
It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

author:Vitality Little Red Flower

In the past, rice was basically free when eating in restaurants, but now most restaurants charge a fee and sell it for 2 or 3 yuan a bowl, but if you can't eat enough, you can renew.


The price is quite reasonable, so I have hardly ever seen anyone complain about the high price of rice in restaurants.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

I have to say that the price is really getting higher and higher, and there is a rice that sells for 30 yuan! A man who dined at a restaurant in Hainan spent 220 yuan to order four dishes and two servings of rice, and the result was a staggering 60 yuan for rice alone. The man felt unacceptable, and then posted on the Internet to warn other netizens to beware of this restaurant, which aroused widespread attention and discussion among netizens.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Here's how it happened: The other day, the man went to a restaurant in Hainan to eat, and everything seemed quite pleasant. He ordered some dishes and rice, and the man had originally ordered only one rice, but he didn't have enough to eat. At the checkout, he was shocked to find that the price of two servings of rice was 60 yuan, which made him feel a little impulsive and extremely distressed in his heart.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

He was surprised by this, because rice used to be almost free, but now it costs so much money. He lamented that the 60 yuan could have been used to order many other dishes, and it was not worth it just to buy rice.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Therefore, the man decided not to pack the leftovers when he left, but chose to pack the rice and take it away. This made him very angry, and even felt that it was an obvious exploitation. So, when he left the restaurant, he packed these "sky-high" rice with him, wanting to show his friends this ridiculous fact. He also recorded a video in which he disclosed the address of the restaurant and bluntly said that he felt deceived, calling on netizens to be vigilant and avoid the restaurant.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

He pointed out that although the restaurant claimed to use high-quality Wuchang rice, and that one serving of rice was equivalent to ten small bowls, he still thought the price was too high.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Just as everyone was condemning the merchant's actions, things took an unexpected turn. The merchant's response and subsequent actions have given a whole new understanding of the incident. Merchants responded that their pricing was very transparent, and the price was clearly marked on the menu, which was 3 yuan for a small bowl and 30 yuan for a large portion. But the man's video and remarks had already affected the restaurant's reputation, so they chose to call the police.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

The merchant not only responded quickly to the incident, but also chose to call the police. It turned out that what the man ordered was not the usual small bowl of rice, but a large portion of rice equivalent to ten small bowls. The merchant explained that according to the standard of 2 to 3 yuan a small bowl, the price of 30 yuan for a large bowl is reasonable. In addition, the merchant emphasized that they were using high-quality Wuchang rice, which could be verified.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

The merchant also added that when the man asked for a second large bowl of rice, the waiter had reminded him, but the man insisted. The video posted by the man later misled the public and caused a lot of financial losses to the merchant, so the merchant decided to call the police to deal with the incident.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

As the incident unfolded, some people began to think that the restaurant's approach was indeed a bit excessive. Even if it is a so-called big bowl of rice, is 30 yuan a bowl really reasonable? Considering that 30 yuan can buy a 10-kilogram bag of rice, such a price seems a bit outrageous. Even if the store claims that a large bowl can be divided into 10 small bowls, the price of 3 yuan per small bowl does not seem cheap.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

In addition, some people questioned why if the man really believed that he had been treated unfairly, why did he not report to the police or complain to the relevant authorities on the spot? It may be because the man realizes that he is also responsible in some way, so he ends up choosing to vent his frustration online. As a result, things turned out more than he expected, and what he wanted to blame for the restaurant's actions instead put himself in trouble. After all, merchants have clearly marked prices, which in itself should not pose a problem.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

After this response and explanation of the merchant, many netizens began to reflect on their initial judgment. There are voices in favor of businesses, such as a netizen who has worked in the kitchen for ten years, saying that the price is reasonable in his opinion.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

In addition, other netizens also carefully examined the price of each dish on the receipt and believed that the merchant's instructions were generally true.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

On the one hand, some people support the merchant's approach, believing that the man should be taught a lesson, believing that his behavior is tantamount to smearing the merchant.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

On the other hand, there are also those who believe that the way merchants mark prices can lead to misunderstandings, especially the definition of large portions, and many people are used to the concept of small portions and may misplace.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Despite this, some people still feel that even if it is a large portion, the price of 30 yuan a pot is too high, and think that since it is a large portion, the merchant should provide some discounts.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

60 yuan can buy a bag of rice, enough for two people to eat for half a year.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Feeling aggrieved, he mentioned that even though they emphasized the use of high-quality Wuchang rice, they were still ridiculed.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

It should be called a "pot" rather than a "bowl", and this statement of the merchant has caught the handle.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

On takeaway platforms, the price of rice is usually three yuan per bowl, while in some restaurants, rice may be available for free. This discrepancy can sometimes cause confusion for consumers.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

In large shopping malls or certain restaurants, even smaller portions of rice can cost five to six yuan, depending on the cost of doing business.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

In addition, according to the experience of netizens, the cost of high-quality Wuchang rice is higher, and the price of a small bowl of rice in a restaurant is naturally higher, which may reach five yuan.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Businesses may be able to better manage customer expectations and avoid such confusion if they are more precise in their price tags and descriptions, such as making it clear that rice is sold in "pots" rather than "bowls." Such clarity is very helpful in preventing unnecessary disputes between customers and merchants.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

From this incident, both sides really have something to improve. The man had already been reminded by the waiter when he ordered, and if he had paid more attention to the description on the menu or asked for the price, there might have been no subsequent unpleasantness.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

The final view is that the truth of the matter is often difficult to put into words. While the party who posted the video tried to draw attention for the price of two bowls of rice, he ignored the waiter's kind reminder about the small bowl of rice. This case proves once again that video publishers do not automatically occupy the moral high ground. When judging any event, knowing the full picture is always key.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

This incident has really taught everyone a profound lesson. It's crucial for merchants to ensure that their menu descriptions are accurate and thorough, which can greatly reduce customer misunderstandings and dissatisfaction. As a consumer, you should understand the dish information in more detail before ordering to avoid unnecessary regrets and disputes due to unclear information. Both sides should be vigilant so that they do not have to trouble the police to solve the problem.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

The incident also reflects a broader social problem, namely that many people are lacking in the spirit of contract. Sometimes, because they didn't understand the situation in advance, some people mistakenly blame others afterwards or even expand the situation. If you can empathize more in your life and have fewer preconceived prejudices, you may get along and deal with things more smoothly.

It's too expensive! The man ate a bowl of rice at a restaurant for 30 yuan, angrily posted a video complaining, and the merchant called the police for grievances

Therefore, both operators and consumers should master a "degree" in their actions and dealings with people. The expansion of a dispute caused by a small matter such as a bowl of rice is really more than worth the loss, not only causing trouble to oneself, but also wasting public resources. I hope this episode can serve as a wake-up call for everyone: we should pursue transparency and openness in everything, and put ourselves in the shoes of others when encountering problems, so that life will be clearer and smoother.

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