
That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

author:Fish feed technology

Two self-developed and powerful car manufacturers in China have become new business cards for domestic high-end technology products: BYD Wangwang and Huawei Wenjie!

That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

After the Mate mobile phone as a national gift, domestic technology products have fully self-developed technology, and they are all innovative technologies that lead foreign manufacturers! Look up at the U9 jumping on the spot, don't think it's just a jump, this is the flexible four-wheel independent suspension of Yunlin technology!

That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

Moreover, Huawei's creation of the M9 was called by a foreign blogger: the dawn of new luxury! It can be seen that the technology of this car has resounded all over the world, and now it is not a question of whether Huawei's car can be sold, but a question of whether foreigners want to buy M9 or not!

That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

Cialis S9 has become a "new continent" in the partially landed market, this car that integrates a variety of high-tech technologies is not only a luxury car in China, but also a dreamlike existence abroad.

In the past, it was difficult to imagine how advanced foreign countries were, but now foreigners dare not imagine how advanced China's science and technology have become.

That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

BYD and Huawei are amazed everywhere they go, this is the existence of science and technology business cards!

That's great! This is the new business card of domestic car manufacturing: BYD looks up and Huawei asks the world to become the representative of science and technology

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