
I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

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I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

I was born in April '63, and I have gone through 62 spring and autumn seasons. Looking back on the past, I have experienced ups and downs, and I have also accumulated a lot of life experience and insights. Today, as a person who has come before, I would like to remind you young people that there is a great wisdom that has been misunderstood, called "slamming the door".

In today's era of consumerism, the term "stingy" seems to have a pejorative connotation, conjuring up images of stinginess, stinginess, and not knowing how to enjoy life. However, when we truly understand the connotation of "slamming the door", we will find that it is not an extreme harshness of material things and a lack of interest in life, but a rational planning of life, the cherishing of resources and the restraint of desires.

I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

"Picking the door" is not the same as being stingy, but knowing how to cherish the value of every penny. When we are young, we always feel that money is earned, not saved. As a result, wanton consumption and the pursuit of the so-called high-quality life inadvertently fell into the dilemma of moonshine and even debt. As I get older, especially at my age, I have come to realize that the accumulation of wealth not only depends on the increase of income, but also requires reasonable expenditure control. Every money saved could one day become a safeguard against the risks of our lives, or the cornerstone of our dreams.

I remember when I was younger, when I went out with my friends, I always ordered too many dishes for the sake of face, and in the end, I couldn't finish them and wasted them. Now, I order food according to my actual needs, which can satisfy my appetite without incurring unnecessary expenses. It's not stinginess, it's respect for food, and the value of money. This kind of "picking the door" has made me more aware of the finite resources in life, so that I can learn to use them rationally.

"Picking the door" is also a restraint from desire. In this materialistic society, all kinds of temptations are everywhere. New electronics, fashionable clothing, luxurious cars...... If we can't control our desires and blindly pursue these material pleasures, we will be enslaved by our desires and fall into an endless cycle of consumption. And "slamming the door" is to install a valve on our desires, so that we can keep a clear mind in the complex world and not be swayed by vanity and comparison.

I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

I used to save money to get the latest phone, only to find that the satisfaction of the new phone was short-lived, and the financial cost was real. Nowadays, I think deeply before buying an item, asking myself if I really need it, if there are more affordable alternatives. This restraint of desire allows me to focus my energy on more meaningful things, such as spending time with my family and pursuing my own interests, so that I can achieve true inner satisfaction.

"Picking the door" is a rainy day attitude towards life. Life is full of uncertainties, and we can't predict what tomorrow will bring. A sudden illness or an unexpected job loss can put our lives in jeopardy. The wealth accumulated through "slamming the door" can provide us with peace of mind and protection at critical moments.

One of my neighbors, when he was younger, spent a lot of money and didn't have any habit of saving. When he reached middle age, he suffered layoffs from the company, and it happened that his family was seriously ill, and he suddenly fell into an economic desperate situation. In contrast, because I have adhered to the "slam-out" lifestyle for many years, I have been able to cope with major expenses such as children's education and family medical care, and I have not been anxious due to financial pressure. This kind of wisdom of planning ahead has given me more choices and confidence when facing the challenges of life.

I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

"Picking the door" can also cultivate our sense of thrift and environmental protection. In the process of pursuing "slamming the door", we will pay more attention to the reuse of items and energy conservation. For example, turn off the lights, save water, and turn old clothes into new ones. These small gestures can not only save us money, but also contribute to the protection of the environment.

In family life, "slamming the door" is not a selfish act, but for the long-term happiness of the whole family. By planning your family expenses wisely, we can save money for our children's education and lay a solid foundation for the future of our family. At the same time, this frugal family style can also be passed on to the next generation, so that they know how to cherish the fruits of their labor and learn to be independent and self-reliant.

Of course, "slamming the door" must also have a degree and not go to extremes. We can't sacrifice quality of life and basic needs to save money, and we can't afford to be too frugal and lose the opportunity to share happiness with friends and family. The real wisdom of "picking the door" is to achieve rational consumption and reasonable savings on the premise of ensuring the quality of life.

I'm 62 years old, and I'll remind you that there is a great wisdom called "slamming the door".

Young friends, maybe you are now on the rise in your career, your income is gradually increasing, and your life is full of infinite possibilities. But trust me, learning the great wisdom of "slamming the door" will make your future more stable and fulfilling. Don't be confused by the prosperity in front of you, cherish every bit of hard-won wealth, and build a solid line of defense for your life with "slamming the door" to meet the wind and rain and sunshine in the future.

Finally, I hope that on the road of life, you can understand the true meaning of "slamming the door" and live a happy and fulfilling life. When you reach my age, you will look back and be glad and proud of the wise choices you made.

Author: Lao Pang

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