
Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

Wei Dongyi, the god of Peking University, often appears in the public eye with an inherent image, carrying an old bag, holding a large bottle of mineral water, carrying steamed buns, and walking in a hurry. He was only a vegetarian in the cafeteria, and his sleeves were torn.

His parents were both college teachers, and his father died of illness. Recently, my cousin came to Peking University to have dinner with her, and was invited to the hotel by a friend, Wei Dongyi still brought steamed buns and ate vegetarian food.

After the video went online, netizens were concerned about whether he had a girlfriend, and his cousin said that he had not.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

Netizens also hoped that his cousin would buy Wei Dongyi clothes and take care of him, and his cousin agreed.

Everyone admires Wei Dongyi and thinks that he lacks people to take care of life. Walking on the campus of Peking University, Wei Dongyi is always so eye-catching.

Carrying a worn-out long strap bag, a large bottle of mineral water and three steamed buns in his hands, he walked in a hurry, as if he was forever rushing to the next destination.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

His schedule is simple and regular, except for meals and classes, either in the classroom or in the cafeteria.

This kind of lifestyle is particularly rare in today's materialistic society. Wei Dongyi's eating habits are equally impressive.

In the Peking University canteen, he always chooses vegetarian dishes, eats neatly, and never wastes a grain of grain. He has extremely low material desires and does not have much pursuit of money and material wealth.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

This indifferent mentality of fame and fortune made him more determined and pure on the road of pursuing mathematics. Wei Dongyi is not without a family background.

His father is a professor and vice dean of the Faculty of Science at Shandong Jianzhu University, and his mother is a teacher at Shandong University. Such a family environment undoubtedly provided him with a good academic atmosphere and soil for growth.

The death of his father in 2016 brought him a heavy blow. Despite this, Wei Dongyi is still strong in the face of life and devotes more energy to mathematical research.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

On the campus of Peking University, Wei Dongyi's cousin is one of his few relatives. The arrival of her cousin brought Wei Dongyi a long-lost family warmth.

They ate together in the cafeteria, Wei Dongyi still brought steamed buns and vegetarian food, while his cousin accompanied him and cared about his daily life.

Once, my cousin also took Wei Dongyi to the hotel for dinner, but Wei Dongyi still maintained his habit of bringing steamed buns for breakfast the next day.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

The next day, we will go to climb the Great Wall together and enjoy a rare leisure time. With Wei Dongyi's popularity, his life has also received more and more attention.

Netizens are concerned about his love life and ask if he has a girlfriend. To this question, the cousin gave a direct answer: Wei Dongyi has no girlfriend, which is expected.

His mind is all about math and he doesn't pay much attention to emotional things.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

Netizens also hope that the cousin can take care of Wei Dongyi and buy him clothes and other daily necessities.

In response to these requests, the cousin also readily agreed, saying that she would do her best to take care of this talented cousin.

After Wei Dongyi became popular, his life did not change much. He still maintains a simple lifestyle, and does not have too many requirements for daily necessities such as mineral water bottles.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

Once, because of a mineral water bottle, it attracted the attention of netizens. Wei Dongyi used to bring a big kettle to class, which was questioned by some netizens whether it involved the issue of teacher ethics and style.

Wei Dongyi didn't explain too much, but said that this was his personal habit and would not affect his teaching work. In addition to his outstanding performance in teaching, Wei Dongyi has also made remarkable achievements in mathematics research.

In May 2022, he helped a team of 6 PhDs solve a puzzle and was rewarded with a bus card top-up.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

The award, though insignificant, was an affirmation of his academic ability. Behind Wei Dongyi's aura, there are also some unknown emotional confusions.

He once had a relationship, but had no choice but to break up due to outside pressure and interference. This experience allowed him to focus more on his mathematical studies, but at the same time, it also made him feel emotionally lonely and lonely.

He craves warmth and companionship, but struggles to find a suitable partner because of his special identity and personality.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

From being ridiculed to being deified, Wei Dongyi has experienced a process from the trough to the peak.

His success was not accidental, but stemmed from his persistent pursuit of mathematics and his simple attitude towards life. In this materialistic society, he uses his actions to interpret what true talent and quality are.

May he go further and further on the road of mathematics, and I hope he can find his own happiness and joy.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

In the land of Peking University, which is full of wisdom and dreams, Wei Dongyi will continue to write his legendary story.

As Wei Dongyi's deeds spread throughout Peking University and even across the country, people's views on this mathematical genius have become more diverse and in-depth.

Many people expressed their sincere admiration for Wei Dongyi's purity and perseverance.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

I think that in today's society full of temptation and impetuousness, it is very rare to be able to focus on one's academic pursuits like Wei Dongyi and not be moved by the outside world.

His lifestyle and academic attitude have undoubtedly given positive inspiration and inspiration to many people. There are also people who sympathize and understand Wei Dongyi's loneliness and confusion.

believes that although Wei Dongyi has made great achievements in the field of mathematics, he has also paid a corresponding price.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

His life was simple and regular, lacking close friends and companions, which was also a pity to some extent.

It is hoped that while focusing on Wei Dongyi's academic achievements, they will also be able to pay more attention to his life and emotional needs.

Still others see the responsibility of education and society in Wei Dongyi's story.

believes that Wei Dongyi's success is not entirely his personal efforts, but also inseparable from the support of family, school and society.

Wei Shen's cousin of Peking University replied to netizens that about his girlfriend, everyone asked his cousin to take care of him

We should reflect on how to provide more young people like Wei Dongyi with a better environment and opportunities for them to grow up, so that they can develop greater potential in the fields they are good at.

Wei Dongyi's story provokes people to think about issues such as talent, pursuit, loneliness and social responsibility. The experience of this mathematical genius is not only a legend of one person, but also a microcosm of an era.

Hopefully, we can draw strength from this and work hard for our dreams and pursuits.

【Copyright Notice】The content and pictures described in this article are all from the Internet, aiming to convey positive social energy, and there is no vulgar or bad guidance.