
In 1938, when Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, he accidentally saw the wrist of the old man in the store when he checked out. Stunned for a moment, he directly took out his pistol and shot him dead. Just when everyone was puzzled

author:History of Tsubun

In 1938, when Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, he accidentally saw the wrist of the old man in the store when he checked out. Stunned for a moment, he directly took out his pistol and shot him dead. Just when everyone was puzzled, when they saw him take off the old man's pants and shoes, it dawned on him!

In the fiery years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many heroes surfaced, not only with guns against the enemy, but also with wisdom and decisiveness on the battlefield chessboard.

Among them, Commander Chen Shijun of the New Fourth Army is a legendary military strategist, and his story is full of psychological warfare and espionage confrontation.

(Reference: Former Heads of the New Fourth Army - Commander Chen Yi (1) - 2021-08-14 17:24 Zhao Lianjun)

On a spring day in 1938, the sun was shining, the streets were full of people, and everything seemed calm.

Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, a burly soldier in civilian clothes, walked into a small tobacco shop in Nanling, Lao Yang Tobacco Shop, in a low-key manner. The store is unremarkable, but the unique aroma of cigarettes attracts many customers.

Inside the store, customers are talking about the war, and the old owner, a kind old man, is busy pruning tobacco leaves, looking amiable. Although Chen Shijun participated in the discussion, his attention was more focused on the old shopkeeper's every move.

The sophisticated hands and the vague military aura on his body made him suspicious.

In fact, Chen Shijun knows something about the old owner of this tobacco shop.

Through the intelligence network, he learns that this seemingly innocuous old man is actually a high-ranking spy of the Japanese army. The spy disguised himself as a businessman and secretly collected information on the military operations of the New Fourth Army.

On this day, Chen Shijun decided to come in person to confirm the authenticity of this information.

He chatted with the old shopkeeper for a few words, secretly observing his reactions and habitual movements. When the old shopkeeper handed him a cigarette, Chen Shijun deliberately distanced himself so that he could observe his wrist.

As described by intelligence, he had a distinct scar on his wrist, which was a mark left by Japanese agents during training.

After confirming the true identity of the old shopkeeper, Chen Shijun did not hesitate and quickly pulled out his pistol, ending the life of the spy with unmistakable accuracy. Although swift, the action was based on adequate intelligence analysis and precise control of the situation.

Chen Shijun's actions are not only a demonstration of courage, but also a deep insight into the psychology of the enemy.

He knows that in war, every little detail can hide a deadly threat. By observing the patterns of enemy behavior, he is able to spot clues in inconspicuous exchanges, so that he can seize the opportunity to kill with one hit.

At the same time, Chen Shijun is also proficient in using psychological tactics to put pressure on the enemy. His actions not only eliminated a dangerous enemy, but also sent a strong warning to other potential spies: the New Fourth Army was not an easy target.

Chen's story shows the multifaceted nature of a military leader.

He was not only a fierce warrior, but also a strategist with both wisdom and strategy.

In the complex and volatile environment of the anti-Japanese battlefield, Chen Shijun was able to accurately read the enemy's intentions and actions, and used his wisdom and decisiveness to protect his troops from internal threats.

In every confrontation, whether in a smoky tobacco shop or on the front line of war, Chen Shijun used his ingenuity and courageous actions to write the legend of the New Fourth Army.

His story is not only a testimony to history, but also a revelation to future military leaders: on the verge of war and peace, wisdom and courage are the only way to protect the security of the country and its people.

In 1938, when Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, he accidentally saw the wrist of the old man in the store when he checked out. Stunned for a moment, he directly took out his pistol and shot him dead. Just when everyone was puzzled
In 1938, when Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, he accidentally saw the wrist of the old man in the store when he checked out. Stunned for a moment, he directly took out his pistol and shot him dead. Just when everyone was puzzled
In 1938, when Chen Shijun, the commander of the New Fourth Army, went to buy cigarettes, he accidentally saw the wrist of the old man in the store when he checked out. Stunned for a moment, he directly took out his pistol and shot him dead. Just when everyone was puzzled

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