
Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

author:Fang Yuan talks about history
Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal


In the feudal dynasty, the profession of Xiangshi has always been widely respected, not to mention ordinary people, even the emperor believes in it very much and wants to invite him to come and see.

However, those who can be passed down through the ages are also very outstanding in history, and today I want to talk about the Xiangshi Chen Shu who went through the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the Song Dynasty, among which there are countless people who want to invite him to see the face, and even the emperor invited him to see the face. One day, by chance, Chen Tuan was invited to look at a family, and before he entered the door, Chen Tuan said: "This family is not mortal!" ”

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

1. Don't seek fame and fortune

Although Chen Shu was born in the last years of the Tang Dynasty, he has always lived a reclusive life during the period of chaos in the world, not participating in the trivial affairs of the world, and when he came out of the mountain again, the whole world had undergone great changes.

With the fall of the Tang Dynasty and the rise of war, the most promising person in the whole world at this time is Zhou Shizong Chai Rong, I believe everyone should have heard a lot of his name. Later generations even said that if he lived a few more years, there would be no Zhao Kuangyin, and this person's ability is needless to say.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

But as he grew older, he also contracted a bad problem, that is, he began to indulge in Huang Lao's arts, believing that some unwarranted spells were real. The imperial power is there, and one can imagine the attraction of Chen Tuan to Zhou Shizong. It didn't take long for Chen Tuan to be brought to Zhou Shizong.

Zhou Shizong heard about the technique of "turning stones into gold" out of nowhere, so he wanted to learn and learn, and Chen Shu was brought to Zhou Shizong at this time, and after meeting, Zhou Shizong asked straight to the point: "Do you know the art of turning stones into gold?" ”

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

This is not in line with reality, and Chen Jian didn't care that he was the emperor and said indifferently: "The minister won't." The attitude can be said to be very indifferent, but although it is indifferent, Zhou Shizong is very interested, and pulls him to ask a bunch of questions.

At this time, Chen Tuan didn't care whether he would commit it or not, and said directly: You are the emperor, you should focus on how to govern the country, not on this Huang Lao's technique.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

After hearing Chen Shu's words, Zhou Shizong really thought about it, and felt that there was still some truth in his words, so he took the initiative to leave him in the palace and give him an official position. However, he was rejected by Chen Tuan, who had experienced many years of idle clouds and wild crane-like life, and had long since wanted to enter the court as an official.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Seeing Chen Kuan's resolute attitude, Zhou Shizong couldn't keep it anymore, but in the days that followed, Zhou Shizong didn't forget Chen Tuan, and would send someone to send him some things.

2. For heavy use

Of course, for such a talented person, every emperor wants his help, and the same is true for Zhao Kuangyin. But in fact, as early as when Zhao Kuangyin had not yet ascended the throne, Chen Jian had already predicted the future direction.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

The night before Zhao Kuangyin was added to the yellow robe, Chen Jian didn't sleep all night, and he kept watching the stars. Although Zhao Kuangyin didn't know him, Chen Kuangyin had long known that Zhao Kuangyin could sit on the throne, and after Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne, Chen Kuangyin's reputation became more and more famous.

However, the whereabouts of people like Chen Tuan are very ethereal, so although Zhao Kuangyin has been looking for Chen Tuan, he has never received a response from Chen Tuan.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

It wasn't until Zhao Kuangyin died that his younger brother Zhao Guangyi sat on the throne, and finally a voice said that he had found the famous Chen Kuan. Zhao Guangyi couldn't wait to let people bring him into the palace, but at this time, Chen Tuan was already a centenarian, but he couldn't see Chen Kuan's actions at all, and he was full of anger when he spoke, Zhao Guangyi knew as soon as he saw Chen Tuan that this must not be a mortal.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Zhao Guangyi was also very polite to him, and even helped him to the chair himself. At this time, Zhao Guangyi was fighting, but there was no progress in this battle, so he wanted to ask Chen Kuan what the result would be on this issue.

