
Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

author:There is a fate to be entertained

On the night of Magnolia, the most uncontroversial awards should be Jiang Yan and Ning Li, right?

On Jiang Yan, I really felt what it was to raise people, a simple black velvet dress, very beautiful and elegant.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

You don't need any jewelry, you can't take your eyes off it.

At a glance, there are actually not a few people wearing black dresses, but each has its own ingenuity.

Wan Qian's long hair makes people dream back, Tang Yan and Zhou Yutong are more colorful, Song Jia's shoulders and stomach are hollowed out, and Zhang Xiaofei's red lips steal the show.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

In comparison, Jiang Yan is indeed very low-key on the whole.

But with winning the award this time, she finally has a name in domestic entertainment, she is 38 years old, and she is a few years later than Zhang Xiaofei.

But after this, her chances should not be less.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

To be honest, even now, I still regret her ending in "South to North".

In the highlights of the Magnolia Awards, it is her two reunions with Niu Dali, from the brilliance of returning to her hometown in fine clothes to the down-and-out hardships of running for life, people are very embarrassed to watch.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

Thanks to Jiang Yan's wonderful performance, every stage seems very natural.

The character of Yao Yuling was indeed played by her, so I am not surprised that Jiang Yan was able to win the award.

When she couldn't help crying, I was thinking: What Yao Yuling worked hard but didn't get, Jiang Yan got it in reality.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

Hard work will always make sense, and the rewards will already be prepared in the future.

When delivering his acceptance speech, Ning Li, who was the best supporting actor, said something like this: "Six steps, he has walked for nearly 30 years." ”

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

And Jiang Yan has taken nearly 20 years to get to where she is today. is different from the talented actors who became famous at a young age, and they all have a sense of simplicity that is carefully polished for the role.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

And Jiang Yan, who likes cooking, uses the heat to describe the commonality between cooking and acting, when the heat arrives, it is naturally seen, and the words reveal the calmness that has been on the road.

However, her words after that were suspected of "driving". Netizens in the comment area were also shocked when they heard it, and bluntly said "tiger and wolf words".

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

So what exactly did she say?

In fact, Jiang Yan uses a special dish - pulling sweet potatoes to describe an actor, and the focus is on this "silk".

"It can be long or short, it can be bent or straight, it can have various shapes", it sounds like "driving", and it is indeed a bit embarrassing that no one calls the rescue scene on such a formal occasion.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

But if you think about it carefully, it's really the same thing, isn't it true that an actor just wants to be able to retract and release freely, create various roles, and then shoot back and forth with long shots and short shots?

If every shot can be accurately grasped, then there must be no problem with the character interpretation.

Magnolia Ceremony, Jiang Yan openly "drove" on stage? Emotional out-of-control is tearful

However, the awards are all a turnip and a pit, and some people will naturally lose if they get it. Although some actors failed to win awards, being shortlisted is a certainty, which does not mean that there is a problem with their acting skills.

Keep working hard, there will always be a day of harvest.

Who regrets you the most about this magnolia?

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