

author:Great Wall Net

On June 29, topics related to the Internet celebrity Brother Gluten Brother's advanced liver cancer entering the ICU rushed to the hot search, attracting the attention of netizens.


Brother Gluten's family revealed on social platforms: On June 26, Brother Gluten fainted at home. On the 27th, Brother Gluten was admitted to the ICU ward, and the doctor told him that it was advanced liver cancer. In the video released by Brother Gluten's family, it was revealed that the hospital had issued a critical illness notice.

Details are as follows:

Excuse me, I'm Brother Gluten (Cheng Shulin)'s family. Brother Gluten is being rescued in the hospital, Brother Gluten (Cheng Shulin) suddenly fainted at home at 21:38 pm on June 26, 2024, and immediately dialed 120 for emergency treatment and was sent to the hospital for rescue. At around 6 a.m. on the 27th, he was sent to the ICU ward, and the doctor said that it was advanced liver cancer. The doctor said that on the 29th, the results of Brother Gluten's consultation showed that Brother Gluten had been sick for many years and had been carrying it while treating. We posted the video because we had no choice, we just wanted to save Brother Gluten, and I begged everyone to help him. Brother Gluten (Cheng Shulin), he is a kind person, thanks to his friends who have always cared for and helped him.


Cheng Shulin has more than 8 million fans on the whole network, and he became popular because of his original song "Baked Gluten", so he was called "Brother Gluten" by netizens.

On June 29, Cheng Shulin's family told reporters that Cheng Shulin had been diagnosed with liver cancer for many years and had been taking medicine to control it.

"Ancient Internet celebrity" gluten brother

Because of the ghost animal video, it exploded

Many people may have heard of the title of "Brother Gluten", but have forgotten how he came into the public eye.

This dates back to 2013, when he was still a wandering singer with oily hair and singing "My baked gluten, which can be energetic", participated in "The Voice of Chinese Dream" and sang Han Hong to doubt life and break down emotionally.

This video was not popular back then, but in 2018, his program clip was made into a ghost animal video and became popular on station B, with the highest video views of 50 million.


Later, Brother Gluten signed with the company, and the video style moved towards an ugly and funny Internet celebrity, singing with an exaggerated expression and a funny accent. There were all kinds of disputes, quarrels with the company, and gradually disappeared from people's field of vision.

Until 2022, Brother Gluten sat in front of the messy thatch, and the video of "When You're Old" on the guitar rushed to the top of the millions of plays and station B daily lists. Write in the title, "When the gluten is old, remember the friends". This video resonated with many netizens and shocked many people.


Netizens exclaimed: I still remember him

In this regard, many netizens said that they still remember Brother Gluten and were very impressed by him.

Alas, I remember that many years ago, an enthusiastic fan friend helped Brother Gluten find the lost bard brother, and at that time I was really happy for the reunion of the two.

I remember him later having to sing hard.

Real baked gluten can be exciting.

Yes...... I also said two days ago that I didn't see Brother Gluten when I went to station B.

Some people also said that liver cancer is dangerous, and I hope he can be well.

May Brother Gluten recover, although knowing that liver cancer can only rely on almost impossible miracles.

Brother Gluten's video has given us a lot of joy, and I hope he can get better.

Liver cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers. Liver cancer is also one of the most preventable cancers today. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C can avoid most liver cancers and reduce the occurrence of regrets if they know the condition and actively treat it.

Why is liver cancer in the middle and advanced stages when it is discovered?

Liver cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in China. The liver is a relatively "silent" organ, and it may be silent when it has some lesions, and even when it grows large, there are no symptoms. In addition, liver cancer develops rapidly, and among liver cancer patients, only 10%-20% of patients are in the early stage, and 70%-80% are in the middle and advanced stages of liver cancer.

In mainland China, the high-risk groups for liver cancer mainly include:

▼ Have hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection

▼ Excessive alcohol consumption

▼Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

▼People with cirrhosis caused by other causes and people with a family history of liver cancer, especially men over the age of 40.

For liver cancer, B-ultrasound combined with alpha-fetoprotein detection can effectively screen for liver cancer, and high-risk groups are recommended to be screened every six months.

Source: Red Star News, Vista See the World, Health Times, News Morning Post

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