
Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

author:Quack quack to see the world

The story of Huang Jiying began in an ordinary family in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Since she was a child, she has been favored for her outstanding looks. Neighbors always greet her with a smile and sometimes share a small snack.

This kind of growth environment surrounded by love makes Huang Jiying full of kindness to the world. However, beauty did not make her proud. On the contrary, Huang Jiying has an ordinary dream - to become an ordinary teacher.

For this reason, she chose to study in a normal high school, looking forward to being able to stand on a three-foot podium in the future. Huang Jiying hesitated. She never thought of entering the entertainment industry, but the enthusiastic encouragement of her classmates made her heart move.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

Eventually, she decided to give it a try, and it was a little adventure of her life. What everyone didn't expect was that this "little adventure" completely changed the trajectory of Huang Jiying's life.

With her natural beauty and temperament, she passed all the way and finally successfully reached the finals. At the competition site, her performance amazed everyone present.

Huang Jiying's brilliance not only attracted the judges and the audience, but also attracted the attention of TVB scouts. After the competition, she soon received an invitation from TVB and successfully became a contract artist under their umbrella.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

In this way, Huang Jiying, who originally dreamed of becoming a people's teacher, accidentally stepped into the glamorous entertainment industry. Since then, her life has turned a new page, and a bright star journey has begun.

Huang Jiying, who stepped into the entertainment industry, soon became a new star praised by TVB. Her fresh and touching image has won her many opportunities. Under the careful arrangement of TVB, Huang Jiying has participated in many TV series such as "Hedong Lion's Roar" and "Fat Field Happy Event", although the role is not the protagonist, her performance has left a deep impression on the audience.

However, what really made Huang Jiying leave an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience was the role of "Menggu" she played in "Dragon Babu". Although this role appeared late and did not have many scenes, Huang Jiying used her unique temperament and performance to interpret this Xixia princess in a difficult way.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

Especially in the scene in the royal ice cellar, under the hazy lens, Huang Jiying is like a frozen lotus, which is thrillingly beautiful. The sadness and strength in her eyes perfectly interpret Menggu's complex inner world.

Even at the end of the play, when she appeared in the same frame with powerful actors such as Li Ruotong and Liu Jinling, Huang Jiying's brilliance still did not decrease, but she was even more dazzling because of her unique temperament.

The role of "Menggu" not only made the audience remember Huang Jiying, but also let people in the industry see her potential. With the popularity of "Dragon Babu", Huang Jiying's popularity has risen sharply, and the drama continues to be made.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

Her fresh and refined image is like a clear stream, which is unique in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. However, just when Huang Jiying's acting career was booming, fate played a joke on her again.

During the filming of the drama "Meals with the Song Family", she met the person who changed her life - Louis Koo. The two play a pair of sisters and brothers in the play, and when they get along day and night, they are attracted by each other's professionalism.

Their serious attitude towards work became the beginning of the two getting to know each other and falling in love. Gradually, the relationship between the two changed from ordinary colleagues to lovers. This encounter not only allowed Huang Jiying to find true love, but also laid the groundwork for her future star career.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

At that time, she may still be immersed in the joy of a bumper harvest of career and love, but she never thought of how this relationship would affect her acting career. In this way, Huang Jiying's life met love in the rising period of her career, and an unforgettable seven-year love kicked off.

In 1997, on the set of "Dining with the Song Family", Huang Jiying met Louis Koo, a rising star who was also highly praised by TVB. The two play a pair of sisters and brothers in the play, and the frequent contact in and out of the play makes them gradually fall in love.

From ordinary colleague relationships, to secretly affectionate friends, to lovers in love, the relationship between Huang Jiying and Louis Koo is like a flower quietly blooming in spring, beautiful and desirable.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

In the sweet time of love, the careers of the two are like riding rockets, rising rapidly. Louis Koo became famous in the circle with "Criminal Investigation Files", and then starred in "The Condor Heroes", which pushed him to the peak of his career and became the perfect male god in the hearts of thousands of girls.

Although Huang Jiying is not as dazzling as Louis Koo, she has also gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with her own efforts. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Just when the careers and relationships of the two were thriving, a storm quietly came.

In 1997, Gu Tianle's past of entering a juvenile detention center when he was a teenager was dug up by the media, and public opinion was in an uproar for a while. Although Louis Koo has publicly clarified many times, this incident still casts a shadow on his career.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

At this difficult time, when many people chose to stay away from Louis Koo, Huang Jiying stood firmly by her lover's side. She disregarded her career development and turned down many jobs, just to be able to take care of Louis Koo in every detail in life.

