didn't dare to say more, obediently paid, and walked away.

That day, Uncle Li and his wife kept thanking me, and from that time on, as long as I went to dinner occasionally, they would add more shredded meat to me. (Originally, Uncle Li didn't want to take my food money, but I didn't think it was easy to do business, so I insisted on giving him food money, Uncle Li took care of me every time, because other people's shredded meat noodles were a few shredded meat, he added a big chopsticks to me shredded meat, it turned out that I was not familiar with Uncle Li, and it was from that time that I became familiar with Uncle Li.) )

Later I found out that the young man had already eaten at Uncle Li's restaurant twice, and he never gave money. Thanks to my help that time, the young man never went to Uncle Li's hotel again.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

Uncle Li has a daughter, who is also good-looking, and she is not often in the store, but I heard that she works in a shoe factory in the town. (If her daughter doesn't go to work when the restaurant is busy, she will go to the restaurant to help.) )

It turned out that when I went to their restaurant for dinner, Uncle Li's daughter ignored me, and since the incident two years ago, she would greet me with a smile every time she saw me. (It may have been Uncle Li who told her about that.) )

That day, when I arrived at the restaurant, I took out one yuan and told Aunt Li: Make me a bowl of shredded pork noodles.

It was a hot day, so I sat outside under the fan and waited.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

As soon as my shredded meat noodles were served, five middle-aged men came in the door. As soon as a middle-aged man in the lead entered the house, he said to Aunt Li: "Sister-in-law, make us five bowls of shredded pork noodles, we unloaded the truck late in the carton factory today, and there is no rice in the canteen in the factory, you try to make the noodles more affordable, after all, they are all eaten by working people, it doesn't matter how much money you have, as long as the food is delicious." ”

Aunt Li agreed, and began to go to the back kitchen to get busy, and I also began to eat.

I had just eaten half a bowl of rice when I heard Aunt Li crying out in the kitchen: "Wife, what's wrong with you?" Wake up......"

I hurriedly put down the dishes and chopsticks and ran towards the back kitchen, and the five middle-aged men also stood up, they looked at each other, and followed me to the back kitchen.

As soon as I walked to the door of the kitchen, I felt a heat wave rushing towards my face: the kitchen was like a big steamer, Uncle Li was lying on the floor, and Aunt Li was shouting on the side.

I took a quick look: there were still vegetables fried on the coal fire, the ground was full of oil and water, Uncle Li's face was pale, and no matter how Aunt Li shouted, he didn't say a word.

I hurriedly took the vegetables off the coal fire, blocked the fire, and then hurriedly asked Aunt Li: What's wrong with the uncle?

"Xiao Zhang, today's weather is too hot, when my wife got up in the morning, he said that he was a little dizzy, I thought about asking him to close the store today for a day, he said that he was reluctant to close the door, and he didn't want to let the old customers go. So, he came to open the door again today, today at noon, the kitchen is very hot, just now we were about to close, just when you came to the restaurant to eat, I made you a bowl, who knows, there are five more customers, my wife is nervous, she fainted, it is estimated that it is heat stroke. Aunt Li said while crying.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

After hearing these words, the five middle-aged men at the door left silently. (I guess they saw me and thought that I knew Uncle Li too, plus they were very busy at work, and they didn't want to cause so much trouble, so they left without saying a word.) )

That day, I squatted down without hesitation, carried Uncle Li on my back, and let Aunt Li support me on the side, and walked towards the small clinic in the town. (Not long after I walked out, Uncle Li woke up, and for the sake of insurance, I still carried him to the small clinic.) )

That day, the doctor in the clinic checked it and told Uncle Li that he had a heat stroke, so he should take a good rest and take some medicine.

As soon as I walked out of the clinic with Uncle Li in my arms, her daughter came on her bicycle. (On that day, the sister-in-law of the store next door to the hotel went to the shoe factory to inform Uncle Li's daughter.) )

Seeing Uncle Li's daughter shushing at her father, I knew that my mission had been completed, so I said goodbye to them and prepared to walk home.

