
"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium

author:Engineer S100695547
"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium

Celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The anniversary of the birth of the party


The anniversary of the birth of the party

July 1

103rd Anniversary Celebration

"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium


Celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The anniversary of the birth of the party


In order to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, eulogize the glorious history of the party, further strengthen the construction of the community party committee and party member team, and inspire the majority of party members to give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, and actively participate in community construction, on the afternoon of June 28, the party committee of the new century community of Dongshan Street organized a symposium on "recalling the red history and inheriting the red gene", and more than 30 old party members, resident representatives and community workers in the district participated in the symposium.

"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium


"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium

At the beginning of the event, Zhang Xiuju, Secretary of the Party Committee of the New Century Community, awarded honorary medals to the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party"; Then all party members stood up, raised their right fists in front of the solemn party flag, and reviewed the oath of joining the party together; Immediately afterwards, Mr. Liu Jingcheng of the lecturer group was invited to give a micro-lecture on "My Story of Joining the Party" for everyone, and the old party members expressed their thoughts and recalled the scene when they joined the party. "When we were young, it was a great honor to be able to join the party, and it was a heavy responsibility on everyone's shoulders......" Comrade Zheng Shutang, who has been a party member for 50 years, said with tears in his eyes. The residents and friends, young party members and cadres and grassroots workers at the scene listened meticulously to the gushing stories of the old party members, and felt the original intention and mission of the party members with their hearts.


Celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium

Commemorative Congress

Location: New Century Community

At the end of the activity, the secretary of the party committee of the new century community, party members, and representatives of the masses joined hands to cut the cake to celebrate the party's birthday, and Zhang Xiuju, secretary of the community party committee, also took this opportunity to introduce the party building work of the community in the first half of the year to the old party members present, summarized the achievements and found the deficiencies and problems, and at the same time hoped that the community party members, especially the old comrades, would put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions in the second half of the year, so as to jointly promote the community party building work to a new level.

"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium


"Reminiscing the Red History and Inheriting the Red Gene" July 1st Symposium

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