
The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

author:Gentle Ocean RCk

In the fog of emotion, we often lose our way. Feng Lai in "Walking with the Phoenix", his story is like a blurred dream, which moves us. The affectionate brother Lang gave up everything in "Flower Thousand Bone" just to pursue the love of his heart, but he failed to do so after all. Qingshui silently watched from the sidelines, hoping for that glimmer of possibility, but the trick of fate made everything out of reach.

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

It wasn't until Qingshui left that Brother Lang realized that her departure seemed to take away a part of his life. The cinnabar mole in his heart shines forever like the white moonlight, becoming an indelible mark on his heart. He once said, "If I can't be your beloved, I'll be your guardian." Under the light of the moon, he incarnated as Fenglai and continued his legend in "Walking with the Phoenix".

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Feng Lai's fate is full of twists and turns, and he will do whatever it takes for the people he loves. In the void abyss, he endured endless pain, just to protect that precious love. However, when he returned again, he found that everything was wrong. His eyes were filled with endless grief and helplessness, but he still walked firmly on his own path.

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Xu Haiqiao, the actor who plays Fenglai, his acting career is also full of challenges. From the draft of "Dream of Red Mansions" to the popularity of "Flower Thousand Bone", he has won the recognition of the audience step by step with his talent and hard work. In "Walking with the Phoenix", he challenged himself again and portrayed the image of Fenglai vividly. His performances are full of authenticity and emotion, and the audience is moved.

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In the entertainment industry, Xu Haiqiao is a unique existence. He interprets each role in his own way, allowing us to see his talent and hard work. His attitude to life is equally admirable, he pursues inner peace and contentment, and does not follow the crowd. This kind of tenacity and perseverance is worth learning from.

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

We look forward to Xu Haiqiao's future performance and believe that he will bring us more wonderful works." May he continue to maintain his uniqueness and authenticity, and become a bright star in the entertainment industry.

The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".
The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".
The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".
The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".
The obsession is too deep! If you can't get a thousand bones, you will be Shen Li's father, and the bitter history of Xu Haiqiao in "Walking with the Phoenix".

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