
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room

author:Corner plum 666

I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room.

My mother-in-law planted a few cucumbers in front of her house, and in the past few days, the cucumbers have grown one after another.

This morning, my mother-in-law picked a few cucumbers, and after she mixed the cucumbers cold, when she was about to eat them, she found that some of the cucumbers in the cold salad were very bitter. (The main thing is that three cucumbers are put together and served cold, and I don't know which cucumber is bitter.) )

My father-in-law tasted the cucumber, and he happened to taste a bitter cucumber, and felt that the bowl of cucumbers was inedible, so he asked his mother-in-law to pour it out.

However, my mother-in-law said, "Although these cucumbers are very bitter, I grew them myself, so I am reluctant to throw them away!" It's just a bitter gourd, I'm not afraid of bitterness. ”

Because of this incident, the two quarreled in the living room: the father-in-law asked the mother-in-law to throw out the cucumber, but the mother-in-law was reluctant to throw it away, and kept eating the cucumber.

After I knew the reason, I took a closer look at the half bowl of cucumbers left by my mother-in-law, and tasted two cucumbers: one was not bitter, and the other was particularly bitter, just like eating bitter melon.

After seeing this, I was also very puzzled: because in my impression, cucumbers are crisp and refreshing, and it is impossible to eat bitter at all, but now these cucumbers are indeed very bitter to eat, and I have never eaten such bitter cucumbers.

Later, I took a picture of the remaining cucumbers and felt that they were no different from the usual cucumbers, but why are these cucumbers bitter? Have you ever encountered this situation? Can you eat bitter cucumbers? #头条创作挑战赛# #夏天的美好瞬间#

I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room
I didn't get off work until 12 o'clock last night, and before I got up this morning, I heard my parents-in-law arguing in the living room

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