
How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

author:Guardian of the Age

Whipping, beating, eating millet spicy, pulling nails....

It's a gambler's paradise and a gambler's hell.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

In 2005, under the severe crackdown of the Chinese government, the Maizayang Casino on the China-Myanmar border was forced to close, but on the other side, the Boten Casino on the China-Laos border has quietly grown and grown.

Among them, there are many Chinese who want to get rich overnight, but they face a bloody price.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Ride on the crest of success

"I'm not going to gamble again." Sister Xia said this sentence in tears to the camera.

Sister Xia is one of the trapped compatriots rescued by the Chinese public security and the Lao public security, and the experience of the Laotian casino in her heart is a lingering shadow for her life.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think
How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Sister Xia is an authentic Beijinger, who has always had the dream of getting rich overnight, and often plays some mobile phone gambling.

In the process of mobile gambling, Sister Xia also made a lot of friends, and she likes to delve into some knowledge on the gambling table.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

On this day, Sister Xia's friend Li Dan told Sister Xia that there is a casino on the border between China and Laos, where if you are lucky, you can win hundreds of thousands of dollars a night, and if you are bad, you will have tens of thousands of yuan a night.

Sister Xia's eyes lit up instantly when she heard Li Dan's words, isn't it a fool to take advantage of it?

Sister Xia immediately packed her luggage and went on a trip with Li Dan.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

After the two arrived in Kunming, China, Li Dan called two friends to come over, Li Dan told Sister Xia that the two people were old acquaintances of the casino, and they would definitely be able to return triumphantly.

Because it was already late when he arrived in Kunming, Li Dan took Sister Xia on a motorcycle smuggled to Laos on the pretext of being in a hurry.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

The two of them galloped along the path, and on the way, Sister Xia saw a warning sign saying "Chinese citizens are strictly prohibited from entering the gambling hall", but Sister Xia didn't think much about it, because China has been cracking down on gambling all along.

After arriving at the destination, because it was already late, Sister Xia proposed to rest first and wait for her spirits to shine in the casino.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Li Dan also agreed with Sister Xia's opinion very much, and opened a star-rated hotel suite for Sister Xia to rest, and Sister Xia's heart can be said to be beautiful.

How happy she is now, how painful it will be in the future, Sister Xia has no idea what she will go through.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

The next day, Sister Xia had a good night's sleep, and when she woke up, a table full of delicacies was waiting for her, and Sister Xia felt that she would definitely be able to make a lot of money today.

After eating, Sister Xia drew a delicate little makeup and set foot on the way to the casino.

Along the way, Sister Xia found that Boding Golden City was simply a city of pornography, gambling and drugs.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

In addition to restaurants where you eat and shops that sell goods, there are filthy places such as prostitution, drug trafficking, and gambling.

Sister Xia couldn't help but wonder if this kind of place was destroyed by the Lao police?

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

After entering the casino, Sister Xia began to take the 100,000 chips given to her by Li Dan and began to make a big move, and it turned out that Sister Xia's intuition today was not wrong, and she won 110,000 yuan in less than four hours.

Sister Xia, who gambled the money, did not continue to gamble but accepted it when she saw it, and decided to stop like this, but the casino was unwilling, saying that Sister Xia had not yet reached the time to cash out.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Sister Xia was not bluffed by them, and decided to stay in the hotel for a few days, and left immediately when she could cash out.

But how could the people in the casino let Sister Xia go?

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Fall into hell

The people in the casino sent Li Dan to seduce Sister Xia, and under Li Dan's rhetoric, Sister Xia was ready to continue gambling.

But this time he was not so lucky, not only lost the winning money, but also put hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think
How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

The people in the casino asked Sister Xia to contact her family within 5 days to call the money, otherwise Sister Xia would look good.

Since then, Sister Xia has spent time under the surveillance of the casino personnel, every day at two o'clock in addition to the casino is the hotel, and phone calls and text messages are carried out under their surveillance.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

But Sister Xia's family couldn't make up so much money at all, and Sister Xia was taken into the small black house five days later.

There are five types of small black houses according to the level: urging single room, forcing single room, dead single room, and recuperation room.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Urging a single room is the lowest level of punishment, a room of more than ten square meters has a small bed of less than one meter five, but this bed is not everyone can sleep, because there are more than a dozen people in the house who are not able to pay the same as Sister Xia, Sister Xia has thought about the wall like them, and there will be casino personnel who will continue to come to collect debts in the process of facing the wall, an average of once every ten minutes, if the money is not paid in five days, their punishment will be upgraded and locked up in a single room.

However, Sister Xia did not endure this pain, and her family called the police, and she was rescued by local police officers.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

But Xiao Wang, who is also Chinese, is not so lucky, he has experienced it in various rooms.

The torture of forcing a single room will escalate, they will be asked to kneel on the ground, many of the people who are locked up with Xiao Wang have red, swollen knees and even pus, and here the casino staff will use violent means to force the order, and the people here will complain.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

But this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the dead single room, where the casino staff will do everything to clean you up, Xiao Wang's gamblers have encountered poisonous hands.

These people pulled out all the nails of his gamblers, and pierced people's hands and fingers with nails, making people unable to move, and after pulling out, these wounds could not be healed, and people became wasted.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

These seriously injured people will be sent to the convalescent room, and after a few days of recuperation, they will be sent to the reminder room or forced to start all over again, and those who are tortured and unable to survive will also be discarded in the back mountain by the casino staff at will.

Xiao Wang revealed that these wicked people basically won't give them food, and when they get to the meal, they will be given very spicy millet spicy, and they must stuff more than a dozen mouthfuls and chew one or twenty mouthfuls before they can swallow it.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

However, it didn't take long for Xiao Wang and Sister Xia to be taken away by the local police, but this was not the end of the suffering.

It turned out that these police officers had long been bribed by the casino people, and they would often whip them to ask for debts.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

Xiao Wang and Sister Xia were undoubtedly very desperate, but fortunately, the Chinese police and the Lao police rescued them after many rounds of negotiations, and they were able to see again.

After learning about it later, I learned that they were all deceived by acquaintances and they all had the same routine.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

The examples of Sister Xia and Xiao Wang tell us to cherish life and stay away from gambling.

Gambling is not only harmful to yourself, but also to your entire family.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

In daily life, it is not uncommon to see examples of gambling on the road of no return, and none of them have a good ending.

We must learn to restrain our behavior, don't think about getting rich overnight and embarking on the road of gambling, and making money in a down-to-earth manner is the right thing.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think

At the same time, in the process of interacting with people, you must pay attention to it, and you should strictly resist any "pie in the sky" thing, and never put your life on it for a certain amount of money.

It is also hoped that the law enforcement authorities can destroy these casinos as soon as possible and return the world to a pure land.

How miserable are the Chinese going to Laos to gamble? The real border gambling is far more terrifying than you think


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