
[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

author:Wen County today

Walking into the southeast Wang Village in midsummer, the garden is full of greenery, the ecology is beautiful, the summer flowers in the garden are blooming, the vegetables in the small vegetable garden are growing gratifyingly, the green grass is full of vitality, and the faces of the villagers are full of bright smiles, constituting a beautiful new rural picture.

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

"Secretary Ma, early in the morning, I saw you weeding and watering the small vegetable garden for many hours, come to the house to drink saliva and rest on such a hot day."

"Now I have changed too much in the southeast Wang Village, going out of the small vegetable garden, small garden, the village street can not see a dirt road, clean and tidy, the cultural square is lively at night, and the relationship between the villagers is harmonious and harmonious, all thanks to Secretary Ma."

Since the launch of the theme activity of "fulfilling the duties of the people's representatives, adding color to the 'five business cards' and the people's congress deputies in action", the people's congress of Xiangyun Town has dug deep into the advantages of agriculture, guided the representatives to anchor the goal of building a "hometown of characteristic agriculture", bowed to rural construction, and tried to find a rural happiness road of "representatives have achievements, party members have driven, the masses have benefits, collective income, and the village environment is beautiful", adding the color of Xiangyun people to Wenxian County to create "five business cards".

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

Secretary Ma, who everyone greeted and praised by everyone, is Ma Lizhi, a representative of the 16th People's Congress of Xiangyun Town and secretary of the Party branch of Southeast Wang Village. Over the years, he has been adhering to the concept of "only with the people in his heart can he act for the people", rooted in the grassroots, fulfilled his duties and responsibilities for the development of characteristic agricultural industries, increased the income of village collectives and solved the difficulties of the masses, and strived to write the answer sheet of the people's congress deputies in rural revitalization.

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

The head goose leads the flight, striving to be the "locomotive" of the rural construction team. Ma Lizhi said, "'The train runs fast, it all depends on the headband', whether the village collective has cohesion, centripetal force, execution, and combat effectiveness, our village cadres are very important." He led the village "two committees" to explore the "beehive" with the branch as the "hive", the party group as the "bee grid", the responsibility area of the party members and the villager group leader as the "bee hole", and the villagers as the "bees" of the "bee" party building model, and implemented the "four hearts" work method with the main content of "warming the hearts of the people, strengthening confidence, gathering the hearts of the people, and building concentricity", and insisted on taking the lead in everything, guiding party members and cadres to go forward to demonstrate, and mobilizing the masses to actively participate in the work mode. Persist in organizing weekly village committees to study village-level affairs, and lead village cadres to carry out environmental sanitation rectification at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, which has changed the "two-layer skin" of cadres and groups in the past that "cadres do cadres, the masses see, and only find faults and do not support", and comprehensively formed a new relationship between "harmonious coexistence, cooperation and co-governance" between cadres and the masses, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of various tasks.

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

Take responsibility and be the "pioneer" of rural revitalization. Ma Lizhi put forward the slogan of "no household on the road to rural revitalization", vigorously promoted the "big collective + small economy", relied on the advantages of safe seed industry resources, implemented the "double binding" mechanism, and used 1,200 acres of land as a wheat seed breeding base, and the masses increased their income by 200 yuan per mu. Planning to increase income projects, "making a fuss" in vegetable planting, inviting experts from Henan Agricultural University to the village for guidance, determining the idea of large-scale planting of green organic vegetables and continuous development, the collective economic income of the village reached 650,000 yuan, and the goal of doubling in three years was achieved. Gather the construction of "Hemei" villages, adopt the "three cleans" work method, create ecological and livable villages, clear the "eight characters", invest more than 30,000 yuan to demolish the "eight characters" slopes at the entrance of 380 households, and sweep away the "stumbling blocks" in the renovation of the living environment; The "hollow courtyard" was cleared, 35 hollow courtyards realized the planning of "one house into four gardens", and the hollow courtyards were transformed into small vegetable gardens and small amusement gardens, realizing the gorgeous transformation of land from "dead" resources to "living" resources; The "dirt road" was cleared, and funds were raised to harden and widen the road of more than 20,000 square meters in the village through the method of "project + self-raising", so as to smooth the "happy" road for the masses. "It is my biggest goal to make Dongnanwang Village a 'scenery along the way, nostalgia in the village, and industry in the fields' and beautiful rural scenery, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, farmers can increase their income and get rich, and the people's happiness will gradually improve." Ma Lizhi said with great ambition.

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

Affection for the people, willing to be a "son of a cow" who serves the masses. The deputies to the people's congress are connected to the hearts of the party and the people, and they have lived and grown up in Wang Village in the southeast for many years, and they are full of feelings and thoughts for every inch of land and every mass in their hometown. Since 2012, he has taken the lead in setting up the village "Township Sage Booster Group", and has carried out the "Golden Autumn Scholarship" activity for 12 consecutive years, with a total of more than 200,000 yuan donated to more than 100 students; Every year, activities such as "Spring Festival condolences" and "Chongyang Respect for the Elderly" are held, and special groups such as the elderly and widows, left-behind children, poor households, and families of military martyrs are visited during special festivals, and more than 100 yuan of condolence materials are distributed; Insist on walking around the village every day, walking the streets to observe the people's feelings and opinions, practicing the "four grassroots units" and the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era with actions, and helping the masses solve more than 300 difficult problems. He has made suggestions and suggestions for the construction of counties, towns and villages for many times, and has been fully affirmed by the county and town levels and the masses.

[Window of the National People's Congress: Fulfill the duties of the people's representatives, add color to the "five business cards", and the people's congress deputies are in action] Approaching Ma Lizhi!

Only by dipping your feet in the soil and deeply cultivating the grassroots can you live up to your mission and make a difference. "People's Congress deputies are not just a label in many identities, but also means a heavy responsibility, there is no end to the road to perform duties for the people, only a new starting point, as a grassroots people's congress representative and village party branch secretary, listen to the voices of the villagers, lead the masses to run on the road to prosperity is my responsibility, the next step I will work with the people of the whole village, and strive to implement 3 million rural public welfare projects, leverage more social funds to participate in the practice of rural construction in the southeast king, and strive to build our village into a benchmark for rural construction, Make more contributions to the county's creation of livable, workable and beautiful villages! For the future, Ma Lizhi is full of confidence.

Wen County Rong Media Center reporter Bai Jingjie Xie Bingjie reported

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