
Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

author:Big music and entertainment
Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

In a recent preparation game, the Chinese women's basketball team and Belgium launched a high-profile competition. Despite the high expectations of the fans for their performance, the result of the match left people with a heavy heart. On the court, the Chinese women's basketball team obviously encountered many difficulties on the defensive end. The atmosphere on the pitch was tense and the coaching staff was watching the game closely from the sidelines.

"Our defense is too loose!" The head coach sternly pointed out at the timeout that his brow was furrowed, revealing concern about his team's performance.

"Yes, they always find open shots and we have to be more defensive and we can't let them score easily!" The assistant coach added that his voice appeared anxious and urgent.

Although the coaching staff adjusted their tactics many times, the defense of the Chinese women's basketball team still seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the opponent, and was frequently found by Belgian players, resulting in a large number of points lost. Especially in individual defense, Zheng Wei's misposition allowed the opponent to shoot successfully, which also greatly reduced the overall defensive effect.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

"Zheng Wei, you have to work more closely with your teammates, and you can't let them shoot anymore!" The coach's shouts echoed across the field.

"I'll pay attention!" Zheng Wei replied with some chagrin, she knew that her mistakes on the defensive end had a great impact on the team.

In such a tense atmosphere, although the Chinese women's basketball team has made efforts in terms of technology and tactics, it still failed to effectively control the pace of the game and the opponent's scoring ability. This game is not only a test of technique and tactics, but also a challenge to the psychological quality of the players and the tacit understanding of the team.

On the offensive end, the Chinese women's basketball team is facing unprecedented challenges. In the middle of the game, the European players on the court showed a superb high-post pressing strategy, effectively disrupting the offensive rhythm of the Chinese women's basketball team. Their fast pace and tight defence made it difficult for Chinese players to build an effective attack up front.

"Their pressing is too strong!" A Chinese player gasped as she made a substitution off the field, beads of sweat on her forehead.

"What should we do? They're going faster than we expected! Another player asked the coach anxiously, her voice tinged with a hint of helplessness.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

The coaching staff tried to adjust their tactics through timeouts, but the Chinese women's basketball team was unable to operate tactically. In the fast break and half-court attack, they were frequently blocked and failed to effectively open the opponent's defense. Every offense was extremely tough, with players struggling to find open space and shooting opportunities on the court, but they were always limited by the opposition's timely defense.

'We need to pass the ball faster and open up their defensive line!' The head coach kept giving instructions from the sidelines, his brow furrowed, trying to find a way to crack the opponent's tactics.

As the game progressed, the shooting rate of the Chinese women's basketball team became more and more significant. Whether from beyond the three-point line or at the free-throw line, they failed to take advantage of their opportunities and ended up scoring just 63 points.

This sluggish scoring performance made the atmosphere on the pitch even more tense, and the players gradually felt the pressure from the field.

"What's going on? Why don't you score any shots? One player muttered to herself during the break, her eyes revealing a hint of loss and helplessness.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

For the Chinese women's basketball team, this game is not only a technical and tactical challenge, but also a test of psychological quality and team tacit understanding. They will need to step up their training to defend and improve their shooting percentage in future training and competitions in order to achieve better results in the next games.

In the post-match analysis, Zheng Wei's tactical adjustment as a coach became the focus of many discussions. Halfway through the game, she decided to move her players from the interior to the perimeter, trying to break down the opponent's defense by enhancing her outside shots. This tactical adjustment did not have the desired effect, but instead prevented the interior players from playing their full role on the offensive end.

"We need more outside projections!" Zheng Wei kept giving instructions on the sidelines, her voice full of nervousness and anticipation.

"But won't that weaken our insider?" The assistant coach asked with some concern, his brow furrowed, wary of the risk of tactical adjustments.

"We have to take this risk, now that the attack on the inside is severely limited, we need to change the tempo of the game!" Zheng Wei replied firmly, her eyes revealing a belief in the best interests of the team.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

Tactical adjustments did not work out as hoped. The Chinese women's basketball team's interior players failed to find accuracy in their outside shots, resulting in multiple turnovers and loss of possession. Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu, as the main players, were also disappointing in their performances on the court, failing to bring the team's due combat power and scoring ability.

"Wu Tongtong, we need you to play tougher on the inside!" The head coach spoke to her during a timeout with a hint of encouragement and anticipation.

"I'll do my best, but the opponent's defense is too strong and I can't find a chance." Wu Tongtong replied a little helplessly, her eyes revealing her feelings about the pressure of the game.

Yang Shuyu was also in trouble on the court, and she looked powerless in the face of strong opposition defense. This sluggish individual performance directly affected the overall trend of the game, making it difficult for the Chinese women's basketball team to establish effective dominance on the offensive end.

Post-match analysis showed that Zheng Wei's tactical adjustments, although adventurous, failed to effectively deal with the opponent's strong defense, but instead aggravated the team's dilemma in the interior attack. This game has become an important lesson, reminding the Chinese women's basketball team to be more careful in the selection and execution of tactics in future games, in order to achieve better performance in key moments.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

In this warm-up game, the Chinese women's basketball team exposed many problems, which was not only a loss, but also a valuable lesson. Holes in the defensive end, a loss of control of the offensive tempo, and controversy over tactical adjustments have all become key areas where they urgently need to improve. After the game, the atmosphere on the field was heavy and tense.

"Today's game was a real disappointment." Head coach Zheng Wei took a deep breath, her voice with a hint of helplessness and reflection.

"We're too big a problem on the defensive end and I think we need more coordination and communication." One of the players spoke to the coaching staff in the dressing room, her voice revealing disappointment with the result and challenges to her own performance.

"Yes, we also had problems with the execution of our tactics, especially in the face of high pressing." Another player continued, her brow furrowed, clearly still feeling guilty about the mistake in the game.

'We need to organise our attacks better and we can't stop every attack with ease.' Head coach Zheng Wei proposed an adjustment plan at the tactical analysis meeting, and her voice revealed her expectation for the team's growth and confidence in the future games.

Women's basketball team defeated Belgium! The defense is stretched, the offense is sluggish, Zheng Wei has a problem, and 2 will decline sharply

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