
Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

author:Xiaozhu Literature
Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated
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Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, the name Xie Xian is always closely associated with the word "amorous". His life is like a wonderful love movie, starring in five eye-catching emotional scenes.

However, unlike the "playboy" in the eyes of the world, Xie Xian poured sincere love into every relationship.

What's even more surprising is that even when these feelings eventually come to an end, Xie Xian was still able to maintain a friendly relationship with his ex. No woman who has ever been in love with him has spoken ill of him, which is rare in the entertainment industry.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

What kind of charm makes Xie Xian so comfortable in the love field? And what kind of character did he have that enabled him to win the respect and goodwill of his predecessors? Let's walk into Xie Xian's emotional world and unveil the mystery of this "love saint".

Xie Xian's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs. He was born in Hong Kong in 1936 into a prominent family, and should have enjoyed a life of fine food and clothing.

However, fate is impermanent, the family suddenly changes dramatically, and the former glory and wealth are empty in a blink of an eye. This accident was undoubtedly a severe test for the young Xie Xian, but it was also this blow that made him quickly grow into a mature and stable young man.

In the face of sudden changes in life, Xie Xian has shown amazing adaptability and agility. He began to experiment with various ways to make a living, trying to find a new direction in life. In 1953, by chance, Xie Xian's sister discovered his inner yearning for acting.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

She keenly captured her brother's potential and resolutely helped him write a letter to apply for an actor. This seemingly ordinary letter became the key to changing Xie Xian's fate and opened the door to the showbiz for him.

After a period of training, Xie Xian quickly made a name for himself in the movie "Downstairs Latch Hose" with his handsome appearance and excellent performance. This work became the starting point of his acting career, and also marked the official embarkation of this former rich kid on the road of acting.

Since then, Xie Xian's life has turned a new page. With his hard work and talent, he gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and started a wonderful acting career.

Xie Xian's story tells us that the turning point of fate often contains new opportunities, and the key lies in how we grasp and create our own future with a positive attitude.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Xie Xian's emotional life is like a long love story with ups and downs, and each relationship is unique, showing his emotional journey from youth to maturity.

His first love, Jialing, was a youthful campus love. 17-year-old Xie Xian, full of spirit, met the equally young and beautiful Jialing in the filming of the movie.

The two quickly fell in love, and then entered the marriage hall hand in hand. This relationship lasted for 12 years and was Xie Xian's longest marriage. However, as the years passed, the relationship between the two gradually faded.

The 32-year-old Jialing longs for a stable home, while Xie Xian is still intoxicated with a life of drunkenness. In the end, Jialing chose to break up and marry in Thailand. Despite the sad ending, this relationship laid the foundation for Xie Xian's emotional life and made him start thinking about the true meaning of love.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Immediately afterwards, Xie Xian met the talented Xiao Fangfang. She conquered countless listeners with her sweet singing voice, and her masterpiece "Only Mom is Good in the World" is still widely sung today.

The two resonate with similar life encounters and quickly fall in love. However, this relationship ended without a problem because of personality differences. Xie Xian felt that Xiao Fangfang was too serious and didn't know how to enjoy life; Xiao Fangfang, on the other hand, thinks that Xie Xian lacks self-motivation.

A year later, Xiao Fangfang chose to go to the United States for further study, ending this short but intense relationship. This experience made Xie Xian realize that love requires not only passion, but also mutual understanding and tolerance.

While his career was booming, Xie Xian met the third important woman in his life - Zhen Zhen. The appearance of this Qiong Yao actress made Xie Xian experience the sweetness of love again.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Despite facing opposition from their families and doubts about their age gap, the two resolutely came together and married secretly in 1974. However, life after marriage is not as good as imagined.

Xie Xian is unable to adapt to the ordinary family life, while Zhen Zhen is disappointed by her husband's indifference. In the end, this marriage ended with the exposure of intimate photos of Zhen Zhen and Liu Jiachang.

The failure of this marriage made Xie Xian deeply realize that maintaining a long-term relationship requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties.

After several failed relationships, Xie Xian met Deborah. In 1979, 43-year-old Xie Xian married 28-year-old Deborah and held a grand wedding that caused a sensation in Hong Kong.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

This marriage brought Xie Xian two lovely children: Nicholas Tse and Xie Tingting. 16 years of married life is the most stable period for Xie Xian's career and family.

He struggled to balance work and family, and did his best to play the role of husband and father. However, the good times did not last long, and this seemingly perfect marriage ended in divorce.

