
Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

author:Midodox Entertainment
Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

This year's Shanghai Magnolia Film Festival award list was announced, although the nominations caused a lot of controversy, especially the absence of Yang Zi and Ren Suxi, the discussion on the Internet was even more enthusiastic.

In the Best Actress competition at the Magnolia Film Festival, Zhou Xun successfully won the crown with her wonderful performance in "Imperfect Victim". This result has sparked heated discussions and reactions from many netizens. Some people believe that Zhou Xun has always been known for her excellent acting skills, and her performance in this film once again proves her strength and professionalism. A netizen posted on social platforms: "Zhou Xun deserves to win the Best Actress in Magnolia! Her performances always deeply move the audience, and there is no doubt that she is a star in the Chinese film industry. The words are full of praise and recognition of Zhou Xun's acting skills.

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

Some netizens also expressed different views on Zhou Xun's award. A netizen named "Fan Xiao Wang" commented: "Zhou Xun's acting skills are indeed good, but this Magnolia's selection is still a little incomprehensible." The other nominated actors are also very good, especially Zhong Chuxi, her performance in "In the Window and Outside the Window" is also very exciting, I don't know why she didn't win the award in the end. These words showed doubts about the selection results, and also expressed support and recognition for other actors such as Zhong Chuxi.

At the award ceremony, Zhou Xun's expression when he received the award and the reactions of the people around him also became a topic. An audience member recalled: "When Zhou Xun walked up to the stage to accept the award, her face was a natural and joyful expression, as if at this moment, all the hard work and dedication have been best rewarded. This true description of Zhou Xun's attitude when she won the award makes people better understand her inner joy and love for her work.

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

In stark contrast to Zhou Xun are the other nominated actors, especially Zhong Chuxi and Fan Xiangyan. Their expressions and reactions have also sparked heated discussions online. Some netizens commented: "Seeing that Zhong Chuxi didn't get the award, my heart is indeed a little unbalanced. Her performance is really great and allows people to feel the emotional changes of the characters in an immersive way. This kind of support and attention to other actors shows the expectations and recognition of different actors from netizens.

Yang Zi chose to be absent from the Magnolia Film Festival for the awards ceremony, and instead chose to attend the Paris Olympics in her role as a torchbearer, a decision that sparked widespread discussion and comments online. Many netizens expressed their understanding and support for her choice, believing that it showed her determination and courage to pursue a diverse career path. A netizen left a message on social media: "As an Olympic torchbearer, Yang Zi represents the honor of the country, which is a very respectable choice. She has not only achieved success in her acting career, but also actively participated in major national events, setting a good example for us. ”

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

Yang Zi's remarkable progress in acting skills in recent years has also attracted much attention. Especially in the latest TV series "Sauvignon Blanc", she showed excellent acting skills and emotional depth. From costume dramas to modern dramas, Yang Zi is able to switch between different types of roles with ease, and her role transformation and emotional display have won unanimous praise from the audience. Yang Zi, who was born as a child star, not only has excellent acting skills, but also has a high appearance, so she is known as a model of desperate Sanniang. Every time she enters the group to film, she will always lose weight through unremitting efforts, and this persistence has also made her acting skills stand out among many post-90s flowers. In addition to her excellent acting skills, Yang Zi's appearance is also loved by the audience.

Some netizens commented: "Yang Zi is really a hard-working girl, every time I look at her in the crew, I feel that she is not only acting, but also challenging herself." Another netizen said: "She has shown extraordinary talent since she was a child star, and her current achievements are completely a reflection of her strength." Some people also left messages on social platforms: "The appearance of Yang Zi has allowed the post-90s flowers to see a broader career development space, not only to be beautiful, but also to be powerful." ”

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

Yang Zi is very picky about the choice of scripts, and always strives to break through herself in the interpretation of roles. "In each of her works, you can see her in-depth understanding of the role and superb acting skills." A film critic commented. Another fan wrote in the comments: "Yang Zi's acting skills are becoming more and more mature, and each work gives people a refreshing feeling. ”

In addition to her performance on the screen, Yang Zi's public welfare activities and sense of social responsibility have also attracted much attention. "She is not only an outstanding actress, but also actively participates in public welfare activities and gives back to the society with practical actions." A fan posted on social media praising her for her public welfare act.

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

With her excellent acting skills and unique charm, Yang Zi is not only widely recognized in the film and television industry, but also has a large number of fans among the audience. She has always worked hard to improve, always maintained her love and dedication to her acting career, and has become a banner among contemporary young actors.

A fan commented: "After watching Yang Zi's performance in "Sauvignon Blanc", I was completely moved by her acting skills. She is able to express the inner world of the character vividly and empatheticly. ”

As an actress, Yang Zi not only performs well on the screen, but also actively participates in various public welfare activities in life, and represents China on the international stage to participate in important activities. Her career choices and public image are loved and supported by fans and viewers alike. While she chose to be absent from the Magnolia Award Ceremony, netizens also reviewed and shared her wonderful performance and growth trajectory in different works.

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

Yang Zi's career path shows her multi-faceted talent and love and dedication to her acting career. Her progress in acting skills and active participation in the affairs of national honor have made people look forward to and appreciate her future.

In summary, Zhou Xun and Yang Zi have made different choices in their careers, but they both show themselves in the entertainment industry in their unique ways. Zhou Xun continues to challenge himself, while Yang Zi continues to explore on the road of diversity, and the decisions of the two actors have been respected and recognized to varying degrees.

Until Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress! I realized that Yang Zi was right not to go to Magnolia

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