Who knows, Uncle Li's daughter stopped me: "Brother Zhang, the weather is too hot at noon now, you are walking back to the village alone, and the road is so sunny." Ride my bike, I'm going to be at home this afternoon to take care of my dad and not going to work. Now my father's health is still very weak, and he can't sit on a bicycle, so I'm going to help him go back, and when the weather is cooler, it's not too late for you to send me a bicycle. ”

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

Seeing that the girl enthusiastically handed me the bicycle, I no longer shirked, and was about to ride the bicycle, when I suddenly heard Uncle Li say to his daughter: "Xiaoxia, thanks to your Brother Zhang today, if it weren't for him, I don't know how long I would have been lying on the kitchen floor, this old bicycle is nothing at all, even if I buy him a few new bicycles, I am willing, you even let him have time to deliver the bicycle." There was also the white shirt on Xiao Zhang's body, I was lying on the ground at the time, my body was dirty, and he stained the white shirt in order to carry me. ”

After hearing these words, I turned my face to look at Uncle Li's daughter, and found that her face was red, and in order to avoid embarrassment, I quickly pedaled the bicycle and walked away without looking back.

The next morning, I woke up early and took advantage of the cool weather to deliver a bicycle to Uncle Li's house. When I was about to go out, I thought that every time Uncle Li sold me rice, he would add more shredded meat to me, and the amount of noodles was also increased, plus Uncle Li was also sick, so I couldn't go to his house empty-handed to deliver bicycles.

So, I went to the backyard and picked a handful of beans grown at home, and saw that a few melons were ripe, so I picked those melons and sent them to Uncle Li together.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

As soon as I arrived at the door of Uncle Li's hotel, I saw Uncle Li sitting at the gate. (Because the restaurant is his home.) )

After Uncle Li saw me, he took my hand and kept saying to me: "Xiao Zhang, you are too polite, I was going to go to your house with a gift this morning, thank you for saving me yesterday, I didn't expect you to come to see me with a gift, don't leave this morning, so early, I guess you haven't eaten, my daughter Xiaoxia is preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and the two of us will sit together for breakfast in a while." ”

I had to sit with Uncle Li for breakfast that day, and when Xiaoxia saw me coming, she prepared several dishes.

So, while eating with Uncle Li, we started chatting, and Uncle Li kept asking about my family situation.

"Xiao Zhang, you are 26 years old this year, are you not married yet? Do you have any requirements for your future marriage partner? Uncle Li asked me with a smile.

"Uncle, you also know the conditions of our family, if there is a girl who takes a fancy to me, I will be very grateful, where do I dare to ask for anything!" I let out a long sigh and said to Uncle Li. (For the sake of face, I didn't tell Uncle Li: Even a divorced woman didn't take a fancy to me, and she was three years older than me.) )

"Xiao Zhang, how about you look at my daughter? She's four years younger than you, so why don't the two of you get along with each other, get to know each other, and see if it's suitable? Uncle Li sandwiched a piece of beef and said casually.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

After hearing these words, I was stunned for a moment: Uncle Li can't be drunk, right? However, there was no alcohol for today's meal!

"Uncle, you also know the situation of my family, there is not even a decent house, you can't be joking, right? If Xiaoxia follows me, I won't have a place to marry a daughter-in-law! I stumbled.

After Uncle Li heard these words, he put down his chopsticks and said to me with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, I am telling the truth, I only have one daughter, Xiaoxia, and I am a son at all.

When Xiaoxia was young, I hoped that she could find a responsible and responsible young man in the future, I feel that you are just right, the house is a small thing, I only have this one daughter, your house, you can get married by cleaning one casually. After you get married, you will live in our family's house, and in the future, these houses will belong to you and Xiaoxia, including this hotel, which is yours. Uncle Li said to me solemnly.

In 93, I failed on a blind date, went to a restaurant for dinner, and the uncle who opened the restaurant was ready to marry his daughter to me

After hearing these words, I hurriedly glanced back at Xiaoxia next to me and found that her face was red and very good-looking.

During the Spring Festival of that year, Xiaoxia and I got married, and after getting married, I began to learn to cook with my father-in-law, and when I learned the skills of cooking, my father-in-law handed over the restaurant to Xiaoxia and me.

Later, the business got better and better, so I took the original small restaurant and built it into a three-story building.

With the passage of time, both of our children have been admitted to university and have become families, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law have also grown older, and in my daily life, I am like my own son, and I am wholeheartedly filial to my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

My father-in-law often told his relatives and friends: I am his biological son.

And I know that the life I can have today is all given to me by my father-in-law and mother-in-law: because of my righteousness and courage back then, I moved my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so they married their daughter to me, maybe this is a good reward! #长文创作激励计划#

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