
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

author:Laurel muffins


Li Jianren is still charming in middle age, and the song "On the Shore of Lake Baikal" is even more enduring for a long time. In the eyes of netizens, he is a handsome, talented and very affectionate uncle circle male god. Recently, Li Jian and his wife Meng Xiaobei were met by chance in Aranya, but the character of his beloved wife was questioned.

Some netizens found that Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei always kept a distance when they went out, and they were suspected of disliking his wife for making a fortune, so that Meng Xiaobei could only look at him secretly.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Some netizens met Li Jian and his wife and a friend in the North Shore Auditorium of the Aranya Theater Festival, Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei walked on the road as if they didn't know each other at all, and there was no interaction.

I thought that the two of them were just walking fast and slow at the beginning, and then they would keep up with each other's pace, but they didn't expect that the two would go farther and farther away, and Li Jian had never seen Meng Xiaobei's direction, which could almost be said to be strangers.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Even netizens couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Li Jian if he didn't know Meng Xiaobei? It felt like there was still someone standing next to him.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

In fact, it is not the first time that Li Jian has kept a distance from Meng Xiaobei, and when he was met by chance many times, he deliberately kept a certain distance from Meng Xiaobei.

When looking at the real estate in Aranya, Li Jian took pictures of the village chief and tourists, but Meng Xiaobei did not approach, but just watched from a distance. If you don't know Meng Xiaobei's netizens, you will definitely mistake her for a passerby.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

After that, Li Jian and the village chief and others chatted while walking, and Meng Xiaobei always stood not far behind, like a pendant for Li Jian and his party. When Li Jian and the village chief were chatting happily, Meng Xiaobei could only hide behind and secretly look at Li Jian.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Li Jian smiled very happily after taking the photo, and when he turned his head, he faced the camera, and Meng Xiaobei was nowhere to be seen at this time. Maybe he didn't want to be photographed by the camera, so he left the scene automatically. Li Jian didn't go to Meng Xiaobei either, and continued the rest of the trip with his companions.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Li Jian's wife, Meng Xiaobei, is also a Tsinghua scholar, and she almost stepped into the entertainment industry because of her outstanding appearance, but for Li Jian, Meng Xiaobei is willing to be the woman behind him. Li Jian has also kept a low profile because of his decades of marriage, and he is praised as a good man in the circle. However, when I was met by chance this time, many people questioned that Li Jian did not love his wife as much as he imagined, probably because Meng Xiaobei gained a lot of weight.

In a photo of the back of Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei, it can be clearly seen that Meng Xiaobei has gained a lot of fortune, and her back is even complained about being as wide as two Li Jian.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Netizens also complained about Meng Xiaobei's figure, questioning Li Jian because he disliked his wife for being too strong, so he kept his distance.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!
Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

In fact, Meng Xiaobei was very beautiful when she was young, and her figure was also very good, she was a very thin and beautiful beauty, and Li Jian could be described as a talented woman. However, in recent years, Meng Xiaobei has suddenly gained a lot of fortune, and it is suspected that there is a physical problem; Some people also speculate that Meng Xiaobei is preparing for pregnancy, because she has made so much fortune because of her body.

Li Jian's beloved wife's personality was questioned, and he kept his distance from Meng Xiaobei when he went out, suspecting that his wife was too fat!

Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei have insisted on Dink for many years, and if they really regret having children, they can understand, after all, this is not a precedent in the entertainment industry. As for Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei deliberately keeping a distance, although some people think that he dislikes Meng Xiaobei and makes a fortune, but with everyone's understanding of Li Jian, he should not be such a person. It may not be the case, maybe the couple's way of getting along is already low-key, or there are other unknown reasons, and we should not jump to conclusions.

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