
What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

author:Shi Zai has no money

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What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Text | Edit: Shi Zai has no money


In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of the founding generals went astray due to power struggles and were eventually expelled from the party. These former heroes made great contributions in the revolutionary war, but in the era of peace, they went to a low point in their lives for various reasons. Their stories reflect the brutality of power struggles and the vagaries of individual fates. So what caused these founding generals to go from heroes to past? Let's take a little history to learn about it.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

First of all, let's talk about General Ding Sheng, known as "Ding Daring", who was poor in his early years and had to give up his studies to devote himself to farming. In 1930, at the age of 17, he joined the Red Army and participated in many anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, but he did not stand out among the bright stars of the Red Army.

In the Battle of Loushanguan in 1935, Ding Sheng took the lead and led the soldiers to charge into battle, and despite being wounded, he still insisted on fighting, winning the reputation of "Ding Daring", and was subsequently promoted to the political commissar of the regiment, which is an affirmation of his fearless courage. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ding Sheng served as the commander of the 54th Army, and showed outstanding military talents in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, especially in the Battle of Jincheng.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

In 1955, despite his historical exploits enough to confer the rank of lieutenant general, he was eventually awarded the rank of major general due to his relatively low position in the Red Army in the early days. During the self-defense counterattack against India in 1962, Ding Sheng led the 54th Army to shine on the battlefield. The 130th Division under his command annihilated the opposing side's elite troops with almost no losses in the Battle of Walong. This campaign enabled him to succeed Huang Yongsheng as commander of the Guangzhou Military Region in 1969, a position that was the culmination of his career.

In 1971, Mao Zedong warned Ding Sheng and Liu Xingyuan during his southern tour of Guangzhou, which made Ding Sheng feel deeply stressed. Although many high-ranking generals were affected after the "913 Incident", Chairman Mao's protection saved Ding Sheng from being implicated. In 1973, Ding Sheng was transferred to the commander of the Nanjing Military Region and continued to exert influence in military positions.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

After Chairman Mao's death, the political situation changed, and Ding Sheng was accused of political maneuvering because of his ties to the Gang of Four, notably in a secret meeting at the Yan'an Hotel in Shanghai, where he was instructed to prepare for a possible civil war, which eventually led to his removal from office and expulsion from the party five years later, ending his military career. In his later years, Ding Sheng spent time in the Guangzhou Military Region Cadre Rest House, and only received 200 yuan a month for living expenses. He had tried to reinstate his party membership, but was not approved. Ding Sheng passed away in 1999, ending a life journey full of ups and downs.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

The founding general Xie Fuzhi, who was born in a poor family in Hubei, not only studied hard during his childhood, but also had to participate in various farm work to reduce the burden on the family. As a young man, he was known for his wit and diligence, and he often participated in the political discussions of the local youth, showing an eye for major issues and analytical skills.

During the War of Liberation, Xie Fuzhi's military talents were fully displayed. In particular, in the Battle of Southwest Jin and the Battle of Xiangning, the troops under his command annihilated tens of thousands of Kuomintang troops, making great contributions to the early victory of our army, and it can be said that he participated in many key battles, including the Pinghan Campaign and the Luoyang Campaign, each of which achieved remarkable results.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xie Fuzhi quickly rose to a high position, successively held a number of important positions, and in 1955 at the award ceremony was awarded the rank of general, which was a recognition of his military exploits, in 1971 during his tenure as the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, some of his decisions led to the persecution of many old revolutionaries, resulting in a number of unjust cases, which had a great impact on his reputation.

Soon after, Xie Fuzhi died of stomach cancer at the age of 63. His death was seen as a great loss at the time, with a solemn funeral and a moving eulogy. But after the reform and opening up, with the re-examination of historical events, many wronged people began to overturn the case, and some of Xie Fuzhi's actions were also criticized.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Due to his mistakes during his tenure, which had a long-term negative impact, he was eventually expelled from the party, his previous honors were revoked, and his ashes were even removed from the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. Although Xie Fuzhi made great contributions to the country during the war, his mistakes in his later years also caused irreparable damage to many people.

