
Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

author:A rabbit who is grateful for life
感谢各位看官‬友友‬们‬阅览今日精彩话题,希望能够获得您的点赞、关注和评论。 [Handshake] [Handshake] [握手]小编在此祝大家万事顺意、财运亨通、心想事成‬! [Bikoin] [Bikoin] [Bikoin]


Video source: Chao News

Yang Zi, who has not been seen for a long time, appeared on the streets of Paris, dressed in white sportswear, with her hair tied high into a ponytail, like a young and energetic college student!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

Yang Zi is holding the Olympic torch high, it is said that she has been running with a smile on her face, others are walking slowly, Yang Zi is very sincere, and she has been running fast! The ponytail is wagging and swaying, so cute!

I also carefully greet the people around me with local needs!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

This time it's torchbearer Yang Niao! Yang Zi has unlocked a new identity!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

Yang Zi is smiling in every shot, confident, cheerful and bright, the sun is really visible to the naked eye, and I feel that Yang Zi is very happy and happy this time!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

This one seems to see Xiaoxue in "Family with Children", I don't know why, this scene looks so beautiful!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao
Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

As her fans said, single-mindedness is Yang Zi's sincere and dedicated attitude, bit by bit, it is the foreshadowing of Yang Zi's starry brilliance, she has always taken her career seriously, living up to her dreams, living up to her original intention, and living up to expectations!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

Yang Zi's smile is really infectious, and many netizens left messages underground saying that seeing Yang Zi holding the torch and smiling with a smile on her face, the originally bad mood instantly improved!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

Praise Yang Zi for being so beautiful! Super young and bright little girl!

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao
Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao


Thank you again for reading [handshake] [handshake] [handshake] [handshake] [heart] [heart] [heart]

Yang Zi: Hold the Olympic torch high, and the ponytail swings to be youthful and energetic! The energetic Yang Niao

May you be indomitable in the Year of the Dragon, two dragons are high-spirited, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of wealth, five blessings and Yingmen, six fortunes and prosperity, seven stars shining, eight directions into the treasure, ninety-nine auspicious, perfect, everything is smooth, a thousand things are satisfactory, everything is prosperous!

(特此声明:本文信息‬及相关图片‬均‬来自网络,旨在娱乐分享,个人‬观点‬,无‬不良‬意图,谨慎‬甄别‬,若发现有误、涉及‬版权‬或‬其他侵权行为,‬请‬联系‬小编第一时间‬会修改或删除! ‬)

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