
Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

author:Indifferent starry sky 3h7

On June 29, singer Hailai Amu posted a family photo of him, saying that the loss of fans was particularly serious for a period of time, whether it was because he did not post a family photo. In the photo, Hailai Amu and his wife are holding their two sons, the eldest son looks like his father, and the younger son looks like his mother.

Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

Chen Lin is Hailai Amu's second wife. His wife, Chen Lin, has always supported her husband's decision, and she guards the family so that Hailai Amu can pursue music without any worries.

Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu
Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

Hailai Amu made some netizens have opinions because of the Internet celebrity Guo Youcai. Because they are both from the grassroots, and now it is the era of online live broadcasting, it is not uncommon for a person to become popular.

Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

All netizens said: If you don't spray Guo Youcai, you shouldn't lose so many fans, both of them are grassroots step by step to get to where they are today, why bother!

Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

And some netizens commented on this matter can be described as very objective, the netizen said: I originally liked your songs, but the reason why I didn't pay attention to it was because I saw you commenting on Guo Youcai by swiping Douyin one day, learning to respect every profession and respecting everyone who works hard, now you are a singer, your source of income is concert tickets, and the income of Internet celebrity live broadcast is live broadcast reward, but that's not improper, isn't it. Putting everything aside, you have also been embarrassed, and you have also turned on the reward function to canvass for votes and pK, why did you forget the way you came after everything slowly got better, I am an ordinary person, I like to listen to your singing, sympathize with your story, I only have ordinary opinions, maybe I don't understand the truth of the matter, no matter who is putting on a show, who is Bo traffic, time will tell.

Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu
Hailai Amu posted a family photo, the younger son looks like his mother, and the eldest son looks like Hailai Amu

But some netizens insisted on supporting Hailai Amu and said: Hailai Amu is a good singer who values love and righteousness, he uses his emotions and talents to compose and sing his true feelings about reality and life, this is a real musician! You can rest assured that you have fans behind you to support and love you! You'll never be alone! Always support your soul singer Hailai Amu!

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