The third is the founding major general Jiang Tengjiao, who was born in 1919 in Hong'an, Hubei, a well-known revolutionary holy land. Showing extraordinary courage and leadership skills from an early age, Jiang Tengjiao joined the Red Army at the age of only 11, which became an important step in his life journey.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Jiang Tengjiao served as an instructor of the 15th Regiment Company of the 5th Detachment of the New Fourth Army and director of the Political Office of the 13th Regiment of the 5th Brigade of the 2nd Division of the New Fourth Army. After the outbreak of the Liberation War, Jiang Tengjiao continued to play an important role in the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and the Northeast Field Army, successively serving as director of the Political Department of the 24th Brigade of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and director of the Political Department of the 151st Division.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Despite Jiang Tengjiao's military and political achievements, his conduct and way of handling affairs have been controversial. Accused of being too tactful, he often takes unpopular actions for personal gain. This behavior eventually affected his career, and Chairman Mao even had reservations about his reuse.

In 1955, he was awarded the rank of founding major general in recognition of his revolutionary contributions, and in 1973 he was expelled from the party and sentenced to 18 years in prison and deprived of political rights for five years due to controversial conduct. Shortly after serving his sentence, he was granted medical parole for health reasons. Jiang Tengjiao's life came to an end on May 8, 2009, when he died at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital at the age of 90.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Founding colonel Yin Xianbing, he was the first commander of the ace 16th Army. Under his leadership, this army was equipped with advanced weapons provided by the Soviet Union, participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and played a vital role on the battlefield, becoming one of the main forces in the later stage of the war.

Yoon should have received higher honors for his military prowess and leadership, but his military career came to an abrupt end when he made a mistake in his private life. On the battlefield in Korea, Yoon Xianbing's indulgence in dancing and other activities caused a series of adverse effects, and even involved serious incidents that caused casualties.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

In order to maintain the seriousness and discipline of the army, Yin Xianbing was forced to be publicly criticized as a negative example, and all his posts were immediately removed from his position, and he was eventually expelled from the party. This not only marked the end of his military career, but also served as a cautionary tale about the importance of discipline in the military.

Similar to Yin Xianbing's situation is Lieutenant General Wang Jinshan, who was also expelled from the party because of personal life problems, and the fate of these two senior generals reflects the military's strict scrutiny and intolerance of anomie in the private lives of senior officers.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Founding General Wang Hongkun, who joined the Red Army in 1929, served as regimental commander in 1931 with the establishment of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Red Fourth Army, along with many later senior generals such as Li Xiannian and Xu Haidong. Wang Hongkun's military prowess was quickly demonstrated, and he was promoted to commander of the Red Fourth Army just two years later. In the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet region against the "Six-Way Siege", he commanded the troops to achieve a remarkable victory, annihilating more than 10,000 enemy troops, and consolidating the core position of the Red Fourth Army in the Red Army.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Hongkun's military position declined, but after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was personally selected by Chairman Mao to participate in the creation of the new Chinese navy, and was regarded as an important promoter of naval construction.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

In 1962, Vice Admiral Lee took over as deputy commander of the Navy and was fiercely critical of naval management. Mr. Lee's sharp criticism of the navy's management flaws sparked opposition from many senior commanders, including then-commander Hsiao Jin-kwong and political commissar Su Zhenhua. They considered Lieutenant General Lee's blanket rejection to be unfair and seriously affected morale.

Unlike other high-level protests, Wang Hongkun chose to support Lieutenant General Li, claiming that Li was relaying the instructions of the central government. This position made him stand out within the navy, and it also allowed him to maintain a relatively stable position in the political struggles that followed.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

By 1965, Wang Hongkun had further demonstrated his political acumen by participating in the signing of a political attack document against Luo Ruiqing, showing his close relationship with Lieutenant General Li. The impact of this material was enormous, further cementing his power in the navy.

