
An article is 810,000 displays, and the income is 25, this is the real situation of ordinary people writing articles!

author:Big Sister of the North
Hello everyone, I am the eldest sister of the north, a 90-year-old workplace mother, this is my 206th article, after a year of persistence, will I thank me for insisting now, continue to cultivate, resolutely will not break off, no matter how difficult this road is, I will continue to walk.

I'm a little confused, I read a 40,000-read article, it can be a hit, I don't know why the income is not proportional, the income is 25 yuan, this may be, it is the lowest income of all my popular articles.

My recent reading volume、The unit price is super low,It's also the lowest unit price in all my popular articles.,I'm really speechless.,40,000 reads for an article.,If you follow the previous words, you can get 120 yuan.,This directly earns a fraction.,It really makes me speechless.。

Since May, the traffic has declined, and now the decline is even more serious, and an article in June has not exploded, and the unit price is also low, and so is the micro headlines, but I have never had hope, because there are very few micro headlines I wrote, and I didn't pin my hopes on it.

An article is 810,000 displays, and the income is 25, this is the real situation of ordinary people writing articles!


I'm a little busy with work this month, I don't have a lot of time, at the beginning I was struggling to persevere, but then I was really physically and mentally exhausted, I didn't have much time to write, and my body was also very tired, so I insisted on an article every day, when I couldn't write, when I didn't have the material, when I wanted to think about it, I insisted on one article every day.

This time I was a little hit, an article 40,000 readings, 25 yuan, maybe this is the income of most ordinary people, big coffee tens of thousands of readings can earn a lot, like I was a few months ago is generally more than 2.5 thousand times the unit price, 50,000 or 60,000 yuan has to be 200 yuan smaller.

An article is 810,000 displays, and the income is 25, this is the real situation of ordinary people writing articles!

Ordinary people do self-media, it is really too difficult, an article to think of material, and then to write a thousand-word article, how can it take hours, to me is more difficult in the early stage, now it is much easier than the early stage, generally think of good materials, two hours later can come out of an article, for me is already very fast.


To be honest, it's really good to write an article.,The main thing is that I don't have that time to write.,The article has a backflow.,Maybe it's going to explode sometime.,The article has been a little explosive in the last two days.,Since the day before yesterday, it's now more than 40,000 reads.,If it's according to my two-month unit price,This article has to be at least 100 yuan.,But the reality is enough to slap the face.,It's only 30 yuan.,It can be seen that the unit price is low to the bottom.。

An article is 810,000 displays, and the income is 25, this is the real situation of ordinary people writing articles!

Since the headline revision has become the first incentive 3 times the income, has your income decreased, and has the unit price been low?

I didn't write two articles as always.,I don't know what else I can write when I'm updated.,No matter what I write, there's no traffic.,Hey,Creator Xiao Lou made a lot of money a few days ago.,It's true that the mentality has changed.,Thinking about how there is no explosion all day long.,How the income has become less.,The mood is also very lost.,I sleep at night and even dream about the explosion thing.。

In the past two days, my mentality has changed back, and I am busy with work, so I can't take care of it, so I don't pay attention to it. I love as much as I want, and it doesn't hinder my motivation to keep writing, and when I have a good attitude, I feel like I'm halfway there


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