Her persistence and dedication made the relationship between the two deeper in the face of adversity. Huang Jiying's choice is undoubtedly the most sincere interpretation of love. She proved her love for Louis Koo with practical actions, and also showed her strong heart.

However, this decision also laid a hidden danger for her future acting career. In the fast-changing place of the entertainment industry, a slight stagnation may be replaced by a newcomer. Huang Jiying's price for love was far greater than she imagined at the time.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

Seven years is enough to change a lot of things. The relationship between Huang Jiying and Gu Tianle has also quietly changed in the baptism of the years. The once sweet love was gradually eroded by the triviality of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

There were more and more contradictions between the two, and finally in 2001, this seemingly indestructible relationship came to an end. The reason for the breakup is unknown to outsiders.

But it is conceivable that this must be a difficult decision for Huang Jiying. She has given so much for this relationship that she even sacrifices her career. However, love is no match for the test of reality after all.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

The end of this relationship not only brought emotional trauma to Huang Jiying, but also caused her career to suffer a heavy blow. When she rededicated herself to acting, she found that she had missed out on too many opportunities.

After breaking up with Louis Koo, Huang Jiying devoted all her energy to her acting career. However, she soon discovers that the price she once paid for love is not so easy to make up.

In the years when she took care of Louis Koo wholeheartedly, the wind direction of the entertainment industry has quietly changed. There are many newcomers, and the audience's tastes are constantly changing, but Huang Jiying, who was once a smash hit, seems to have been a little out of touch with this circle.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

She worked hard to take the show, trying to regain her place. However, the TV series she participated in, whether it was "Meteor Garden" or "Sister Tuogun", failed to cause much repercussions.

The radiant "Dream Aunt" in the eyes of the audience seems to be slowly fading away in the audience's memory. In the trial and failure again and again, Huang Jiying gradually realized that maybe the entertainment industry is no longer suitable for her.

She began to think about her future, and what she could do without the stage that once made her shine. After careful consideration, Huang Jiying made a difficult decision - to quit the entertainment industry.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

This decision has made many people feel sorry. However, for Huang Jiying, this is a new beginning. She chose to move into the beauty industry and wanted to start fresh in a completely new field.

From a glamorous star to an obscure entrepreneur, this transformation is not easy for Huang Jiying. However, she found a new direction in her life in the process.

Although she no longer has flashes and fans, she has gained inner peace and freedom. Looking back on the past, Huang Jiying may be full of emotion. The cost of giving up her career for love is far greater than she imagined.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

However, she does not regret her choice. That unforgettable love, those days of love are the most precious treasures in her life. This experience made Huang Jiying more mature and more aware of what she really wanted.

Her story is not only a story about love and career, but also a story about growth and self-awareness. Although the star journey was interrupted by love, Huang Jiying was not knocked down by fate.

Instead, she chose to face reality bravely and replan her life. This kind of courage and determination may be more valuable than her achievements in the entertainment industry back then. Today's Huang Jiying has stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

She focuses on her beauty career and lives a calm and fulfilling life. Although she no longer has the following of fans and the attention of the media, she has found inner peace and ease.

In terms of relationships, Huang Jiying chose to stay single. Maybe it's because the unforgettable relationship with Louis Koo has left too deep a mark on her, or maybe it's because she cherishes her independent life now.

In any case, she doesn't seem to be in a hurry to find a new partner, but enjoys the comfort of being alone. Huang Jiying's story is, to some extent, a story about choice.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

She once chose to give up her career for love, and later chose to leave the entertainment industry. These choices may have deprived her of the opportunity to become a superstar, but they also gave her inner peace and freedom.

Today's Huang Jiying may no longer be the radiant female star, but she is still interpreting a wonderful life in her own way. Her story is not only a story about love and career, but also a story about how to find yourself and live your life in the ups and downs of life.

Huang Jiying's story, from accidentally stepping into the entertainment industry, to giving up her career for love, and finally choosing an ordinary life, shows a true portrayal of an ordinary person when facing life choices.

Cutting off the star journey for love, Louis Koo's only girlfriend admitted, how is Huang Jiying now

Her experience tells us that the value of life lies not only in achievement and fame, but also in inner satisfaction and happiness. I wish Huang Jiying in the future can find her other half as soon as possible, join hands with each other, and spend every day happily.

Her story will continue to inspire us to pursue our own wonderfulness in the ordinary.

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