
Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

The Paper

2024-06-28 15:06The Paper official account

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01 Apple headset Vision Pro national version is officially on sale, with a price starting at 30,000 yuan and capacities of 256G, 512G and 1TB.

On June 28, Apple's Shanghai Jing'an store welcomed the first batch of Vision Pro users and experiencers, and the experience reservation was full.

03In addition, Chinese users can enjoy Apple Immersive Video through Migu Video on Vision Pro and Tencent Video APP.

04 Tianfeng International Securities analyst Guo Mingchi predicts that global shipments will maintain 400,000-450,000 units in 2024.

05Despite the higher price, some experiencers expressed their expectation that Apple would develop a lower-priced version in the future.

Technical support is provided by Tencent Hybrid Model

The price starts at 30,000 yuan, and the Chinese version of Apple's headset Vision Pro is officially launched.

Early in the morning of June 28, Apple's Shanghai Jing'an store opened its doors to welcome the first batch of Vision Pro users and experiencers. The surging news reporter saw at the scene that the circular experience area of the Jing'an store was full of experiencers, and there was an Apple staff member next to each experiencer to assist in the experience, hoping to give customers a 30-minute deep immersive experience.

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

Early in the morning of the 28th, Apple's Jing'an store was full of early adopters. The Paper reporter Zhou Ling pictured

In the early morning of June 11, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC2024) that Apple's headset would be sold in overseas markets. Among them, pre-orders will be available to users in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore at 9 a.m. Beijing time on June 14, and will be officially released from June 28. Users in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom can pre-order from 8 p.m. Beijing time on June 28, and the official release will begin on July 12.

According to Apple's official website in China, the price of the national version starts at 29,999 yuan, and the capacity is 256G, 512G and 1TB.

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

Customers experience visioPro in an immersive way. The Paper reporter Zhou Ling pictured

There are many young people in the first batch of experiencers, and high school student Zhang told The Paper reporter after experiencing the product that he had been paying attention to the news of VisionPro before, and applied to experience it as soon as it was available in China.

"The experience is completely different from the iPhone and iPad, and the biggest feeling is the 3D effect of the large screen." Zhang said that the current price is a bit expensive for one of his students, and he expects Apple to consider buying a lower-priced version in the future.

A self-proclaimed "Mr. Sai" user bought a Vision Pro, he said that he is a senior fruit fan, and he likes the spatial video of Vision Pro the most, which can be used while lying in bed, and can also be connected to a computer to support multiple interfaces.

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

There is a VisionPro display in the Apple store, but it cannot be worn directly.   Photo by surging news reporter Zhou Ling

Mr. Sun experienced the American version of Vision Pro for the first time, and this time he experienced the Chinese version of Vision Pro for the first time. "Vision Pro is a new thing, a new thing about spatial computing, and it's not exactly like a computer or a mobile phone. Spatial interaction is that there are multiple windows, and this interaction is not the same as that of a folding phone. Mr. Sun said that the clarity presented by Apple's own interface is "simply terrifying", but the clarity of many third-party videos and images needs to be improved.

"As the original product, I think Apple has done a good enough job." Mr. Sun said that in terms of price, 30,000 yuan is a bit high at present, and if it can be reduced by one-third, more people will buy it.

The day before, on June 27th, the surging news reporter experienced Vision Pro in advance, because Vision Pro relies on eyes, gestures and voice to interact, especially gesture recognition actions need to be simply learned. Overall, it's relatively easy to get started, but you have to get used to it for a few minutes, and then you can get used to it very smoothly.

The reporter's personal feeling is that the large-screen immersive experience brought by VisionPro can achieve the effect of "virtual" and "real" world integration, and a panoramic map of the Huangpu River taken casually has a feeling of sitting by the river after being projected into the VisionPro display.

Apple displayed the VisionPro in retail stores for customers to see, but not to wear it directly. In addition, both experiencers and buyers need to make an appointment in advance to have an in-depth experience.

It is worth noting that the experience reservation is about 30 minutes, and users can not only familiarize themselves with the operation of Apple's headset, but also try the built-in games and apps, but they cannot download the APP for an in-depth experience, and the experience content is basically the same as at the press conference.

The surging news reporter found in another Apple store that there are also some users who pick up the machine in the morning, but more consumers come to demonstrate the experience by appointment, the duration is about 30 minutes, if the experience is not fun, the Apple store staff said that you can make an appointment for a second in-depth experience, but the content and application are still limited to the demonstration machine.

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

Visitors watch Migu videos with VisionPro at MWC.

As the first generation of spatial computing, many users complained about the relatively small content. On the 28th, Apple announced that Chinese users can enjoy Apple's immersive video through Migu Video and Tencent Video APP on Vision Pro.

According to Apple, this is a new form of storytelling created specifically for the Vision Pro, using 8K 3D video and spatial audio with a 180-degree viewing angle to give viewers a sense of immersion. Vision Pro users in China can enjoy a range of immersive films and series across multiple genres and formats, including action-adventure, music, animation and documentaries, including: Extreme Adventure, Alicia Keys: Into the Rehearsal, Prehistoric Earth, and Wildlife.

The day before, Migu Video had demonstrated watching Migu videos with Vision Pro at MWC Shanghai. It also attracts a lot of audience experience.

On the afternoon of June 28, the surging news reporter logged on to Apple's official website and found that the current demonstration experience time in Shanghai has been scheduled to July 3, and the current order is placed to buy.

Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

Apple's Vision Pro is considered to be a product that ushered in the era of spatial computing. At the technical level, Vision Pro uses VST (Video Perspective) to achieve the MR fusion effect, that is, the camera captures the image of the real world, fuses it with virtual elements, and then projects it into the user's eye. Strictly speaking, Vision Pro is a VR headset that can display external images. Thanks to these technological advancements, according to the experience feedback of most users, the time difference between the "display" of the Vision Pro and reality is not felt. Guo Mingchi, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, who has been tracking Apple's industrial chain for many years, believes that global shipments will maintain 400,000-450,000 units in 2024.

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  • Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"
  • Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"
  • Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"
  • Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"
  • Apple headset Vision Pro national version on sale: experience reservations are full, and the price of 30,000 yuan is "a bit high"

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