Despite this, this experience made Xie Xian cherish his family affection even more and also made him more mature emotionally.

In his later years, Xie Xian had an affair with Coco, a female model who was 49 years younger than him. Despite the huge age gap, Xie Xian still shows a passion for love.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Although this relationship has caused a lot of controversy, it also reflects Xie Xian's attitude towards love never giving up.

Looking back on Xie Xian's emotional journey, we can see a man who is constantly growing and learning. In every relationship, Xie Xian poured his heart into it, and even if he broke up, he could maintain a friendly relationship.

This mature emotional attitude is where Xie Xian's charm lies. His experience tells us that love requires sincerity, tolerance, and hard work, while mature love requires mutual understanding and respect.

Xie Xian's emotional journey is not only his personal growth trajectory, but also a vivid love textbook, which is worth savoring and thinking about by each of us.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Xie Xian's acting career is like a rising star, shining in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. With his excellent acting skills and unique charm, he has left a deep mark on many classic works.

Characters such as Yang Tiexin in the 1983 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and Luo Sihai in "The King of a Thousand Kings" all make the audience remember them vividly. Xie Xian's performance was delicate and nuanced, and he vividly interpreted the inner world of the character, winning unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

With his career booming, Xie Xian has become one of the highest-paid artists in Hong Kong. His success is not only reflected in his performance on the screen, but also in his deep understanding of the role and his persistent pursuit of acting career.

However, even at the peak of his career, Xie Xian did not ignore the importance of family.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

During his marriage to Deborah, Xie Xian struggled to find a balance between his busy work and family life. He and his wife raise their two children hand in hand, and they are as involved in their development as possible.

Despite his busy schedule, Xie Xian always puts his family first, going back and forth between the set and his family, trying to play the role of a good father and husband.

This period can be said to be the most glorious time of Xie Xian's life. With his career in full swing, his family being happy, and his children being well-behaved and obedient, he seems to have everything.

However, just like the ups and downs of his emotional life, the seemingly perfect family life is ultimately unpredictable.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Despite this, Xie Xian has always maintained his love for his family. Even in the face of a marital crisis, he tried his best to maintain family harmony and strive to reduce the negative impact on his children.

This attitude not only reflects Xie Xian's maturity, but also deeply affects the growth of his children, especially his daughter Xie Tingting.

Xie Tingting's growth process reflects the impact of Xie Xian's complex emotional life on her children to a certain extent. After her parents divorced, Xie Tingting was sent overseas to study, away from the familiar environment and the care of her relatives.

During this period, she was full of loneliness and confusion, and began to indulge in nightclub life, trying to fill the emptiness in her heart through one short relationship after another.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

In 2008, with the encouragement of her brother Nicholas Tse, Xie Tingting decided to return to China for development. She had the same dream of shining in the entertainment industry as her father and brother, but she was opposed by Xie Xian.

Her father's obstruction did not dampen Xie Tingting's enthusiasm, but instead stimulated her rebellious spirit and prompted her to be more determined to find her own opportunities.

By chance, Xie Tingting entered the modeling industry. However, this passion for her career did not last long, and she soon fell into complex emotional entanglements.

Until 2019, 37-year-old Xie Tingting suddenly announced the news of having a child out of wedlock, which sparked widespread discussion in society.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, Xie Xian chose to unconditionally support his daughter's decision. He said publicly: "The only thing I care about is Tingting's joy and happiness.

This understanding and support from her father made Xie Tingting feel deep warmth, and it also made her begin to re-examine her life.

Today's Xie Tingting has let go of the past disturbances and devoted herself to parenting. She made a birthday cake for her daughter and enjoyed the warm time between mother and daughter.

To some extent, this change also reflects the influence of Xie Xian's family concept. Xie Tingting's story tells us that even after experiencing rebellion and confusion, the love and support of our family is always a harbor for us to return.

Xie Xian: I fell in love with 5 women in my life, all of them poured out their hearts and lungs, and no one said bad things about him after they separated

Throughout Xie Xian's life, we see the image of a man who is full of emotions and treats people sincerely. Despite going through multiple relationships, he has always maintained his care and blessings for his ex.

Whether Zhen Zhen holds a film festival, publishes a new book, or is sick and hospitalized, Xie Xian will visit him in person, showing rare tolerance and friendliness.

This generosity is reflected not only in his emotional life, but also in the education of his children. Faced with Xie Tingting's life choice, he chose to understand and support, showing the unconditional love of a father.

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