
was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

author:Indifferent starry sky 3h7

Chinese aunts are really powerful, only you can't think of it, no aunt can't do it.

On June 28, a video posted by a netizen sparked heated discussions among netizens, and an aunt in the park actually sat in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and proudly asked her companion to take pictures.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

The sculpture is very tall, and in order to achieve the goal, the aunt even stepped on a small stool. She was dressed beautifully and seemed to be happy with this way of taking pictures.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

Netizens commented that I was stunned when I saw this scene, and Cao Xueqin was also stunned.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

Really speechless, how could my aunt think of this way of taking pictures.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

Some netizens said: Auntie, if the book in Cao Xueqin's hand can move, it will slap you.

Some netizens said that the aunt's courage is even greater than her age. There is no place that the aunt can't go to, etc.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was
was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

What makes people even more speechless is that many netizens don't know who Cao Xueqin is. even thought that the aunt's name was Cao Xueqin.

was speechless, the aunt in the park was sitting in the arms of Cao Xueqin's sculpture, and some netizens didn't know who Cao Xueqin was

Here I will say that Cao Xueqin is the author of the four famous novels "Dream of Red Mansions". So I hope everyone has respect for him.

Seeing this scene, many netizens sighed that Chinese aunts can age quietly.

Many aunts have a strong psychology and are simply omnipotent, dancing square dances regardless of disturbing the people, and exhausting the methods on the bus to let young people give up their seats. These are a bit out of the old man's baptism.

Here, I wish all the elderly to rely on and have fun in old age, but be sure to use the right method!

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