
Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and complained to his wife after returning home, and never dared to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again. His simple style also continued into the era of peace, and he never had a nostalgia for fame, fortune and status. A small thing shows that he is a person, which makes people laugh and be inexplicably moved. Back then, an old subordinate didn't dare to eat at his house, and it was related to the pot of "Hezi Rice" in Xu Shuai's house. What's going on here?

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

Speaking of Comrade Xu Xiangqian, it can be said that he is the founding father of New China. He has been very frugal since he was a child, and his good qualities of hard-working and hard-working have been cultivated since he was a child. From his military career to his home in his later years, Xu Shuai has always maintained his simple style and never pursued material luxury.

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

There is such an interesting thing, after the founding of New China, Xu Shuai's old subordinate Han Xianchu often visited the old leaders. Whenever it was time to eat, Xu Shuai would always warmly invite Han Xianchu to stay and eat. However, Han Xianchu always refused, and fled under the pretext of excuse. The reason is that Xu Shuai's pot is "Hezi Rice".

In fact, it is the specialty dish of Shanxi people, which is cooked in a pot of millet, sweet potatoes, potatoes, soybeans and other grains, and also added with leaves and wild vegetables picked by Xu Shuai himself. Although this dish was a normal meal in the revolutionary years, it was too simple and crude in the era of peace.

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

But Xu Shuai misses the taste of the revolutionary years, but he cherishes this hometown meal. Whenever a guest comes to the door, he will cook it himself and serve a pot of fragrant Japanese rice. This fragrance is not something that everyone is used to, and Han Xianchu, as a southerner, naturally can't stand it.

Once, Xu Shuai served a big bowl of Japanese rice to Han Xianchu. As a result, after Han Xianchu ate it, his stomach began to feel uncomfortable. In order not to give face to the old leader, he insisted on eating the bowl of rice cleanly. When he went home that day, he complained to his wife that Xu Shuai's food was too unpalatable, and he never dared to go to Xu Shuai's house to eat again.

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

Although Han Xianchu's approach was a bit evasive, he couldn't be blamed entirely. Everyone had already persuaded Xu Shuai and asked him to improve his food. But Xu Shuai always refused, "To be a leader, you have to endure hardships, and you can't compare and show off your wealth". So, every time they got to dinner, everyone hurriedly found a reason to slip away.

Back then, Xu Shuai refused the subsidy given by the central government to cook workers. When cooking at home, he always cooks himself, wears old clothes, and never bothers others. During the festival, the staff were all taken home for reunion, leaving Xu Shuai and the children to do their own housework.

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

Xu Shuai is not obsessed with fame, fortune and status. Once, a newlywed couple came to visit, and when they saw Xu Shuai wearing an old clothes, they thought it was an old man who was guarding the door, and was corrected by her husband on the spot. His wife also sighed at the time: "I never dreamed that the marshal would be like this, more simple than ordinary people!"

In short, Comrade Xu Xiangqian used his practical actions to show the arduous and simple style of work and the persistent pursuit of ideals that a communist should have. This may be the reason why he is loved by the people.

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

I have to say that Xu Shuai's style really teaches us mercenary people a lesson. Those of us who work hard in Vanity Fair are often carried away by money and status, forgetting our original dreams. And Xu Shuai used his words and deeds to explain to us the purpose of the communists to "serve the people wholeheartedly".

Han Xianchu went to Xu Shuai's house for dinner, and when he got home, he complained to his wife that he didn't dare to go to Xu Shuai's house for dinner again

As a founding father of the People's Republic of China, he could have enjoyed all the glory and wealth, but he took the initiative to pursue a hard and simple life and implement the revolutionary ideals in his own way. It can be seen that a person's true character and strength of character are far more important than money and status. I hope that each of us can be like Xu Shuai, stick to our ideals and beliefs, and use our own behavior to influence and infect the people around us. Let us work together to build a more just, civilized and aspiring society. #头条首发大赛#