
How often should I change my phone?

author:Mobile phone intelligence station
How often should I change my phone?

The mobile phone update is so fast that it seems to have been beaten, and the new phones are popping up one after another. The configuration is swishing up, and the flagship in your hand may not be as good as the new mid-range model in two years. Every time a new model comes out, my heart itches, but the wallet says, "Calm down!" ”

Mobile phones aren't cheap. Whatever you pay out of your pocket is one or two thousand oceans, unless you have a mine at home, who can afford to get a new toy every few months? So how often is it appropriate to change your phone? Come, three key points for you to understand in seconds!

How often should I change my phone?

It's a matter of price. There is a reason why it is expensive, and the workmanship of mobile phones with high prices is naturally leveraged. For example, those four or five thousand high-end goods, back shell glass + metal frame, very durable; Most of the thousand-yuan machines have plastic shells, which feel a little less meaningful, and the durability is slightly inferior.

When you buy an expensive mobile phone, you must hope to use it for a few more years, and you are embarrassed to mention a new one for three or five years. The thousand-yuan machine, with a two-year machine, is like that, and then a new one, which is both economical and can enjoy a better configuration.

How often should I change my phone?

The thousand-yuan machine can also be "long-lived": choosing the right configuration is the key

Don't underestimate those thousand-yuan machines that are close to the people, as long as you choose the right cost-effective configuration, they can also accompany you through more than three years. First of all, you have to keep an eye on the processor, which is the lifeline of whether the phone is smooth or not. The reason why high-end mobile phones are "durable" is largely because they are equipped with top-of-the-line processors such as Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, which can easily run over one million points, ensuring that you can travel unhindered for four years.

How often should I change my phone?

And our thousand-yuan friends, although they are mostly equipped with mid-range processors, such as Snapdragon 778G, it is easy to run five or six hundred thousand, and you will definitely be comfortable using it within two years. Of course, if you are short on money but want to use it for a long time, then you have to pick those mid-range machines equipped with the previous generation flagship processor, such as the Dimensity 9000, which is not a dream with a million running points, and it is not a problem to use it smoothly for three years.

How often should I change my phone?

In addition to the heart being strong, the memory must also keep up. A mobile phone with a large memory is like a large-capacity backpack, which can hold more things, and it will naturally be smoother to use. So when choosing, don't forget to look at the memory size, which is directly related to how long your phone will last.

To put it simply, if you want a thousand-yuan machine to fight for a long time, you have to choose a good processor and enough memory. In this way, even small soldiers with a low price can become a "longevity general" in your hands.

How often should I change my phone?

The lifespan of a mobile phone actually has a lot to do with your usage habits. For example, if you play a big game with it every day, or if you use it very often, it will naturally "age" faster. Because the high-end mobile phone is well configured and well-made, it can relatively withstand this kind of high-intensity use, but if you toss it like this every day, after three years, it will not be so obedient.

How often should I change my phone?

And what about the thousand-dollar machine? If you are called like this, it may not work for two years. When the time comes, not only will it make you want to smash your phone, but the battery life will also drop significantly, in short, it will be particularly unpleasant to use.

How often should I change my phone?

If your phone is constantly stuck like a snail, flashes and shuts down at every turn, can fry eggs when heated, and only lasts for an hour or two when fully charged, then you should really consider getting a new one.

To summarize briefly: the thousand-yuan machine can last for 2 years, the mid-range machine can still play for 3 years, and the high-end machine can still fight for 4 years, it depends on how you use it. Take care of it more often, clean it up regularly, and use it for four or five years is not a problem at all.