
Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Yang Zi's road to public welfare: responsibility and responsibility under multiple identities

Speaking of Yang Zi, this young actress not only won the love of the audience with her excellent acting skills, but also showed her responsibility and responsibility in public welfare. From the ambassador of the Civil Code to the fire ambassador, to the anti-fraud ambassador and the anti-drug ambassador, Yang Zi's public welfare identity is as colorful and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as her acting skills.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Ambassador of Civil Code Popularization: Transmitter of legal knowledge

As an ambassador for the popularization of the Civil Code, Yang Zi has turned boring legal provisions into vivid and interesting through her own influence. She not only participated in the recording of law popularization programs, but also personally walked into the campus, communicated with students face-to-face, and explained the legal provisions in easy-to-understand language, so that the law is no longer out of reach. Thanks to her efforts, more and more young people have begun to pay attention to the law and learn to use legal weapons to protect themselves.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Fire Ambassador: Flame Messenger for Safety

As a fire ambassador, Yang Zi actively participates in fire safety publicity activities. Not only did she personally participate in fire fighting drills, but she also popularized fire safety knowledge to her fans through social media. Under her leadership, many fans also began to pay attention to home fire safety, and learned how to use fire extinguishers correctly, how to prevent fires and other practical skills. Every time Yang Zi's publicity makes us feel that safety is no trivial matter, and fire prevention must always be unremitting.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Anti-Fraud Ambassadors: Guardians of wallets

In this era of information explosion, online scams are emerging one after another. As an anti-fraud ambassador, Yang Zi always pays attention to the dynamics of online fraud and exposes various fraud methods to fans through social media. She not only personally participated in the filming of the anti-fraud propaganda video, but also invited police experts to interact with the live broadcast, so that fans could have a deeper understanding of the dangers of online fraud and how to prevent it. Thanks to her efforts, many fans have increased their vigilance and successfully avoided being deceived.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Anti-drug ambassadors: fighters defending lives

When it comes to anti-drug ambassador Yang Zi, her responsibility is even greater. Drugs are the root of all evil, not only endangering personal health, but also destroying family and social stability. Yang Zi is well aware of the importance of anti-drug work, and she actively participates in anti-drug publicity activities, conveying anti-drug information to the audience through TV dramas, movies and other works. In the upcoming movie "Drug Hunting", Yang Zi plays the role of Luo Jia, an anti-drug policewoman, whose heroic image of going deep into the tiger's den and outwitting drug dealers is impressive. Every performance of Yang Zi makes us feel that anti-drug work requires not only courage and wisdom, but also the joint efforts of the whole society.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Olympic torchbearers: messengers of dreams and hopes

In addition to serving as a public welfare ambassador, Yang Zi also participated in the torch relay as an Olympic torchbearer. She ran through the streets of the city with the torch in hand, passing on the Olympic spirit to everyone who saw her. Her smile and enthusiasm have infected countless people, making people feel the charm of sports and the power of dreams.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Netizens are hotly discussed: Yang Zi's road to public welfare

Yang Zi's public welfare road has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "Yang Zi is really an artist full of positive energy, not only good acting skills but also enthusiastic about public welfare." Some netizens ridiculed: "It's really hard for Yang Zi to be so busy and do so many public welfare activities, it seems that I also have to learn from her to do more things that are beneficial to society." Some netizens shared their experience of participating in public welfare activities in the comment area, and felt the joy of helping others.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

Controversial Summary: The Diversity and Challenges of the Road to Public Welfare

Although Yang Zi's road to public welfare is rich and colorful, it also faces many challenges. On the one hand, she needs to balance the relationship between her acting career and public welfare, and avoid neglecting any aspect because she is too busy; On the other hand, she also needs to continuously improve her public welfare literacy and influence, so that more people can pay attention to and participate in public welfare undertakings.

Yang Zi: From "hunting drugs" in the play to "hunting" public welfare outside the play, netizens shouted: "This wave of operation is stable."

At the same time, we should also see that Yang Zi's road to public welfare has not been smooth sailing, and she has also been questioned and controversial because of some public welfare activities. But it is these controversies and challenges that make her more determined to walk on the road of public welfare, and interpret responsibility and responsibility with her own actions.

Finally, let us look forward to Yang Zi continuing to shine on the road of public welfare in the future and bringing more positive energy and warmth to the society!

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