
Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

author:Free Creek Water 6gBrL
Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

It is said that the people who follow me have recently made a windfall! If you want to get lucky, join the team of followers! I wish you a lot of money and a lot of money!

Louis Koo is deeply trapped in the "arrears door", and what is the truth behind the failure to repay 8.3 million Hong Kong dollars for ten years?

It is reported that this amount originated in 2013 when Louis Koo and director Tang Caizhi partnered to open a company, Louis Koo borrowed money from Tang Caizhi in his personal name as start-up capital, and to this day, this amount has not been returned, which has aroused widespread heated discussions among netizens

Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

What is surprising is that unlike the verbal criticism of negative news about celebrities in the past, in this incident, the vast majority of netizens chose to stand on Louis Koo's side, and some netizens even said that they would "crowdfund to repay debts", which can't help but make people curious, what is the reason why Louis Koo can still get such a high support rate in the face of such a "disadvantage"? And Tang Caizhi, as a creditor, why has he never been able to recover this arrears for ten years?

"School Builder" Louis Koo: The road of transformation from a "troubled boy" to a "charity king".

To solve the mystery behind the "arrears door", perhaps we need to pull the timeline back to Louis Koo's youth

Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

Born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong, Louis Koo was not the "positive energy" idol who was keen on charity in the public's impression at the beginning, he was young and frivolous, and he also went astray, and was even sentenced to prison for participating in robbery, this special experience became an important turning point in Louis Koo's life, and also laid the groundwork for his future charity road

After being released from prison, Louis Koo changed his mind and stepped into the showbiz with his excellent appearance conditions, from the initial "white-faced boy" to the later "swarthy man", Louis Koo continued to break through himself and created one classic screen image after another, Yang Guo in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Xiang Shaolong in "Looking for Qin", Liang Junyi in "Eavesdropping...... These deeply rooted roles have witnessed Louis Koo's successful transformation from an idol to a powerful faction, and also allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry

Unlike other celebrities who pursue fame and fortune after becoming famous, Louis Koo chooses to devote more time and energy to charity after success in his acting career, and he has set up a low-key charitable foundation to donate to build schools in remote mountainous areas in the mainland, and has donated more than 100 schools so far, and is affectionately known as "school building madness" by netizens

Louis Koo's good deeds, not a whim, not to win fame and fortune, he will care for the disadvantaged, social responsibility, silently into every charity action, he once admitted in an interview that his experience of misleading in his youth made him realize the importance of education, hope to do his own meager efforts, for children to create a better learning environment, so that they away from crime, have a better future

Tang Caizhi: The ten-year entanglement between the "invisible rich" in the Hong Kong film industry and Louis Koo

As a senior filmmaker, he has participated in the production of a number of acclaimed and acclaimed films, including the "Macau Vice" series, "Anti-Drug", "The First Time Not You", etc., and has a decisive influence in the industry

Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

According to industry insiders, Tang Caizhi has a unique vision in investment, has accumulated rich wealth over the years, and can be called the "invisible rich" in the Hong Kong film industry

One speculation is that Tang Caizhi may be thinking about his friendship with Gu Tianle for many years, and he does not want to make a big deal about it, and some people speculate that there may be other hidden secrets behind this arrears, which is not as simple as "repaying debts".

In fact, the cooperative relationship between Louis Koo and Tang Caizhi did not start in 2013, as early as 2002, the two had cooperated in the filming of the movie "Woo Gu Gu New Year's Wealth", and achieved good box office results, since then, the two have cooperated in many films such as "A Hundred Years of Good Harmony" and "Baby Plan", which shows that there is a certain foundation of trust between each other

After the "arrears gate" incident was exposed, neither side made a positive response to the matter, which undoubtedly exacerbated the confusion of the incident

Behind the "arrears door": is it a game between "charity" and "interests" or is the "truth" yet to be revealed?

Some people believe that Louis Koo has been enthusiastic about public welfare for many years, donated to build hundreds of schools, and his good deeds are obvious to all, and this arrears incident may be just an accidental "dishonesty", I believe he will properly handle this matter

Unexpectedly, Gu Tianle, who is suspected of owing 8.3 million yuan, has achieved a sharp increase in reputation in this way

Some people also believe that no matter what the reason, it is a matter of course to repay debts, and Louis Koo, as a public figure, should set an example to uphold the dignity of the law, and cannot turn a blind eye to his "debt" behavior because of his "charity" aura

Some rational netizens pointed out that before the truth of the incident is revealed, any speculation is irresponsible, and we should maintain a rational and objective attitude, wait for the parties to give a reasonable explanation, and believe that the law will give a fair judgment

We still don't know the truth of the "arrears gate" incident, but what is certain is that this incident has pushed the game between "charity" and "profit" to the public

In a society where interests are paramount, can charity really become a "shield" to evade responsibility? We hope that this incident will arouse more people's thinking, and we hope that a fair and reasonable solution can be reached in the end

Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area to share your views on this matter, let us discuss rationally together, and jointly safeguard social fairness and justice

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