In 1970, Chairman Mao expressed his dissatisfaction with Lieutenant General Li, and Wang Hongkun sensitively sensed the change in the situation and began to gradually distance himself from Lieutenant General Li. After the plane crash in 1971, Wang Hongkun and his cousin Wang Shusheng reviewed with Chairman Mao, confessed their mistakes and expressed remorse. Chairman Mao's tolerance allowed him to pass safely for the time being.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

By 1976, with the collapse of the political bloc, Wang's past behavior was re-examined, and his close ties to Lin Biao and others were exposed, triggering a series of criticism and censorship. In 1984, the organization finally made a decision, Wang Hongkun was removed from all positions, his administrative rank was reduced, and he was placed on party probation for two years. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the 75-year-old Wang Hongkun's career.

The last one is Wang Jinshan, Wang Jinshan's childhood was full of hardships due to the loss of his mother at an early age and his poor family. In 1930, at the age of 15, Wang Jinshan joined the Red Army, and the resolute character and young ambition he showed at that time made him quickly rise to prominence in the army. Wang Jinshan participated in countless anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, the Long March, and the subsequent march to the Dabie Mountains, the Huaihai Campaign, and the River Crossing Campaign, and became a heroic soldier in the Red Army.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

His combat wisdom and decisive command have turned the tide of the war many times at critical moments, and he is known as a fierce general who "throws his life with one man and fears ten thousand people". With the establishment of New China, Wang Jinshan was promoted to commander and political commissar of the 12th Army of the Second Field Army at the age of 34. His military career seemed to be smooth sailing, but the twists and turns of his private life dealt him a huge blow. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Jinshan faced not only enemies on the battlefield, but also disputes within his family.

In 1963, Wang Jinshan's marriage problem aroused huge social concern. His wife, Han Xiuyan, reported to his superiors about Wang Jinshan's life style, and the matter quickly escalated into a hot topic of public discussion. Wang's insistence on a divorce has sparked widespread controversy and criticism, with many questioning his moral stance and viewing him as a modern-day Chen Shimei. Under the severe pressure of public opinion, Wang Jinshan did not make any defense, but only insisted on his decision.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

Due to the potential damage to the image of the party and the army, as well as the suppression of divorce at the time, Wang Jinshan was removed from all positions and expelled from the party. He was then sent to work on a farm in Henan, ending his illustrious military career. This incident not only marked the end of his military career, but also a huge loss of his personal reputation.

Wang Jinshan and Han Xiuyan's marriage officially ended in 1964, but the aftermath of this turmoil is still unsettled. Wang Jinshan spent the rest of his life on the farm and died of illness in 1978. Despite the controversy surrounding his lifetime, his military contributions and sacrifices were remembered by later leaders, with many senior leaders including Deng Xiaoping sending wreaths to him to express their condolences.

What were the reasons for the eight founding generals who were expelled from the party?

In addition to the expulsion of these generals, four others were also expelled from the party, and the incident went back to 1971, when the failure of Lin's plot triggered a series of drastic political liquidations. The incident involved four high-ranking generals around Lin Biao: Huang Yongsheng, Li Zuopeng, Qiu Huizuo, and Wu Faxian, who were severely punished for being considered key members of Lin Biao's group.

The four generals were immediately incommunicado and quickly removed from all their positions. Further investigations and interrogations revealed their role and activities in Lin Biao's scheme, which eventually led to their expulsion from the party and imprisonment and rehabilitation.

Despite their serious mistakes, Chairman Mao Zedong, out of consideration for their contribution to the revolution, instructed them to ensure that their basic living conditions were not disadvantaged during their imprisonment. This shows that despite the undesirable nature of their actions, the party still values their past contributions.

During their sentences, the attitude of these former high-ranking generals was also affirmed. They recognize their mistakes in prison and show good repentance. This attitude was recognized by the authorities, and most of them were subsequently granted medical parole, allowing them to spend the rest of their lives at home.