
In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

author:Xiaomei told you

In that turbulent era, there was a brave Red Army soldier who left his wife and children, gave up his small family to take care of everyone, and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution. He is Li Kaiwen, who was born poor but dedicated to the country. How did this squad leader, who had a serious ear injury, get to Chairman Mao's side step by step?

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

Li Kaiwen, like our relatives, was born in an ordinary farming family. The night rain in the rivers and lakes, the family is surrounded by walls, and if you want to survive, you must support yourself. This made him sensible shoulder the burden of life since he was a child, working day after day to make money. However, this did not dampen his revolutionary passion, and the peasant movement that arose at that time sounded like a spring thunder, awakening the fighting spirit of this ordinary person!

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

On a rainy night in 1932, the sound of horses' hooves and military boots could be heard in the darkness. The twilight rain continued, this was the clarion call for the Red Army to pass through Li Kaiwen's hometown, and Li Kaiwen immediately put down the broom in his hand and joined the torrent of revolution without fear. At that time, joining the army may have been destined to wander and leave his homeland, but Li Kaiwen was so eager for the prosperity and strength of the motherland, although he should know the destiny of heaven after his old age, this may mean the last time he will see his family in his life.

Liu Sanjie's novel only exaggerates some storylines, and the real scene of Li Kaiwen's dedication to the revolution is even more tear-jerking than the novel: on the vast grassland, teams of Red Army troops are ready to go, and Li Kaiwen stops alone, silently staring at the broken grass hut in his house, in which his wife and children are sitting around. Just then, his 8-year-old son trotted out, grabbed his legs, and cried and begged him not to go. But Li Kaiwen was already in tears at this time, and he tried his best to pull out his leg from his son's arms, causing his youngest son to fall to the ground, and his heart was like a knife.

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

But the hot-blooded young man Li Kaiwen turned around and left very firmly at this moment, just for the "groundbreaking event" that we dreamed of.

Since then, Li Kaiwen has left his home for 27 years. During these long years, he sometimes led a small team to rescue the wounded, and sometimes secretly took a trace of hay to the whole regiment as a fire; Not only did he fight hard, but he was also buried in the rubble under bombs. Just when everyone thought he was dead, a comrade-in-arms probed and found that he was still breathing weakly, so he was dragged back from the ghost gate.

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

But despite the trauma, Li Kaiwen never took personal safety seriously. He would rather be deaf than stay in the army with peace of mind, and was finally arranged by the leader to be the old squad leader in the cooking class. In this way, Li Kaiwen used the residual heat of his life to add firewood and raise wages to the raging fire of the revolution.

During the Yan'an period, Chairman Mao originally needed a loyal and reliable cook. A seemingly accidental little thing changed Li Kaiwen's fate: a fellow countryman far from his hometown happened to get acquainted with Li Kaiwen and highly recommended him to Zhou Enlai, and Li Kaiwen entered Chairman Mao's field of vision and opened the years of fighting with great men.

During his work in the Central Committee, what is commendable about Li Kaiwen is his sincerity and his wisdom and foolishness. Once, when an arrogant chief secretary bullied a small cook, Li Kaiwen angrily smashed open the prison gate and rescued the brother from the prison with his own hands! After hearing this, Chairman Mao praised him for "smashing back the bureaucracy that had just emerged" and directly affirmed his behavior.

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

What is even more admirable is that Li Kaiwen treats great men and ordinary people equally, and never stands on top. Once, because of work differences, Chairman Mao and Ren Bishi had a big quarrel, and even others did not dare to dissuade them. At this moment, Li Kaiwen, who delivered the meal, persuaded a few words, but the two actually calmed down and continued to discuss!

It can be said that Chairman Mao also looked at Li Kaiwen differently. I still remember that during the Yan'an period, Chairman Mao, in order to prevent excessive brain consumption, had to eat some braised pork every day to replenish the brain. And this seemingly small home remedy was actually taught to Chairman Mao by Li Kaiwen himself!

Break your preconceptions: At that time, the conditions were difficult and the destitute Li Kaiwen came up with the idea of eating some fatty meat on the grass as dry food just to let the chairman eat more nutritious food. Everywhere the team went, there was braised pork personally grilled by Li Kaiwen on Chairman Mao's table.

In the turbulent era, a Red Army soldier left his wife and children at home and resolutely threw himself into the tide of revolution

When we peel off that gorgeous coat, we find that heroism is often hidden in the most ordinary things. Li Kaiwen is such a most ordinary hero, a brave and resolute rural boy from a poor background, and finally became a virtuous assistant next to the chairman, and swept away all obstacles for New China with his steady shoulders.

Today, we should no longer pursue those fictional heroic legends, but when we witness the heroes of the new era slowly withering. We should leave the last respect and remembrance for the Li Kaiwen who survived and for the unsung heroes who have worked tirelessly and painstakingly. Let us applaud these unsung pioneers and may their spiritual songs be immortal#头条首发大赛ized! #