After hearing Zhao Guangyi's question, Chen Jian said bluntly: "Your Majesty, I advise you to stop the war as soon as possible. After hearing Chen Quan's words, Zhao Guangyi's heart was half cold, but he still had a fluke mentality, and did not stop the war immediately, and the final result was that the Song army was defeated, and the casualties were heavy.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Zhao Guangyi believed in Chen Tuan from the bottom of his heart at this time, so that Zhao Guangyi would also listen to Chen Kuan's advice on such a major matter as Lichu.

III. Prince Sadada

Among Zhao Guangyi's sons, there are only three children he values, and simply put, the future prince must be among the three of them. The eldest son Zhao Yuanzuo, the second son Zhao Yuanxi and the youngest son Zhao Heng.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

They are all their own children, and Zhao Guangyi at this time can't help but feel embarrassed. But before that, I still have to talk about the imperial succession system at this time, which is generally the eldest son. However, there are no sons-in-law among these children, which depends on their age. There is no doubt that Zhao Yuanzuo should be the crown prince.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Then why did Zhao Guangyi hesitate, of course, in Zhao Guangyi's heart, he was not very satisfied with his eldest son. In the early years, under the ancestral training, Zhao Guangyi also made his eldest son Zhao Yuanzuo the crown prince, but his eldest son's temperament was a little eccentric, and it should be said that there were some excesses.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Back then, because of some things, Zhao Yuanzuo actually set fire to his palace, which made Zhao Guangyi simply angry. immediately ordered his position as the crown prince to be abolished, and in his opinion, Zhao Yuanzuo's behavior was not enough to hold the position of crown prince at all.

According to the order of the eldest and youngest, it should be his second son Zhao Yuanxi's turn next, impartial Zhao Yuanxi is indeed very good, not only in dealing with the government is also humble and polite, Zhao Guangyi is very satisfied with this.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

But just when Zhao Guangyi was at ease, Zhao Yuanxi died suddenly. Zhao Yuanxi's violent death without warning made the position of the crown prince vacant again, and Zhao Guangyi also had a headache. At this time, he also fell into a dilemma, just like Kangxi and the two abolished princes, Zhao Guangyi's anger towards his eldest son has long since disappeared, after all, he is his own son.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

But as the younger son grows up, the younger son is equally good, who should pass the throne to. Of course, under the situation that most of the heirs of the Great Song royal family withered, Zhao Guangyi can also be regarded as an emperor with many children. At this moment, someone around him told him that it was better to invite Chen Tuan to ask him what he meant.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Here Chen Tong was invited into the palace, Zhao Guangyi respected him very much, and hurriedly asked people to give him a seat, at this time Chen Tong was also old, his hair was gray, and he was a little trembling when he walked. After listening to Zhao Guangyi's words, Chen Jian said bluntly: "I'll go to your third son's mansion and take a look." ”

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

Hearing that Chen Jian agreed, Zhao Guangyi also smiled, and immediately ordered someone to send Chen Tong to Zhao Heng's mansion. Here, Chen Jian just got out of the car and didn't enter the door, just glanced at the guards on both sides at the door, and turned to leave. Seeing his moves, the people around him were very puzzled, didn't they see Zhao Heng yet? How did you go.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal

I saw Chen Jian shook his head and said: "The subordinates of the palace all have the appearance of Wang Zuo, which shows that the prince is even more expensive. Although Chen Jian did not say it explicitly, Zhao Guangyi had already heard what Chen Jian meant, and after laughing, he decided to make his youngest son Zhao Heng the crown prince.

This is also the last thing Chen Tuan did for the Song royal family, and after replying to Zhao Guangyi, Chen Tuan took the initiative to resign and said that he wanted to leave. At this time, Zhao Guangyi, who had solved the mystery in his heart, was also very talkative, and let him go directly.

Xiangshi went to a person's house to tell fortunes, and just turned around and left as soon as he entered the door: No, this family is not mortal


When Chen Tuan was one hundred and eighteen years old, he passed away, and it was enough to be shocked to be able to live for so long in ancient times, not to mention that there were so many mysterious legends and stories left on Chen Kuan's body, adding a veil of mystery to him.